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The Science of Positive and Negative pranic (Life) food



The Science of Positive and Negative pranic (Life) food 正负能量(生命)食物的科学

What kind of food we should eat? Learn the concept of the positive food and the negative food…

我们应该吃什么样的食物? 学习积极食物和消极食物的概念..。

Food is necessary to fill us with energy, but what if the food we eat is taking away the energy from our body.


Food is like the fuel for the body, if we put right kind of fuel in the machine only then it will function to its full capabilities. A gasoline engine can be made to run on Diesel, but at much lesser efficiency and compromising its lifespan.

食物就像身体的燃料,如果我们在机器中加入适当的燃料,它才能发挥最大的功能。 汽油发动机可以使柴油机运行,但效率低得多,并损害其寿命。

Likewise, the food that we eat mindlessly or under the compulsion of taste buds are killing our body, refraining our body from a healthy lifespan and moving us towards ailments.


The very simple example of this could be the experience of people that have went through the naturopathy treatment. In a 3 week treatment the first thing they deprive you of is FOOD. Surprisingly in a weeks’ time all the vital health stats – Blood pressure, Sugar, Stress – starts coming to normal.

这个非常简单的例子可以是人们的经验,已经通过自然疗法治疗。 在3周的治疗中,他们剥夺的第一样东西就是食物。 令人惊讶的是,在一周的时间里,所有重要的健康状态——血压、血糖、压力——开始恢复正常。

So the question is what kind of food we should eat.


Broadly the food that we eat can be classified into three categories.


Positive Pranic 积极能量
Negative Pranic 负能量
Neutral 中立
Pranic means something that imparts life, it is derived from the root word Pra which means Life

生命力意味着某种赋予生命的东西,它来源于单词 Pra,意思是生命


Negative Pranic Food 负能量食物

The list of negative pranic food is quite small, but most of the items that falls in this category are addictive and also nervous stimulants. They can give a kick/ energy boost for a moment but in the long run they tend to withdraw the energy from the body.

负性生命能量食物的列表很小,但是大多数属于这一类的食物是会上瘾的,也是神经兴奋剂。 他们可以提供一个踢 / 能量提高一会儿,但从长远来看,他们倾向于从身体收回能量。

Here is that short list.


  1. Garlic 大蒜
  2. Onion 洋葱
  3. Asafoetida (a popular Indian Spice called as Hing in Hindi) Asafoetida (一种流行的印度香料,在印度语中称为 Hing)
  4. Chili (Green Pepper/ Red Pepper) 辣椒(青椒 / 红椒)
  5. Egg Plant (destroys a bit of Hypothalamus part of the brain that helps in decision making)
  6. 茄子(破坏了一点点下丘脑 - 大脑的有助于决策的一部分)
  7. Coffee 咖啡
  8. Tea
  9. Intoxicants 麻醉品

Garlic tops the chart as biggest negative pranic food. Garlic is good to be taken only as a medicine (for controlling cholesterol) but not as a daily food item.

大蒜作为最大的负能量食物位居榜首。 大蒜只能作为控制胆固醇的药物服用,不能作为日常食品。

How do negative pranic foods destroy the body? 负能量食物是如何破坏身体的?

The body has its own ways of storing the energy in many layers. When we are fasting, we do feel hungry when it’s our usual time to eat. But if we resist hunger and don’t eat the body releases a quota of energy and we are back full of energy. Likewise a human being can survive without food in a healthy way for 8 days. If we are using excessive nervous stimulants (Coffee/ Tea), then the body’s way of storing and distributing energy goes for a toss.

身体有自己的储存能量的方式。 当我们在禁食的时候,当我们平时吃东西的时候,我们确实感到饥饿。 但是如果我们抵抗饥饿,不吃东西,身体就会释放一定量的能量,我们就又精力充沛了。 同样,一个人可以在没有食物的情况下健康地生存8天。 如果我们过度使用神经兴奋剂(咖啡 / 茶) ,那么身体储存和分配能量的方式就不一样了。

The body starts releasing energy in a haphazard way, since we do not have control over it. The mornings cannot be bright mornings without Coffee.

因为我们无法控制它,身体开始以一种偶然的方式释放能量。 没有咖啡的早晨不可能是明亮的早晨。

ZERO Pranic food 零能量食物

These type of foods provide lethargic and laziness in the body and tends to increase sleep quota.

Potatoes (and its family) 土豆(及其家族)
Tomatoes 西红柿
An active healthy adult can eat them, but in case we have any joint pains or Arthritis then it’s better to avoid.


These foods tend to increase sleep quota, sleep is inertia and it leads to biggest inertia that a human being can experience i.e. death.


Positive Pranic Food 正能量食物

These types of food can enhance alertness, nervous systems, and intellect in the body.


Fruits 水果
Vegetables 蔬菜
Nuts 坚果
Sprouted Grams 发芽克
Dried fruits 干果
Among the positive category foods, Ash Gourd and Honey are considered to be highly highly positive food types.


  1. Ash Gourd (an Ash Gourd juice in the morning can surprisingly enhance intellect and alertness)
  2. 冬瓜(早上喝一杯冬瓜汁可以令人惊讶地提高智力和警觉性)

  3. Honey – Its chemical composition is almost equal to blood, its good for alertness and resolving anemic conditions
    Like a different kind of fuel is needed for different vehicles (Truck, Car, Sports Car) in a similar way human body also requires a typical kind of food. It also matters how well the food is cooked. An overcooked food can destroy the nutrients and let you eat garbage.

就像不同的交通工具(卡车、汽车、跑车)需要不同的燃料一样,人体也需要典型的食物。 食物烹调的好坏也很重要。 煮过头的食物会破坏营养,让你吃垃圾食品。

I hope the blog will help you rethink about your food and eating habits and you find some valuable piece of information in this.

