字数 138679
阅读 2130
传输:obs+ cdn
序号 | 参数名称 | 举例 | 说明 |
1 | 分别率 | 0.8K/2K/4K | 同一个影片不同分辨率下生成不同的发行版 |
2 | 片头广告 | 无/片头广告 | 片头广告采取不同的广告片源 |
3 | 还音制式 | 5.1/7.1/双声道 | 不同的还音制式形成不同的发行版 |
4 | 语别 | 中文/外语/方言 | 不同的配音形成不同的发行版 |
5 | 版权方 | 各代理 | 同一部影片在不同地域或者不同时间段会有不一样的版权方 |
支持 JPEG2000, H.265, H.264, 流媒体,dcp等打包, 2k,4k, fhd,uhd等分辨率
终端查询平台时分为 内容版本的查询找到,以及技术版本是否可用,共同可用时进行下载播放
1. 一部影片是否存在可本机播放的dcp发行版(技术与内容符合)
2. 下载后回传信息,下载成功
1. 根据终端提交的影片标识,检索电影的发行版和技术版本,返回下载路径和下载方法,以及影片相关信息mddf
2. 根据终端提交的终端规格,判断是否存在可播放的发行版,返回是否可播放 (可与1合并), 也可将判断功能放到终端来实现,或由server统一来维护。
音视频素材制作时 人工处理的电子表格 到 零售端等的电子表格和资源的 再处理的简化
目前movielabs 没有公开的api定义文档, 网页上有api的技术规范pdf下载,主要是采用RESTful API规范,认证的技术方法等。
github上有一个api 的yaml格式的open api 3.0的规范,未在网页上对外发布,而且2年未更新了,看目前仍处于草稿阶段未发布。
如果只是打包好的dcp分发后采用API来规范播放器的播放,影片内容,媒体文件的的标准化,可以参考其XML的数据结构的mmc, mec的部分,提取出可用部分,采用RESTful API设计,参考其mddf 的API的架构图,设计时设为V1版本,便于未来升级。
HTTP and TLS (TLS 1.2 required. TLS 1.3 allowed.) 需要知名CA的证书
API Keys
JSON Web Tokens(JWT)
OAuth2 ( Authorization Code Grant 使用OAuth2中的4种方法的这一种 )
Base URL: URL will not include studio as part of the path
RESTful api:
*GET is used to retrieve one or moreresources
*POST creates one or moreresources
*PUT updates an existing resource or replaces resources
*DELETE removes one or moreresources
signing playload
JSON document are signed using JSON Web Signature(JWS)as defined in [RFC7515].JWS is a JSON Web Token (JWT) as per RFC 7159 [RFC7159] that contains signature information covering a JSON document.
Basic for RESTful interface and Atom
Status: Atom
Rejected: RESTful polling , Reverse channel.
Server must support XML
ETag support ?
General Query not support
Client Authenticated with client_id, client_password ( from Portal)
eidr 是与影视作品内容相关的id,
ALID 是逻辑资产ID, 权利、授权方式相关的所有资产的标识。如电影、电视、电视剧(season), 组合。
Basic Metadata
Release history
Work type
Country of origin
Related content
Digital Asset Metadata
codec, bitrate, aspect ratio, color
Codec, bitrate, channels, language
Format, type, language
Supply Chain/Retail Data
Contact info
Company Display Credit
Title Alias
"720p ", # 16:9 1:1 1280x720p @ 59.94/60 Hz
"1080i ", # 16:9 1:1 1920x1080i @ 59.94/60 Hz
<!--*** Digital Asset Metadata ***-->
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<xs:documentation>BW, Color, Colorized, etc.</xs:documentation>
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<!--*** Container description ***-->
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MovieLabs 提供的主要出版物和标准包括:
- Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR)1
- Common Metadata2
- Content Availability Metadata (Avails)3
- Common Metadata Ratings4
- Next Generation/HDR Video5
- Enhanced Content Protection (ECP)6
Media and Entertainment Keynote (513861)
数字供应链标准 101
Digital Supply Chain Standardized Data Exchange - MovieLabs
·EMA Avails -一种跨行业的发放许可证的格式,具体说明如何和何时提供许可证内容可以呈现给消费者,
·EIDR - 精确机器可读内容标识的标准唯一ID
.Media声明 注入的媒体清单规范提供消费者体验所必需的组件,
·Digital Extra --通过数字附加 提高消费者体验的专门表现以及互动的经验
·Common Metadata 通用元数据提供共享词典的核心元数据规范整个跨行业计划的基础。
推动这些举措的主要公司是迪士尼、福克斯、狮门、NBCU、派拉蒙、索尼影业(Sony Pictures)、华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)以及主要的数字平台--亚马逊(Amazon)、谷歌(Google Play)、微软(Microsoft)电影与电视(Microsoft)、康卡斯特(Comcast)、Netflix、索尼PlayStation
Studios authorize online platforms to offer tens of thousands of titles, across dozens of territories in multiple distribution windows and in multiple resolutions. Each title arrives with rules that communicate the windows, territories, formats and other business terms that the platform must follow. For a single major studio, this information, called “Avails”, can be hundreds of thousands of records. Studios have hundreds of partners, each with their specific Avails.
在共同关心解决这一瓶颈的情况下,工作室和在线平台合作创建和实施了一种标准化的可用格式。这是供应链工作流的第一步,因此引起了业界的广泛关注。其结果是EMA Content Availability Data specification内容可用性数据规范(EMA可用),由娱乐商人协会(EMA)与工作室和电影实验室合作赞助。
EMA avails提供了一种标准格式,用于将信息从内容许可方传送到在线平台,包括标题的标识和标题的相关编辑、支持购买决策的基本元数据、许可方或工作室的标识、区域和时间信息以及灵活的业务术语。
Avails and Title List – Communicates licensing rights/agreements for xVOD (including SVOD)
Status – provides visibility to ensure content goes live when it should
EST(电子销售)- 无限制观看的购买政策。
VOD(视频点播)- 临时观看的租赁政策。
SVOD(订阅视频点播)——用于订阅平台;Google Play 不支持。
POEST(预购电子销售)- 仅限预购购买窗口。
AVOD(点播广告视频)——Youtube 基于广告的政策
SVOD(订阅视频点播):用于订阅平台;在 Google Play 上不受支持。
EMA 要求:选填
Google 要求:选填
内容所有者通过“LicenseRightsDescription”列这个字段可以向 Google 指明播出信息优惠的类型(告知用户优先级时需要这样做);还可以标记优惠类型,以便进行跟踪(例如预订、提早发布)。如果将此列留空,则 Library 的许可权限说明即为默认设置。
“LicenseRightsDescription”列具有一组需遵守严格规范的枚举值(详列于 EMA 播出信息规范),我们在此同时提供相关说明供您参考:
New Release:表示影视内容在过去 12 个月内已于影院上映或通过 DVD 发行。此类影视内容将按照高优先级进行处理。
Library:表示影视内容是标准影视库内容,并且将按照低于 New Release 影视内容的优先级进行处理。
Priority Library:与 Mega-Library 类似,表示影视内容归类为库影视但具有高价值,因此其优先级应高于标准影视库内容。
DD-Theatrical - 表示影视内容将于同一天同时在数字平台和影院上映。这可以通知特定零售商将该影视内容纳入自家店面的“与院线同日上映”收藏集(如果有)中。
Early EST:表示影视内容通过 EST 发行的日期早于通过实物方式(例如,DVD、蓝光光盘)发行的日期。如果影视内容是通过实物方式发行,则应添加一个新的播出信息专列项,然后在此列中指明该影视内容是 New Release。
Early VOD:表示影视内容通过 VOD 发行的日期早于通过实物方式(例如,DVD、蓝光光盘)发行的日期。如果影视内容是通过实物方式发行,则应添加一个新的播出信息专列项,然后在此列中指明该影视内容是 New Release。
Preorder EST:表示此播出信息专列项是预订播出时段。这可以通知特定零售商将该影视内容纳入自家店面的“提供预订”收藏集(如果有)中。
Preorder VOD:表示此播出信息专列项是预订播出时段。这可以通知特定零售商将该影视内容纳入自家店面的“提供预订”收藏集(如果有)中。
DTV:表示此播出信息专列项是指 Direct-to-Video New Release 影视内容,并未在影院上映。这有助于指明尽管影视内容可能没有影院上映日期,但仍应视为 New Release 影视内容进行优先处理。
如果您不确定要使用哪个 LicenseRightsDescription 值,请与您的合作伙伴运营联系人联系。
如何标示某项影视内容是 DTV,随后又成为 Library 影视内容:
首个 SD VOD 播出信息专列项:
LicenseRightsDescription = DTV
将来的 SD VOD 播出信息专列项:
LicenseRightsDescription = Library
无效的变量 - 如果使用的值不是上方所列枚举值集合中的值(例如,“Key Library”),则会导致出现错误或遭到拒绝。如果尝试使用多个值也会出现问题,只能从上方列出的枚举值集合中选择一个值。如果在同一个字段中输入多个值(例如“New Release, Pre-order EST”),则会导致出现错误或遭到拒绝。
Acceptable values:
Tier – this type indicates that a label will use the PriceValue column to represent underlying pricing terms that are agreed upon separately between the content owner and retailer. This value is accepted for Movies or TV episodic content. Seasons do not accept PriceType Tier.
WSP (wholesale price) – this indicates that the entry in the PriceValue column will be a wholesale price.
DMRP* (Deemed Minimum retail price) – this indicates that the entry in the PriceValue column will be a retail price.
Category – similar to Tier, this type indicates that in the PriceValue column a label will be used to represent underlying pricing terms that are agreed between the content owner and retailer. Other retailers may consider "Tier" and "Category" differently. Google interprets both in the same way (e.g., Tier is used for EST, and Category is used for VOD).
NA – this means that pricing is not applicable to the Avail.
TPR-XXX – used for temporary price reductions.
SMRP, LicenseFee, and SRP – these values are used for temporary price reductions and are allowed per the EMA specifications, but they are not currently supported by Google.
层级 – 这种类型表示标签将使用 PriceValue 列来表示内容所有者和零售商之间单独商定的基础定价条款。电影或电视情节内容接受此值。Seasons 不接受 PriceType Tier。
WSP (批发价)——这表明 PriceValue 列中的条目将是批发价。
DMRP * (视为最低零售价)——这表明在 PriceValue 列中的条目将是零售价。
Category – 类似于 Tier,这种类型表示在 PriceValue 列中,标签将用于表示内容所有者和零售商之间商定的基础定价条款。其他零售商可能会以不同的方式考虑“Tier”和“Category”。谷歌以相同的方式解释两者(例如,层用于EST,而类别用于VOD)。
NA – 这意味着定价不适用于Avail。
TPR-XXX – 用于临时降价。
SMRP、LicenseFee 和 SRP – 这些值用于临时降价,根据 EMA 规范是允许的,但 Google 目前不支持它们。
其他 Google 要求
如果您是第一次提供新的层级或类别,可用性可能无法成功验证,因为 Google 可能需要一些时间在我们的后端设置价格映射。如果您有任何问题或遇到错误,请联系您的合作伙伴运营联系人。Google 目前不接受 SRP。请改用 Tier 或 WSP。
请使用“Tier”、“WSP”或“Category”作为值。“DMRP”仅在 EMA 1.7 播出信息中的有限情况下被 Google 接受。
As a reminder, an offer is the combination of title + territory + license type + quality.
So there may be multiple offers for one title.
请注意,资源是“影视内容 + 地区 + 许可类型 + 画质”的组合。因此,一个影视内容可能有多个资源
EIDR ID使媒体生态系统中的所有参与者能够唯一地识别内容并精确地进行通信,而不依赖无法在开放数据库中验证或自由共享的专有数字。可以由工作室、平台和服务提供商查找EIDR ID。它们为验证来自合作伙伴的数据和内容的交付和摄入提供了共同的参考。它们越来越多地成为数据源之间映射的工具,因为越来越多的数据供应商将EIDRID作为增加客户价值和简化数据集成的一种方式。
即使不包括在内,EIDR数据库也聚合了许多备用ID,并将它们作为匹配的交叉引用。EIDR ID也是报告和分析的宝贵工具。它们识别具有特殊性的父标题,并且父-子映射允许在标题和区域或审查编辑之间汇总数据,以便在不同的市场上分发。
The ALID*identifies the asset or set of assets that are being availed. It is used to gather up all the bits and pieces that must be provided to a consumer to complete a transaction. It also connects the Avail to fulfillment workflows, identifying in the MMC the experience delivered to the consumer.
ALID 标识正在使用的资产或一组资产。它被用来收集所有必须提供给使用者以完成事务的部分。它还将效用与实现工作流连接起来,在MMC中标识交付给消费者的体验。
The ContentID is a reference to metadata for that same asset or set of assets. It identifies the consumer-facingmetadata about what the Avail is offering for sale, and it connects the Avail to the MECmetadata identified inside of an MMC package, which facilitates metadata delivery for that specific asset or set of assets.
·contentId 是对同一资产或一组资产的元数据的引用。它标识面向消费者的元数据是关于效用提供给销售的,它将效用连接到MMC包中标识的MEC元数据,这有助于为该特定资产或一组资产交付元数据。
In contrast to both, an EIDR ID identifies the underlyingfilm or show that is being availed, either by itself or in conjunction with other content. It can be looked up and validated against an industry registry of content, and as an external reference ID, it can link distribution workflows that otherwise would be entirely disconnected.
·与这两者形成对比的是,EIDR ID标识正在使用的底层电影或放映,单独或与其他内容一起使用。可以根据内容的行业注册来查找和验证它,并且作为外部引用ID,它可以链接否则将完全断开连接的分发工作流。
本文档概述了数字供应链中如何使用这三个ID中的每个ID。它解释了每个标识符的关键特征、每个标识符要提供的角色以及它们之间的相互联系。它还提供了如何从其他预先存在的ID(如内部House ID或EIDR ID)构造ALID和ContentID的示例,以及一些常见用例的最佳实践和指导。EIDR识别内容EIDR
在最简单的用例中,这三个id之间有一个简单的映射。例如,如果只有一个内容片段是Avail的主题,那么EIDR ID和ALID之间就会存在一对一的关系。如果内容只有一组元数据,那么EIDR ID和ContentID之间也将存在一对一的关系。
EIDR ID标识所有类型和分组的特定电影或节目,例如,电影、电视剧、季、集、汇编等。它还识别具体内容的变化,从广义到广义具体的,例如,作为创造性作品的单个情节(抽象),情节的特定编辑(编辑),或编辑的特定编码(表现)。
EIDR ID如下:10.5240/5AD3-0EA3-A199-8174-9328-2。
“10.5240”是标识作为EIDR注册表一部分的ID的前缀,而“5AD3-0EA3-A199-8174- 9328-2”是分配给注册表中内容的唯一编号。†
可以为同一内容块分配唯一的alid,以便将授权范围限制为时间、区域和其他权利(例如,下载/不下载、奖金/不奖金等)。一个ALID与每个Avail相关联,以具体指定权利的范围。‡ 然后,它充当Avail和媒体Manifest Core (MMC)规范中包含的实现指令之间的链接。
对ALID的唯一硬性要求是它必须是唯一的,并且不能在Avail的生命周期中更改。§ 为了避免创建和管理新的独立名称空间的需求,通常应该从供应链中已经存在的标识符构造ALID。该预先存在的标识符可以是内部内部标识符或EIDR标识符,以可用的为准。
在数字供应链中,Avails规范中的ContentID作为与Media Entertainment Core (MEC)规范的链接,以识别为特定授权Avails交付的元数据。而在电视中,连续剧、季和集是分别的ContentID。
如果使用EIDR ID来构造ContentID,则EIDR ID应该用标准EIDR URN格式表示。基于EIDR的ContentID将被构造为以下格式:
md: cid: eidr: urn: 10.5240:5ad3 - 0 - ea3 a199 - 8174 - 9328 - 2
The Common Media Manifest Metadata specification, known as Media Manifest, provides a standard framework for delivery of metadata and media files, regardless of how the actual media is packaged. In addition to connecting Avails to media deliveries, it addresses issues such as which tracks play in each region, what trailers go with which features, and which cards (dub, anti-piracy and ratings) are played in various regions and circumstances.
The Common Media Manifest Metadata specification 公共媒体清单元数据规范,称为媒体清单,提供了一个交付元数据和媒体文件的标准框架,而不管实际的媒体是如何打包的。
MovieLabs and the EMA have published a streamlined delivery profile that targets the most important delivery use cases, called the Media Manifest Core (MMC) specification.
Media Manifest complements the
SMPTE Interoperable Media Format (IMF) standards, that describe an approach to efficiently packaging mezzanine quality (high quality) video tracks, audio tracks, subtitle files with instructions to generate regional and censorship edits in various output formats.
For more information and tools, including best practices for use of Media Manifest with IMF and the Common Media Manifest Validator, visit http://movielabs.com/md/manifest/.
This model has the following roles. Note that these are roles and do not necessarily align exactly with corporate entities.
Studio – Entity that defines the product and the business rules around the product.
Distribution Entity – generating media files, Media Manifest and File Manifest. This function is often provided by a post-production organization.
Retailer – Consumes the various pieces as part of offering an experience to the consumer. Although the term Retailer is used, it does not necessarily imply selling the product.
The model also addresses various data objects and messages. Many of these are described in referenced specifications:
Product Asset Definition – This is the definition of the various components (abstractly) that together create an offering. In this document the collection of assets is referred to as a Logical Asset
Avail – Data defining assets (abstractly) and business terms; such as, when and where the assets can play, and what pricing tier is used. [Avail]
Order – A Retailer will order an Avail indicating it wishes to offer the Assets in accordance with the Terms.
Asset Request – A Retailer will request assets from the Distribution Entity.
File Manifest – Data describing a set of files that are part of a delivery. Defined in [Manifest].
Media Manifest – Definition of how various media assets are connected to provide an experience to a user. Defined in [Manifest].
Metadata – Consumer-facing description of media assets. This is preferably based on the Media Entertainment Core (MEC) [MEC].
This section describes the workflow between the Studio/Post-Production and the Retailer.
The Studio in conjunction with Post-Production determines which assets are available. The Retailer requests delivery of assets. Post-Production then delivers the assets. There are various variations on this model. The model supports partial deliveries, issue handling, and updates.
The Media Manifest serves as a bill of materials (BOM), describing the various pieces that need be assembled into the final product.
While the Studio and Post-Production determine the set of assets it wishes to create for a title, Retailers do not necessarily want everything. For example, a Retailer may not want a 2- channel audio track if a 5.1 track is available. The process of culling a delivery is currently outside the scope of this document, and is handled bilaterally between Post-Production and the Retailer.
Generally, the Retailer will know what assets it needs because of standard templates for regions based on business terms and technical capabilities. The bilaterally agreed upon deliveries would likely be based on these templates.
Exact usage is determined jointly by some combination of Studio, Retailer and Post- Production.
The industry needed an approach for delivering an improved user experience across all media platforms. The industry developed a suite of solutions called Cross-Platform Extras, or CPE. The CPE specifications help online platforms deliver enhanced or interactive consumer experiences by defining extras (i.e., ‘bonus’, ‘Value Added Material’, etc.) in a form user services can easily translate into a full user experience compatible with that service’s user interface.
CPE supports digital extras and bonus materials such as trailers, galleries, interviews, featurettes, apps/games, and social networking, as well as the time-based (video-sync’d) data. CPE time-based data can define which actors are in which scenes, which pre-visualization coincides which the current scene, and where deleted scenes would have been seen. Regardless of how simple or complete the CPE definition, services can choose which features are presented to their customers.
To reach the broadest range of devices, CPE has two base specifications: CPE-Manifest and CPE- HTML. CPE-Manifest not only supports delivery in a manner nearly identical to Media Manifest Core (MMC), but defines the relationship between assets needed to create a user experience. To customize experiences across applications on multiple devices, there are also accompanying specifications for delivery of appearance and app data. The CPE-HTML specification defines a JavaScript API to implement CPE experiences in a browser.
the foundational metadata for digital supply chain automation is provided by the Common Metadata specification. Common Metadata includes basic metadata for describing different types of works, identifiers, language variations, people, organizations, and other categories of information related to film and television. It also describes digital asset metadata such as information about encoded audio, video and subtitle streams, as well as package and file metadata.
The definitions in Common Metadata are foundational components for EIDR, EMA Avails, Media Manifest, CPE-Manifest, and other industry initiatives.
In particular, they help standardize the communication of metadata from content providers to online platforms. The Media Entertainment Core Metadata (MEC), developed through a collaboration between the EMA and the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG), specifies a subset of Common Metadata needed to support an online consumer experience. It defines the descriptive and encoding information that constitute the core requirements for standardizing metadata communication from content providers to online platforms.
The Common Metadata and MEC specifications are available at http://movielabs.com/md/md/ and http://movielabs.com/md/mec/.
公共元数据Common Metadata中的定义是EIDR、EMA Avails、Media Manifest媒体清单、CPE-manifest和其他行业的基础组件。
特别是,它们有助于标准化从内容提供商到在线平台的元数据通信。The Media Entertainment Core Metadata 媒体娱乐核心元数据(MEC)是通过EMA和数字娱乐集团(DEG)的合作开发出来的,它指定了支持在线消费者体验所需的公共元数据的一个子集。它定义了描述性和编码信息,这构成了标准化从内容提供商到在线平台的元数据通信的核心需求。
The DEG Digital Sales Reporting specification is available at http://degonline.org.
Common Metadata/Media Entertainment Core (MEC) – User-facing metadata
Media Manifest/Media Manifest Core (MMC) – Ties everything together (e.g., trailers with features, bonus),
– tools to support media delivery
A cardset is a collection of static text or graphics separate from the work itself that appear at the beginning or end of the video. Cardsets are typically specific to a market and include distributor logos and anti-piracy warnings. Cardsets may be embedded in video (i.e., burned in) or overlaid on video via a subtitle. Video-embedded cards are described as part of Video metadata. Subtitle cards are described as part of Subtitle metadata. DigitalAssetCardsetList-type is used to describe a collection of cardsets used together. DigitalAssetCard-type are related by purpose.
开头、结尾:文本图像: 包括 logo, 防盗版警告
The Entertainment Merchant’s Association (EMA), the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) and MovieLabs have defined a subset of MovieLabs’ Media Manifest for use in Delivery.
This core subset is designed for simple application of the Manifest.
The Media Manifest is part of an overall delivery workflow that is supported by complementary specifications that can optionally be used in conjunction with this specification.
娱乐商户协会(EMA)、数字娱乐集团(DEG)和MovieLabs已经定义了电影实验室媒体 清单的一个交付用子集。这个核心子集是为简单的清单应用程序而设计的。 媒体清单是整个交付工作流程的一部分,该工作流程由补充规范支持,可以选择 与本规范一起使用。
Media Manifest [Manifest] includes elements providing a layered model of information that abstracts various portions of content delivery. The following illustrates the subset of the Media Manifest used in the Media Manifest Core.
媒体清单[清单]包括提供分层信息模型的元素,该模型抽象了内容传递的各个部 分。下面说明了在媒体清单核心中使用的媒体清单的子集。
Media – Video, audio, subtitles, images, applications, etc. This specification defines neither media files (i.e., video, audio, subtitles, images, etc.) nor the mechanism of delivering those files. These processes should not be impacted by the use of the Manifest
媒体-视频,音频,字幕,图像,应用程序等。本规范并不定义媒体文件(即,视 频、音频、字幕、图像等)。也不是传递这些文件的机制。这些流程不应受到清单 的使用的影响。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mdmec:CoreMetadata xmlns="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/md/v2.7/md" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mdmec="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/mdmec/v2.7" xmlns:md="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/md/v2.7/md" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/mdmec/v2.7 mdmec-v2.7.xsd">
<mdmec:Basic ContentID="md:cid:org:number.hbo.com:787232">
<md:LocalizedInfo language="de">
<md:ArtReference resolution="800x800">md:imageid:org:number.hbo.com:787232:season-photo.de</md:ArtReference>
<md:Summary190 cast="false">Selina feiert Thanksgiving auf eigene Weise. Zwischenzeitlich kümmern Ben und Kent sich um eine Thanksgiving-Day-Krise und bitten Tom James und VP Doyle, in Selinas Abwesenheit Erklärungen abzugeben. Ben beauftragt Dan damit, für Tom James zu arbeiten.</md:Summary190>
<md:Summary400 cast="false">Selina feiert Thanksgiving auf eigene Weise. Zwischenzeitlich kümmern Ben und Kent sich um eine Thanksgiving-Day-Krise und bitten Tom James und VP Doyle, in Selinas Abwesenheit Erklärungen abzugeben. Ben beauftragt Dan damit, für Tom James zu arbeiten.</md:Summary400>
<md:Summary4000 cast="false">Selina feiert Thanksgiving auf eigene Weise. Zwischenzeitlich kümmern Ben und Kent sich um eine Thanksgiving-Day-Krise und bitten Tom James und VP Doyle, in Selinas Abwesenheit Erklärungen abzugeben. Ben beauftragt Dan damit, für Tom James zu arbeiten.</md:Summary4000>
<md:CopyrightLine>2016 Home Box Office, Inc.</md:CopyrightLine>
<md:LocalizedInfo language="en">
<md:ArtReference resolution="800x800">md:imageid:org:number.hbo.com:787232:season-photo.en</md:ArtReference>
<md:Summary190 cast="false">Selina celebrates Thanksgiving in her own special way. Meanwhile, Ben and Kent manage a Thanksgiving Day crisis, deploying Tom James and VP Doyle to make statements in Selina's absence. Ben sends Dan to work for Tom James.</md:Summary190>
<md:Summary400 cast="false">Selina celebrates Thanksgiving in her own special way. Meanwhile, Ben and Kent manage a Thanksgiving Day crisis, deploying Tom James and VP Doyle to make statements in Selina's absence. Ben sends Dan to work for Tom James.</md:Summary400>
<md:Summary4000 cast="false">Selina celebrates Thanksgiving in her own special way. Meanwhile, Ben and Kent manage a Thanksgiving Day crisis, deploying Tom James and VP Doyle to make statements in Selina's absence. Ben sends Dan to work for Tom James.</md:Summary4000>
<md:CopyrightLine>2016 Home Box Office, Inc.</md:CopyrightLine>
<md:Character>Selina Meyer</md:Character>
<md:DisplayName>Julia Louis-Dreyfus</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Sam Richardson</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Tony Hale</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Anna Chlumsky</md:DisplayName>
<md:Character>Dan Egan</md:Character>
<md:DisplayName>Reid Scott</md:DisplayName>
<md:Character>Mike McClintock</md:Character>
<md:DisplayName>Matt Walsh</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Timothy C. Simons</md:DisplayName>
<md:SortName>Simons,Timothy C.</md:SortName>
<md:DisplayName>Sufe Bradshaw</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Kevin Dunn</md:DisplayName>
<md:Character>Kent Davison</md:Character>
<md:DisplayName>Gary Cole</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Chris Addison</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Julia Louis-Dreyfus</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Georgia Pritchett</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Morgan Sackett</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Will Smith</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Christopher Godsick</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Dave Mandel</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Lew Morton</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Frank Rich</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Peter Huyck</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Alex Gregory</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Sean Grey</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Jim Margolis</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Sean Gray</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Georgia Pritchett</md:DisplayName>
<md:DisplayName>Will Smith</md:DisplayName>
<md:AssociatedOrg role="distributor">
<md:Parent relationshipType="isepisodeof">
what are deviered and how connected
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<!-- Main audio file for movie -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.audio.en">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.audio.fr">
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<!-- MultiLanguage -->
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<md:Language dubbed="true">pt-BR</md:Language>
<!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.audio.en">
<!-- MultiLanguage --><!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2.audio.fr">
<!-- main video file for the movie -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.video">
<!-- video files for the trailers -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.video.en">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2.video.fr">
<!-- Dubcard --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.video.dubcard.fr">
<!-- note that dubcards use 'primary' type -->
<!-- Dubcard --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.video.dubcard.pt-br">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:org:iprcenter.gov:video1">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:URI:http://www.movielabs.com/md/ratings/US/MPAA/2/R">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:URI:http://www.movielabs.com/md/ratings/CA/CHVRS/1/14A">
<!-- subtitle and caption components for the feature -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.caption.en">
<!-- Forced Subtitle -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.forced.en">
<!-- Forced English subtitle - played when SDH subtitle not being presented -->
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.caption.fr">
<!-- Forced Subtitle --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.forced.fr">
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.caption.pt-br">
<!-- Forced Subtitle --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.forced.pt-br">
<!-- movie poster artwork is listed as images -->
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.en">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.fr">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.pt-BR">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.ru">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.it">
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<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.es">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.es-419">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.blx">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.ko">
<!-- This shows metadata delivered by reference -->
<manifest:Metadata ContentID="md:cid:eidr-s:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G">
<manifest:ContainerReference type="common">
<manifest:Metadata ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1">
<manifest:ContainerReference type="common">
<manifest:Metadata ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2">
<manifest:ContainerReference type="common">
<!-- presentations are defined for all the inventory that is synched together. they are references of the video, audio, and subtitle inventory -->
<!-- the main feature presentation -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.presentation">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Forced Subtitle -->
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Forced Subtitle --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Forced Subtitle --><!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.presentation">
<!-- MultiLanguage --><!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2.presentation">
<!--Dub cards -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:dubcard.fr.presentation">
<!--Dub cards -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:dubcard.pt-br.presentation">
<!--Preroll -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:org:iprcenter.gov:video1">
<!--Preroll -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:URI:http://www.movielabs.com/md/ratings/US/MPAA/2/R">
<!--Preroll -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:URI:http://www.movielabs.com/md/ratings/CA/CHVRS/1/14A">
<!--Dub cards --><!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:PlayableSequence PlayableSequenceID="md:playablesequenceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.us">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="-2">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="-1">
<manifest:Clip sequence="0">
<!-- Dubcards -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="1" audioLanguage="fr">
<!-- Dubcards -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="1" audioLanguage="pt-BR">
<manifest:PlayableSequence PlayableSequenceID="md:playablesequenceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.ca">
<!-- Preroll -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="-1">
<manifest:Clip sequence="0">
<!-- Dubcards -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="1" audioLanguage="fr">
<!-- Dubcards -->
<manifest:Clip sequence="1" audioLanguage="pt-BR">
<!-- Root Experience: Everywhere except Canada -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:experience.us" version="1.0">
<!-- Everywhere except Canada -->
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-s:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Root Experience: Canada -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:experience.ca" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-s:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Preorder Experience (worldwide) -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:experience.preorder" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-s:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G">
<!-- because offer is early, there is no Presentation. This is not an error because condition is preorder. -->
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Child Experiences (international) -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.experience" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1">
<manifest:SubType>Default Trailer</manifest:SubType>
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2.experience" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.2">
<!-- Preoll (options) -->
<!-- Preorder -->
<manifest:ExperienceID condition="Pre-order">md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:experience.preorder</manifest:ExperienceID>
ALID identifies entitlement权利
Using Media Manifest, File Manifest and Avails
for File Delivery (Best Practices)
<manifest:MediaManifest xmlns:manifest="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/manifest/v1.8/manifest" xmlns:md="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/md/v2.7/md" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.movielabs.com/schema/manifest/v1.8/manifest manifest-v1.8.1.xsd" ManifestID="SofaSpud.Example" updateNum="1">
<!-- Main audio file for movie -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.audio.en">
<!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Audio AudioTrackID="md:audtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.audio.en">
<!-- main video file for the movie -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.video">
<!-- video files for the trailers -->
<manifest:Video VideoTrackID="md:vidtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.video.en">
<!-- subtitle and caption components for the feature -->
<manifest:Subtitle SubtitleTrackID="md:subtrackid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.caption.en">
<!-- movie poster artwork is listed as images -->
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.en">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.fr">
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<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.it">
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<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.es-419">
<manifest:Image ImageID="md:imageid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:art.ko">
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<manifest:Metadata ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1">
<manifest:ContainerReference type="common">
<!-- presentations are defined for all the inventory that is synched together. they are references of the video, audio, and subtitle inventory -->
<!-- the main feature presentation -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature.presentation">
<!-- Trailer -->
<manifest:Presentation PresentationID="md:presentationid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.presentation">
<manifest:PictureGroup PictureGroupID="md:picturegroupid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:feature">
<manifest:PictureGroup PictureGroupID="md:picturegroupid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1">
<!-- Root Experience -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:experience" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-s:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G">
<!-- MultiLanguage -->
<!-- Child Experiences (international) -->
<manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:experienceid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1.experience" version="1.0">
<manifest:Audiovisual ContentID="md:cid:eidr-x:AD07-310C-C59D-6785-C63A-G:trailer.1">
<manifest:SubType>Default Trailer</manifest:SubType>
前缀由国际数字对象识别号基金会确定,后缀部分由资源发布者自行指定,用于区分一个单独的数字资料,具有唯一性。发布者可以选择以何单位进行注册,例如,一本书可以注册单一的 DOI,也可以依各章节分别注册,甚至独立注册其中的一个表格或图片。
国际数字对象识别号基金会(International DOI Foundation)是成立于1998年的非营利组织,它是 DOI 系统的行政主体,目的在保障与 DOI 系统相关的知识产权,推广 DOI 的运用,并确保 DOI 系统的一切改进(如创造、维护、注册、解析与相关决策)能为全体注册者使用。
国外的数字文献生产商较早采用唯一标识符来标识其出版的电子文献,并形成了很多应用在不同环境下的标识符方案。例如:连续出版物及其单篇文献的标识SICI(Serial Item and Contribution Identifier)、图书及图书内的内容片断(章节、前言、索引、段落)的唯一标识符BICI(Book Item and Contribution Identifier)以及出版物件标识符PII(Publisher Item Identifier)等。但是大多标识符方案仅仅定义了标识符名称空间及标识符构成机制,尚未构成一个完整的包含解析系统的标识符系统。相对于这些唯一标识符,美国出版协会(The Association of America Publishers, 简称AAP)建立的DOI在技术上比较成熟。它主要是针对因特网环境下如何对知识产权进行有效的保护和管理而产生的。1998年AAP创立非盈利性组织IDF,IDF在CNRI的配合下,制定了DOI标准和相应的解析系统Handle System。
目前已有上千万个已经分配并解析的DOI号码,8个RA(DOI注册代理机构,其中中国科技信息研究所和北京万方数据研究院联合申请为8个代理之一)和几百个使用单位,跨越了美国、欧洲和澳大利亚以及一些非英语国家,应用领域也扩展到政府部门。目前国外Elsevier、Blackwell、John Wiley、Springer等大型出版商大多使用DOI对数字资源进行标识,形成了比较完整的命名、申请、注册、变更等管理机制,DOI的解析系统发展也比较成熟。在此基础上,一些生产商相继推出各种与DOI相关的增值服务。例如CrossRef Search结合Google检索技术与DOI系统的定位服务,实现了CrossRef Search检索结果到生产商全文之间持久、有效的链接。
国内使用DOI尚处于初级阶段,基本都是些自定义的惟一标识符方案,还没有成熟统一的标识符解析系统。2007年初,中国科学技术信息研究所和万方数据联合向IDF(国际DOI基金会)申请取得了DOI的中文注册权,并在此基础上成立了中文DOI注册中心,成为中文信息服务领域的第一个国际DOI基金会(IDF)组织下的中文代理。建立并负责运作中文DOI的推广与应用,作为第一个中文合作式参考链接服务。万方数据研究院则是注册中心的日常管理基地。中心的任务与目标是通过与国内外相关机构的合作 ,推进DOI在国内出版界、信息服务界的应用,并积极探索通过DOI实现中文与英文文献资源的链接;中心不仅提供DOI的注册服务,而且还通过建设一个DOI中文应用平台与门户网站,提供基于DOI命名及应用相关的增值服务。在信息资源整合的基础上通过DOI系统提供更多的附加服务。
DOI系统可对其元数据、应用和服务功能进行快速和简便的动态更新。DOI的主要目的是唯一标识网络环境下的各种信息资源实体(Entity),包括各种物理和数字资源。DOI是从统一资源定位符(Uniform Resource Locator,URL)发展而来,被称为“下一代URL”。它与URL 的最大区别就是实现了对资源实体的永久性标识。
DOI前缀由两部分组成,一个是目录代码,所有DOI的目录都是“10.”,即所有DOI代码都以“10.”开头。另一个是登记机构代码,任何想登记DOI 的组织或单位都可以向IDF申请登记机构代码。登记机构代码的分配也是非常灵活的,如一个出版商可以为其所有的信息资源只申请一个前缀,也可以为其数字图书、音像制品各申请一个前缀。
所述娱乐标识符注册表,或者EIDR,是全球唯一的标识符用于视听对象,包括一个广泛的阵列系统的动态影像,电视,和无线电节目。识别系统解决了一个识别符的元数据,其与顶层标题,编辑,相关记录的DVD,编码,夹子和混搭。EIDR 还为视频服务提供商提供标识符,例如广播和有线网络。
截至 2020 年 6 月,EIDR 包含超过 200 万条记录,包括近 40 万部电影,以及来自 40,000 多部电视剧的近 100 万集。
EIDR 是数字对象标识符(DOI) 的实现。
What is an entertainment identifier (EIDR)?
EIDR is a universal Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that uniquely identifies an audiovisual object. It is similar to a UPC code that is used to identify physical packaged goods. EIDR can be used for both physical and digital video objects that are part of the movie and television supply chain.
EIDR is an opaque ID with all information about the registered asset stored in a central registry. Its structure consists of a standard registry prefix, the unique suffix for each asset and a check digit.
EIDR is purely functional without any implication of ownership, making it persistent enough to remain the same despite any change in control or ownership of the underlying asset.
EIDR 是唯一标识视听对象的通用数字对象标识符 (DOI)。它类似于用于识别物理包装商品的 UPC 代码。EIDR 可用于作为电影和电视供应链一部分的物理和数字视频对象。
EIDR 是一个不透明的 ID,其中包含有关存储在中央注册表中的注册资产的所有信息。它的结构由一个标准的注册前缀、每个资产的唯一后缀和一个校验位组成。
EIDR 纯粹是功能性的,没有任何所有权的暗示,使其足够持久,即使基础资产的控制权或所有权发生任何变化,也能保持不变。
创建 EIDR 是为了解决这些问题,以及在视频资产工作流程中遇到的其他问题,无论是在企业对企业环境中还是在内容制作者的校内后期制作活动中。EIDR具有以下特点:
不可变的资产 ID(特别是在资产所有权或元数据位置或资产本身的变化方面)
DOI 是一种 Handle System 句柄,它采用字符串的形式,分为两个部分,前缀和后缀,用斜线分隔。
前缀标识标识符的注册人,后缀由注册人选择并标识与该 DOI 关联的特定对象。
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) is used for identifying content objects in the digital environment. DOI® names are assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet. Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change.
The DOI System provides a framework for persistent identification, managing intellectual content, managing metadata, linking customers with content suppliers, facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated management of media. DOI names can be used for any form of management of any data, whether commercial or non-commercial. While the DOI system assigns DOIs, the task of creating and maintaining registries to meet specific industry domain needs belongs to Registration Agencies.
An example of a DOI-based ecosystem currently deployed is one used for the identification of articles in research journals. Created by a non-profit association called CrossRef (the DOI Registration Agency in this instance), the system has been operating since 2000 and has registered over 35 million identifiers. CrossRef also operates part of the distributed and redundant handle lookup system. For more information on the DOI system, please see www.doi.org
数字对象标识符 (DOI ® ) 用于识别数字环境中的内容对象。DOI ®名称被分配给任何实体以在数字网络上使用。它们用于提供当前信息,包括在 Internet 上可以找到它们(或有关它们的信息)的位置。关于数字对象的信息可能会随着时间而改变,包括在哪里可以找到它,但它的 DOI 号不会改变。
DOI 系统提供了一个框架,用于持久识别、管理知识内容、管理元数据、将客户与内容供应商联系起来、促进电子商务以及实现媒体的自动化管理。DOI 号可用于对任何数据进行任何形式的管理,无论是商业的还是非商业的。当 DOI 系统分配 DOI 时,创建和维护注册以满足特定行业领域需求的任务属于注册机构。
当前部署的基于 DOI 的生态系统的一个例子是用于识别研究期刊中的文章。该系统由一个名为 CrossRef 的非营利协会(本例中为 DOI 注册机构)创建,自 2000 年以来一直运行,已注册超过 3500 万个标识符。CrossRef 还运行部分分布式和冗余句柄查找系统。有关 DOI 系统的更多信息,请访问www.doi.org
登记处为所有电影和电视资产类型分配 EIDR,包括:
在最基本的层面上,EIDR 是为“作品”注册的。新对象的 EIDR 可以从中派生或与以前注册的对象相关联。每个对象都由其 EIDR 引用并具有与其关联的元数据。一些示例级别是:
EIDR 旨在为大规模使用提供具有成本效益的机制,旨在提供一种廉价的机制来跟踪微资产,一直到剪辑、编码和组合。为此,注册表所需和存储的元数据仅限于帮助唯一标识正在注册的对象的那些核心元素。
该系统无意取代商业元数据提供商或与商业元数据提供商竞争。EIDR 不会提供:
相反,EIDR 是一种 B2B 服务,旨在促进和支持这些和其他形式的增值服务。
The EIDR Registry includes a deduplication module to determine whether a given submission or submission update would create a distinct registry entry and should be permitted. For each submission or update, the Registry calls the automated de-duplication module which uses a specified set of rules to determine the uniqueness of the object and then notifies the Registry of one of three outcomes; the object is unique, the object is a duplicate, or that the object has potential duplicate candidates which need further review. For objects requiring further review, the Registry operations support staff perform a manual verification to determine if the object is a duplicate.
EIDR Registry 包含一个重复数据删除模块,用于确定给定的提交或提交更新是否会创建一个独特的注册表项并且应该被允许。对于每次提交或更新,Registry 调用自动重复数据删除模块,该模块使用一组指定的规则来确定对象的唯一性,然后将三个结果中的一个通知 Registry;该对象是唯一的,该对象是重复的,或者该对象具有需要进一步审查的潜在重复候选对象。对于需要进一步审查的对象,注册操作支持人员执行手动验证以确定对象是否重复。
是的。EIDR 是一个全球注册机构,旨在支持全球电影和电视行业。
提交给 EIDR 的处理在几秒钟内完成,结果要么是成功发出 EIDR,要么是因为发现提交重复而失败,要么是需要手动验证以排除重复的通知。人工验证在一个工作日内完成。
File based media delivery has become the industry standard over the past ten years. Tape deliveries have become antiquated and typically only requested for redundancy or for use by legacy systems.
Often, you’ll find file delivery specifications in a “deliverables” document. Strict adherence to the deliverables document is essential to ensuring your media is accurately played back and viewed in the way in which it was intended. Failure to adhere to the specifications defined within a deliverables document may lead to picture artifacts, sound hiccups, or failure to play all together.
Advanced delivery specifications may also include incorporating strict naming conventions of the media files, specific audio channel mapping, the embedding of metadata, and wrapping of various media files into “wrappers”. Lastly, the way that you transfer files from one location to another can take the form of traditional FTP, web-based transfer services, P2P (peer-to-peer) applications, or dedicated accelerated transfer utilities.
高级交付规范还可能包括合并媒体文件的严格命名约定、特定音频通道映射、元数据嵌入以及将各种媒体文件包装到“包装器”中。最后,您将文件从一个位置传输到另一个位置的方式可以采用传统 FTP、基于 Web 的传输服务、P2P(点对点)应用程序或专用加速传输实用程序的形式。
dub cards
Dub cards are presented at the end of the video to credit voice actors who have played major roles in the dubbed audio track for a title. Dub cards must be supplied for all titles delivered with dubbed audio and each language dubbed track must be accompanied by a dub card.
The key to a good looking end deliverable is to create your final deliverable(s) from the highest quality master file. Re-compressing media files that have already had a round of compression will yield a worse looking media file. Much like making a photocopy of a photocopy, generational loss can occur with each subsequent re-compression, so it is important to start with the highest quality file available. The highest quality file, from which all other versions will be generated from, is often called a “mezzanine” file.
Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) is a consortium of the 6 major Hollywood studios: Disney, Fox, Paramount, Sony, Universal Studios, and Warner Bros. Formed in 2002, DCI issued version 1.0 of its Digital Cinema System Specification (DCSS) in July 2005. Numerous changes to the specification have since been issued, known as “errata.” DCI also publishes a Compliance Test Plan (CTP), based on its DCSS. Several testing agencies are authorized to conduct DCI Compliance Testing based on the CTP and DCSS. The latest versions of the DCSS and CTP, as well as a list of authorized testing agencies, are available at the DCI website.
The DCSS is the top-level document for baseline digital cinema system design. It comprises over 150 pages, nearly half of which specify the mechanisms of digital cinema security. To meet DCI’s specification, a Media Block must pass NIST FIPS 140-2 Level 2 testing, as constrained by the DCSS, in addition to DCI’s CTP. DCI also specifies or recommends compliance to numerous SMPTE standards. However, not all SMPTE standards employed in digital cinema are identified by DCI.
DCI Recommendations target new practices in cinema where distributors and exhibitors benefit from uniformity. While enforcement of DCI Compliance is enacted through the Trusted Device List, there is no enforcement mechanism for DCI Recommendations.
SMPTE stands for the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, and is the standards body where the majority of digital cinema standards work takes place. (The JPEG 2000 profiles specified by SMPTE are standardized by ISO.) Standards group activity is managed online and available to SMPTE standards committee members at the SMPTE website. The SMPTE standards effort for digital cinema was initiated in January 2000, and continues to this day.
数字电影计划 (DCI) 是由 6 家主要好莱坞电影公司组成的联盟:迪士尼、福克斯、派拉蒙、索尼、环球影城和华纳兄弟。 DCI 成立于 2002 年,7 月发布了其数字电影系统规范 (DCSS) 的 1.0 版2005. 此后发布了对规范的许多更改,称为“勘误表”。DCI 还根据其 DCSS 发布合规性测试计划 (CTP)。一些测试机构被授权进行基于 CTP 和 DCSS 的 DCI 一致性测试。DCI 网站上提供了最新版本的 DCSS 和 CTP,以及授权测试机构的列表。
DCSS 是基线数字影院系统设计的顶级文档。它包含 150 多页,其中近一半详细说明了数字电影安全机制。为了满足 DCI 的规范,除了 DCI 的 CTP 之外,媒体块还必须通过 NIST FIPS 140-2 2 级测试,受 DCSS 的约束。DCI 还指定或建议遵守众多 SMPTE 标准。然而,并非数字电影中采用的所有 SMPTE 标准都由 DCI 识别。
DCI 建议针对电影院的新做法,发行商和放映商从统一中受益。虽然 DCI 合规性的强制执行是通过受信任设备列表制定的,但 DCI 建议没有强制执行机制。
SMPTE 代表电影和电视工程师协会,是大多数数字电影标准工作发生的标准机构。(SMPTE 指定的 JPEG 2000 配置文件由 ISO 标准化。)标准组活动是在线管理的,SMPTE 标准委员会成员可以在SMPTE 网站上访问。数字电影的 SMPTE 标准工作始于 2000 年 1 月,并一直持续到今天。
它的规格已经被设定数字电影倡导联盟的7家大好莱坞电影公司在“数字影院系统规范”合作。目的是为数字电影建立一个标准,以防止不同格式的并发,这会使在全球发行电影时变得更加复杂。另一个目标是建立一个高度安全的反盗版标准。DCI 标准作为 35 毫米胶片的继承者现在被广泛接受,因为它的标准开放、没有任何许可费用、高安全级别以及卓越的图像和声音质量。
DCP 由媒体文件、装箱单 (PKL) 和一个或多个合成播放列表 (CPL) 组成。哪些图片和声音文件放在一起以及它们应该以什么顺序播放的信息包含在这些合成播放列表中。此外,如果存在,应显示哪些字幕。因此,可以在一个 DCP 中存储多种语言版本,而无需两次保存冗余信息(例如图片文件),从而有效利用磁盘空间。根据比特率,数字电影包每分钟消耗大约 1.5 到 2 GB 的存储空间。
(数字电影包)DCP 格式是视频和音频 MXF(材料交换格式)文件的集合,用于在电影/投影服务器上流式传输媒体。此 MXF 文件充当文件包装器,其中包含压缩格式的图像/视频和音频文件,以减小文件大小并以最有效的方式传输。
它是一个类似于 MOV 或 AVI的容器文件。还可以对这些文件进行加密,以避免对数据进行未经授权的访问。
图像文件由图像 -JPEG2000 文件格式和音频 - 24 位线性 PCM 通道组成。
DCP 包包含附加文件以及作为支持文件并与音频和视频 MXF 文件同时运行的音频和视频文件,以提供有关这些文件将如何从头到尾运行的信息。
J2k 指的是 JPEG2000。这是在影院放映广告电影/广告广告所需的图像压缩格式。J2k 转换是后期制作过程的最后一步。剪辑完成并从剪辑时间轴导出电影后,必须经过后期制作过程的最后一步,其中将其转换为另一种称为JPEG2000格式的格式,以使其与影院服务器兼容以进行放映剧院和多厅。
下面提到的这六个文件是 DCP 格式的一部分:
1) 视频/图像 MXF 文件
2) 音频 MXF 文件
3) 资产映射文件
4) 合成播放列表文件 (CPL)
5) 打包列表文件 (PKL)
6) 卷索引文件
A discussion of the DCP would not be complete without mention of the two types of distribution package used in production: Interop DCP and SMPTE DCP. They are functionally similar in that the DCP definitions provided earlier in this chapter apply to both types of packaging formats. But they are substantially different in that they are not interoperable.
Interop DCP is based on an early draft proposal for SMPTE DCP. It was put into practice in 2004, in preparation for the rollout of digital cinema. SMPTE DCP was not finalized until 2009, four years after the rollout began. Interop DCP was intended as a temporary format until the standardized version came into existence. However, the lack of backwards compatibility, as well as the requirement for functionality not available in legacy equipment, has hampered the transition to SMPTE DCP.
Digital cinema owes its success to Interop DCP, which continues to be the primary distribution format at the time of this writing. Despite its success, Interop DCP was not formally standardized, but the documentation is available through Cinepedia at Interop DCP. In contrast, SMPTE DCP is well-defined, and published as a suite of SMPTE standards. Maintenance on Interop DCP continued up until 2012, when it was decided to limit new development to only SMPTE DCP.
There are several differences in SMPTE DCP that prevent backwards compatibility and interoperability. Both formats utilize a Composition Playlist (CPL), but with different, non-interoperable XML structures. There are also structural differences in Subtitle and Audio track files. SMPTE DCP Subtitle track files are encrypted, a valued feature to distributors. But the structure of the subtitle track file is significantly different from its Interop counterpart, as there was an intellectual property issue with the Interop version at the time the standard was created. The result is that DLP Series 1 projectors, the largest concentration of which are in the United States, are incapable of rendering the SMPTE DCP subtitle track file. This incompatibility can be overcome by rendering SMPTE subtitles in the server, a feature which is now commonplace in newer servers and media blocks. Another difference is a reliance on audio channel routing in the server, which also is not supported in many older systems. As a result, practical SMPTE DCP distributions are constrained to bypass the new audio features, falling back to Interop-style audio packaging. This workaround requires the use of “Channel Configuration 4” described in Annex A of SMPTE ST 429-2 DCP Operational Constraints, which was originally included for test purposes. More explanation of digital cinema audio is available in the chapter on Sound.
The DCP type can be most easily recognized by the namespace root called out in the XML-based Composition Playlist (CPL). SMPTE DCP uses the SMPTE-RA.ORG namespace root, while Interop DCP uses DIGICINE.COM. The top-level document that defines SMPTE DCP is SMPTE ST 429-2 DCP Operational Constraints. Interop DCP documentation is available here.
如果不提及生产中使用的两种类型的分发包:Interop DCP和SMPTE DCP,则对 DCP 的讨论将是不完整的。它们在功能上相似,因为本章前面提供的 DCP 定义适用于两种类型的包装格式。但它们的本质区别在于它们不可互操作。
Interop DCP 基于 SMPTE DCP 的早期草案提案。它于2004年投入使用,为数字影院的推出做准备。SMPTE DCP 直到 2009 年才最终确定,即推出四年后。Interop DCP 旨在作为一种临时格式,直到标准化版本出现。然而,缺乏向后兼容性,以及对传统设备不具备的功能的要求,阻碍了向 SMPTE DCP 的过渡。
数字电影的成功归功于 Interop DCP,在撰写本文时,它仍然是主要的分发格式。尽管 Interop DCP 取得了成功,但它并未正式标准化,但可通过 Cinepedia 在Interop DCP获得该文档。相比之下,SMPTE DCP 定义明确,并作为一套 SMPTE 标准发布。Interop DCP 的维护一直持续到 2012 年,当时决定将新开发仅限于 SMPTE DCP。
SMPTE DCP 中存在一些阻止向后兼容性和互操作性的差异。两种格式都使用合成播放列表 (CPL),但具有不同的、不可互操作的 XML 结构。字幕和音轨文件也存在结构差异。SMPTE DCP 字幕轨道文件已加密,这是发行商的一项重要功能。但是字幕轨道文件的结构与其 Interop 对应文件明显不同,因为在创建标准时 Interop 版本存在知识产权问题。结果是 DLP 系列 1 投影机(其中最集中在美国)无法渲染 SMPTE DCP 字幕轨道文件。这种不兼容性可以通过在服务器中渲染 SMPTE 字幕来克服,现在在较新的服务器和媒体块中很常见的功能。另一个区别是依赖于服务器中的音频通道路由,这在许多旧系统中也不支持。因此,实用的 SMPTE DCP 分发被限制为绕过新的音频功能,退回到互操作式音频打包。此变通方法需要使用附件 A 中描述的“通道配置 4”SMPTE ST 429-2 DCP 操作约束,最初包含用于测试目的。有关数字电影音频的更多解释可在声音一章中找到。
DCP 类型可以通过在基于 XML 的合成播放列表 (CPL) 中调用的命名空间根来最容易地识别。SMPTE DCP 使用SMPTE-RA.ORG命名空间根,而 Interop DCP 使用DIGICINE.COM。定义 SMPTE DCP 的顶级文档是SMPTE ST 429-2 DCP Operational Constraints。Interop DCP 文档可在此处获得。
An Asset map file will list all the files that are created in a DCP in XML format :
The Asset Map15 describes the location of each asset on the storage media. It contains for each asset an entry that maps the UUID of the asset to a path on a file system. It is also possible to split assets that are too big for one single storage medium. In that case the asset map contains information of where to find all the chunks of one file on a
multi‐volume set of storage media. In that case the VolumeIndex16 shall be used to identify each volume.
This file is also in XML format and consist of sequence in which the playback will be presented on the cinema screen.
该文件也是 XML 格式,并由播放将在影院屏幕上呈现的序列组成。
The Composition Playlist (CPL)12 is a “self‐contained representation of a single complete D‐Cinema work, such as a motion picture, or a trailer, or an advertisement, etc.”13 It specifies in which combination and order the assets (image, sound and subtitle track files) are played back to form this D‐Cinema work. A DCP can contain more than one CPL and each track file can be referenced by more than one CPL. This makes it possible to create multi‐language versions that reference the same picture track files but different sound or subtitle track files. It is even possible to create multi‐language versions where some parts of the image differ for each language. To accomplish this it is necessary to put the differing scenes in separate image track files that can then be addressed by the appropriate CPL. Figure 3 gives a principle overview of the relations between CPL and track files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cpl:CompositionPlaylist xmlns:cpl="http://www.smpte-ra.org/schemas/429-7/2006/CPL"
<cpl:AnnotationText>First D-Cinema Feature</cpl:AnnotationText>
<cpl:Issuer>Major US domestic distributor</cpl:Issuer>
<cpl:Creator>Reliable Packaging Software v1.4</cpl:Creator>
<cpl:ContentTitleText>The Jazz Singer</cpl:ContentTitleText>
<cpl:LabelText>English (Theatrical)</cpl:LabelText>
<cpl:AnnotationText>Reel #1 of The Jazz Singer</cpl:AnnotationText>
<cpl:EditRate>24 1</cpl:EditRate>
<cpl:AnnotationText>Picture for Reel #1 of The Jazz Singer</cpl:AnnotationText>
<cpl:EditRate>24 1</cpl:EditRate>
<cpl:FrameRate>24 1</cpl:FrameRate>
<cpl:ScreenAspectRatio>185 100</cpl:ScreenAspectRatio>
<cpl:AnnotationText>Soundtrack for Reel #1 of The Jazz Singer</cpl:AnnotationText>
<cpl:EditRate>24 1</cpl:EditRate>
All the file are basically Hashed and their Hash is stored in this File. This is the file is important at the time of ingestion of the DCP in the cinema server to check for consistency and ensure that the file is not corrupted.
所有的文件基本上都是散列的,它们的散列存储在这个文件中。这是在影院服务器中摄取 DCP 时检查一致性并确保文件未损坏的重要文件。
The Packing List (PKL)14 is an XML file that contains information about all files that belong to a DCP. The Packing List contains the identifiers of all assets in the DCP and includes further information regarding the issuer of the package, the system type that was used to create the package, etc. The PKL furthermore contains hash values for each asset in the package. Hash values or checksums are numbers of a certain length that are calculated from a file that is to be hashed and that can be used to identify manipulations or transmission errors. A playback server should recalculate the hash values from the asset files and compare them to those in the Package List to ensure the integrity of the package.
这是一个 XML 文件,用于检查在硬盘驱动器上创建和存储的 DCP 文件的卷顺序。
Encrypting the DCP package:
The DCP package comes with the option of encryption. This is required in order to avoid unauthorized distribution of the commercial film/ Ad-films.
The (MXF File- audio and video) are encrypted using the AES encryption. Asymmetric 2048 bit RSA is used to encrypt these AES keys. This AES encryption has its own public and private key. The private key is stored with the playback system and the public key is shared the owner/distributor.
After the encryption is done, A KDM(Key Delivery Message) is generated. These KDM’s are nothing but an XML file which contains these AES keys which can be played on the destination device only with the private key of the devices.
These KDM’s also provide the facility of creating time and date limits on the data with projection system on which it will be played, which simply means that the projection system will not be able to play the package outside the time and date defined for that content, which ensures that the date cannot be played prior or beyond the specified time and date, thus putting a check on unauthorized distribution of the data.
DCP 软件包带有加密选项。这是为了避免商业电影/广告电影未经授权的分发所必需的。
(MXF 文件-音频和视频)使用 AES 加密进行加密。非对称 2048 位 RSA 用于加密这些 AES 密钥。这种 AES 加密有自己的公钥和私钥。私钥与播放系统一起存储,公钥由所有者/分发者共享。
加密完成后,会生成一个 KDM(Key Delivery Message)。这些 KDM 只不过是一个 XML 文件,其中包含这些 AES 密钥,只能使用设备的私钥在目标设备上播放。
这些 KDM 还提供了使用投影系统对数据创建时间和日期限制的便利,这仅意味着投影系统将无法在为该内容定义的时间和日期之外播放包,这可确保不能在指定的时间和日期之前或之后播放日期,从而检查未经授权的数据分发。
3.4Encryption and access control
Encryption of a DCP is an optional possibility, but one that is used for most commercially distributed movies in order to enforce access control for the content. The DCI Specification contains many details of the complete access control and content security concept that encompasses encryption of the file in a DCP as well as mechanisms to ensure that only authorized playback systems are able to decrypt the content. The Specification also takes care of measures to prevent and detect manipulations of the playback systems. In this section of the discussion we will focus on the encryption and key delivery mechanism because this is the most important part for content producers and archives that receive encrypted DCPs.
The encryption‐based content security and access control mechanism consists of two separate parts that are important here: 1) The encryption of the track files including digital signatures to ensure the authenticity of the CPLs and PKL and 2) The mechanism to deliver the cryptographic keys that were used to encrypt the track files to the playback system to enable the decryption and projection of the DCP. The encryption systems and algorithms that are used are standardized and have been commonly employed in information technology, encrypted emails, other documents and data for many years.
MXF track file essence encryption17 makes use of the AES18 system with 128‐bit keys. AES is a symmetric encryption system, in which a single key is used both to encrypt and to decrypt a file. This means of course that if someone has the key that was used to encrypt a file he can also use it to decrypt the file. The conclusion is that the AES keys have to be kept secret and they should only be made available to the playback server systems that are authorized to decrypt and playback a DCP. Normally, the only point where these AES keys exist in plaintext is during production of an encrypted DCP. In a DCP each MXF track file shall be encrypted with its own key and with only one key per MXF track file.
Since the AES keys have to be kept secret they must be encrypted themselves before their transmission to the cinemas and to the D‐Cinema playback servers. This is accomplished by using a second, substantially different cryptographic algorithm called the RSA public key algorithm19. This is an asymmetric system. That means that a pair of two different keys is used: the receiver of an encrypted message holds a private key that must be kept secret and that is used to decrypt an encrypted message. The second key in the pair is the public key that is only used to encrypt a message but cannot be used to decrypt it again. This asymmetric system makes it possible to send an encrypted message to a receiver without the necessity to arrange the secure exchange of a secret key.
In the case of a D‐Cinema playback server the asymmetric key pair is created by the manufacturer of the server during production of the device. The private key is stored tamper‐proof in a special hardware part of the server and there shall be mechanisms in place that ensure that the secret private key is automatically erased if someone tries to manipulate the system in any way. This means that not even the owner of such a server has the possibility of retrieving this private key. On the other hand, the public key that belongs to the private key of a playback server is available from the manufacturer or delivered together with the server, and this key is used to create Key Delivery Messages (KDM20) for DCPs that are specific for this server and that in turn contain the now RSA‐encrypted, secret AES keys that were used to encrypt a DCP.
A KDM can contain the keys for one or more playback servers. It is also possible that a KDM might only contain the keys for one language version of a multi‐language DCP while you would need another KDM to be able to playback another language. KDMs may also contain restrictions that define the time during which a DCP can be played back. In theory an end point very far in the future is possible. Additionally, hashing and signature mechanisms are in place to ensure authenticity of a KDM and to prevent manipulation of KDMs during delivery to the cinema. Figure 4 gives an overview of the encryption, key delivery and decryption process.
The advantage of this two‐stage approach is that a DCP only has to be encrypted once and not individually per cinema or per playback server. The connection to the playback servers is only established at the point where a KDM is created. Since each AES key has a size of 128 bits the size of a KDM usually is only a few kilobytes. Therefore a KDM can
17 see SMPTE ST 429-6:2006
18 Advanced Encryption Standard (FIPS 197), http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf 19 see “PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1” By B. Kaliski. February 2003. RFC 3447, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
be easily and quickly created and also transmission of the KDM to the cinema can be achieved via email or small USB memory sticks.
Getting started with component-based workflows? Interested in learning more about IMF? This session is for you: learn about IMF use cases and technology, get to know some of the latest IMF products on the market and listen to a Q&A with experts.
Bruce Devlin, Mr MXF
Aaron Sloman, OWNZONES Entertainment Technologies
Erik Dobberkau, Rohde & Schwarz
Scott Matics, Telestream
Julián Fernández-Campón, Tedial
Fereidoon Khosravi, Venera Technologies
Pierre-Anthony Lemieux, Chairman, IMF UG
IMF standards(a summary)
pulsar imf valadition
Hyper IMF
互操作主格式 (IMF) 是一种标准,允许将单个内容集合转换为多个版本,同时共享相同的材料。一个很好的例子是一部电影,它分发了三个不同的版本:用于电视广播的原版、航空公司剪辑版和用于另一个地区的不同语言版本。
IMF 的工作始于电影领域,但也可能与各种广播公司用例相关,例如交换和存档。
The Interoperable Master Format (IMF),a standardfor multi-version audio-visual contentoften used in cinema content distribution,is making inroads into television and onlinedistribution with a new SMPTE Technical Specification.
It’s these business requirements that were used to create“Application DPP (ProRes)”(SMPTE TSP 2121-1) which simplifies the use of IMF for TV and online programme production, mastering, delivery and exchange.
IMF 用户组网站上还有一个 IMF 开源软件列表。
IMF: Interoperable Mastering Format - Dalet Academy Webinar Recording
对在线平台和数字观看设备的内容需求不断增加,这让团队面临复杂的交付流程、成本增加和制作时间长。可互操作主格式 (IMF) 通过提供标准包来解决这些挑战,该包简化了为不同受众创建相同内容的多个定制版本的过程。
IMF 已经存在几年了,越来越多的编辑工具使得导出素材以满足 IMF 交付规范变得更加容易。然而,业内对它仍然存在相当大的困惑。本指南将对 IMF 的运作方式以及使其成为必需的独特行业挑战进行高级概述。
IMF 是一个基于文件的框架,由美国电影电视工程师协会 (SMPTE) 制定为标准 2067-2。它旨在通过创建用于分发的单个主文件来简化文件交换过程。然而,这意味着在企业之间分发内容,而不是直接交付给消费者。
IMF 实际上是数字电影包 (DCP) 的演变,DCP 自 2012 年以来一直是分发戏剧内容的标准。在过去几年中,IMF 已经适应了广播和在线分发的特殊挑战。具体来说,它可以更轻松地管理和处理电影或宣传片的多个版本,以适应例如航空公司剪辑、特别版、替代语言或地域合规性。
IMF 为团队提供了可靠的工作流程,帮助他们在处理制作的质量控制、母带制作和版本控制时保持一致(即使在不同国家/地区)。
IMF 包不是包含特定版本程序的单个主文件,而是包含与一段内容相关的所有要素(音频和视频)和元数据(包括字幕和字幕)。这些被视为个人资产。
当以各种方式组合时,这些资产会在作品中创建不同版本的内容,例如中国戏剧剪辑或航空公司剪辑。乐曲播放列表 (CPL) 定义乐曲的播放时间线。Prime Focus Technologies使用了一个很好的类比:如果资产是成分,那么 CPL 就是配方。
IMF 可以包含无限的 CPL。每个代表包中包含的文件的唯一组合,例如程序的不同剪辑。CPL 并非旨在包含媒体本身,而是引用包含实际要素的外部轨道文件。这种结构使得管理多个合成和处理它们成为可能,而无需复制通用的本质文件。
由于 IMF 可以帮助从相同的组合中创建许多不同的分发格式,因此它需要一组技术说明来使所有内容井然有序。输入输出配置文件列表 (OPL)。OPL 指定了 CPL 的处理和转码指令,并结合了其他修改,如大小调整、音频和通道混合以生成成品。
互操作主格式 (IMF) 项目的目标是为一组可互操作的主文件(和相关元数据)开发自愿规范,以实现下游分发包的标准交换和自动创建。我们希望创建一个自愿性规范,该规范将在 2010 年秋季提交给 SMPTE,以启动正式的标准制定过程。
IMF 的一些好处应该是:
IMF 将存储一组基于文件的主元素集,以便使用多个合成播放列表(配方)为任何下游分发进行组装,类似于当今数字电影包装 (DCP) 中使用的内容。高质量、统一的 IMF 的广泛概念应该降低成本,缩短上市时间,并提高现有生产流程和需求的互操作性。当然,任何内容创建者、服务提供商或分发合作伙伴都可以实施和定制基于 IMF 文件的工作流。
IMF 媒体管理 API
IMF 通过将媒体存储为组件来提供极大的效率,然后可以将这些组件打包在一起以制作特定版本,然后可以将其转换为各种输出格式。这意味着需要管理更多的单个文件,但 IMF 使这更容易,因为每个文件都有一个通用标识符。尽管如此,它提出了一个问题:如果产品和服务只有一个 ID ……或两个……或一千个,您如何获得产品和服务来交换资产?
这就是 IMF 媒体管理 API (imf-mm-api) 的用武之地。它是一个开源 API(应用程序编程接口),允许交换 IMF 资产。该项目是制造商、广播公司和其他参与 IMF 开发和标准化的公司的合作项目。
This last point was satisfied through the use of a combination of 2 existing technologies. Essence files are wrapped using SMPTE standard MXF (Media eXchange Format) wrapping – specifically OP1a – and the files making up a deliverable are identified using technology derived from the DCP standards which were also developed by SMPTE and released in 2009.
当解析IMF Composition时,设备首先查找一个名为Composition Playlist (CPL)的文件。CPL类似于一个编辑决策列表——它定义了复合的回放时间线,并包含了整个复合的元数据。这里非常重要的一点是,CPL不是设计来包含本质的,而是包含实际本质的外部(MXF)跟踪文件的引用(见图1)。
When IMF assets are at rest, the files can be moved, renamed, put into object storage or otherwise processed, and the ID inside the file remains unchanged despite a potential change in file name or file path.
当 IMF 资产处于静止状态时,文件可以被移动、重命名、放入对象存储或以其他方式处理,并且文件内的 ID 保持不变,尽管文件名或文件路径可能发生变化。
To locate moveable assets in a large system, you really need a Media Asset Management (MAM) system to handle IMF at scale. The imf-mm-api provides a basic way for an App to ask the MAM questions, such as:
要在大型系统中定位可移动资产,您确实需要一个媒体资产管理 (MAM) 系统来大规模处理 IMF。imf-mm-api 为应用程序提供了一种基本的方式来询问 MAM 问题,例如:
“What Asset IDs are needed to process Title with ID XXX?”
“What Asset IDs do you know about?”
“Where can I find the file with Assets ID YYY?”
“What is the minimum amount of data I need to send you to deliver package ZZZ?”
“处理 ID 为XXX 的Title 需要哪些资产 ID ?”
“您知道哪些资产 ID?”
“我在哪里可以找到资产 ID 为YYY的文件?”
How to monetize video – AVOD, SVOD, TVOD & PVOD Explained
SVOD – 点播订阅视频
SVOD 或基于订阅的模式就像传统的付费电视套餐一样工作。SVOD 服务向用户收取月度或年度订阅费,以无限制地访问整个系列、电影、电视节目,甚至直播频道和播客。SVOD 服务的示例包括 Netflix、Disney+ 或 HBO Max。
AVOD – 基于广告的视频点播
AVOD 或基于广告的视频点播是观众用眼球“付费”的一种模式——它包括由广告资助的免费内容。就像广播电视一样,收入 100% 来自在视频上销售广告。AVOD 平台的一些示例是 YouTube、Roku、Pluto TV 或 Dailymotion。
TVOD – 点播交易视频
TVOD 模式也称为按次付费,向客户出售或出租个人视频,就像过去的视频商店一样。因此,对于希望出售一组特定视频的版权持有者来说,这是一个很好的模式——例如,想一想想要出售其最新大片版权的发行公司。TVOD 模型的示例包括 Amazon Prime Video 或 Google Play 上的电影。
在 TVOD 模型下可以找到两个子类别:
电子销售量 (EST),用户只需支付一次即可永久访问内容。
Download to Rent (DTR),观众只需支付较低的费用即可在有限的时间内访问内容。
PVOD – 优质视频点播
付费模式是 TVOD 的一种变体,最终用户可以比其他人更快地付费访问内容。与电影首映一样,他们可以在内容进入大众市场前几个月率先观看,当然票价更高。 迪斯尼的花木兰 就是一个很好的例子。这部电影只提供给迪士尼+订阅者,他们额外支付了 30 美元才能获得首映。
XML 声明:如
DTD:文档类型定义 (document type definition)
XSD(XML Schema Definition):即XML Schema ,是W3C 支持一种DTD代替者,它的语法基于XML 。
XSL :指扩展样式表语言(EXtensible Stylesheet Language),它的初衷是给xml提供样式显示。由XSLT、XPath 以及 XSL-FO组成。XSLT的主旨更一般化,指可将一种 XML 文档转换为另外一种 XML 文档。口头中,常把XSLT称为XLS。
XSLT:指 XSL 转换(XSL Transformations), 可将一种 XML 文档转换为另外一种 XML 文档,其中一种特例是把XML转换成HTML输出。
Xpath:Xpath是一门在 XML 文档中查找信息的语言,在 XML 文档中通过元素和属性进行导航。 XSLT使用 XPath 在 XML 文档中进行导航,在XSLT中,除开导航,就只剩下怎么替换的问题了。
Xquery:一种xml的查询语言,Xquery之于xml就像sql之于数据库。XQuery是基于XPath上的,单独的 XPath 位置路径本身就是有效的 Xquery。
xml schema xsd 入门
xml schema 教程
RESTful API 设计指南
RESTful API 最佳实践
RESTful APIs: Tutorial of OpenAPI Specification