2020-07-09 21:57
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我叫Stanislav Chernyshev。我是Radosvet定居点的创始人之一,该定居点成立于2016年,位于俄罗斯南部-黑海与亚速海之间的克拉斯诺达尔领地,彼此之间30公里。
他还购买了Megre先生当时出版的大量书籍,并将其免费分发给随行人员和企业家。“你要去哪里?为什么需要所有这些?你生活中缺少什么?” -他的同伴对书中所含信息的反应。一些商人甚至说:“你是个傻瓜!赚钱,扩展业务,享受有钱人的生活。“
他的朋友-企业家-不接受礼物,也没有受到想法的启发。我父亲并不感到非常难过,因此更愿意继续前进。逐渐地,他退出了葡萄酒生意,开始寻找一块土地来建立定居点。顺便说一句,正是在那个时候,我父亲想出了这个住所的名字-“ Radosvet”。
在2004年至2005年期间,我的父亲亚历山大·切尔尼雪夫(Alexander Chernyshev)积极从事土地股份的购买。
自2005年以来,A。Chernyshev直接从事志同道合的人的寻找工作,以便将来解决Kin's Domains。
他去了扎尔门所在的扎内河谷。弗拉基米尔·梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)书籍读者的年度节日已经在那里举行。我父亲组成了一小群人,他们于2010年访问了我们的土地。
2013年。我的父亲建议我阅读弗拉基米尔·梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)的10本“俄罗斯的雪松”系列书籍。我当时20岁,是一名大学生。
我参观了土地定居。到达定居点后,我什至没有时间环顾四周,我立即感到非常强烈的无比的恩典感。它从头到脚笼罩着我,我的心脏似乎跳动得更快,思想的速度增加了,而我的精力却超出了规模!我想创建一个Kin's Domain –我的爱之空间!
但是如何?当时我没有同伴。我的朋友甚至嘲笑创建Kin's Domain并居住在城市之外的想法。
2015年夏季。我向父亲提出了启动“ Radosvet”项目的计划。父亲认真地听了我的话,然后多次分析了项目的内容,当时发生了一件不可思议的事情:我一生中第一次,我的举动引起了父亲的满意。在他眼中,我看到了幸福和真诚的热情!然后我意识到我们的项目已经启动!
2015年8月,我们开发并提交了“ Native Lands”品牌的注册申请。然后,我承担了合法地将土地按1公顷分割成小块的任务。我陷入了法律常规。
2015年秋天。树木的叶子已经开始掉落,该项目的法律问题仍未解决,此外,我的口袋里还是空着。我不断质疑mylsef:“该怎么办?我应该找工作吗?如果我工作,是否有足够的时间实施“ Radosvet”项目?”
最后,我当时提出了一个非常好的解决方案。我参加了实习,开始学习律师职业。我的推理是这样的:“目前尚不清楚该项目将会发生什么,但是生活还在继续。我现在要赚钱。我将获得律师执照,开始赚钱并并行运行“ Radosvet”项目。如果项目进展顺利,我将离开律师行。否则,我将留在法律局。”
2016年2月。救赎的新希望出现在我的人生视野中:我最好的朋友亚历山大·博特尼科夫(Alexander Bortnikov)从小就与我们成为朋友,他建议我们参加商业课程,并在商业世界中尝试自己。我毫不犹豫地接受了朋友的报价,并报名参加了商务课程。
自2015年5月30日起,亚历山大·博尔特尼科夫(Alexander Bortnikov)成为我们志同道合的家伙,致力于创建Kin的定居点。
我们参加商业课程的策略是发起一个联合商业项目,该项目将为我们带来稳定生活和发展“ Radosvet”项目所需的必要资金。我们开始寻找合适的人来做生意。我们试图转售中国商品,然后我们出售黑海鱼鱼子酱,然后我们甚至考虑建造房屋。
在一个月左右徘徊于各个业务领域之后,我们感到非常幸运–我们的业务构想由业务课程的负责人Oleg Dymkovets分析。奥列格耐心地听了我们的商业想法,然后问了几个简单的问题:“您真正想做的是什么?这是从中国出售商品的业务吗?男人,您的基础是什么?”
奥列格(Oleg)的问题立即“揭示”了我们。我们意识到自己有一个梦想:我们的业务是“ Radosvet”项目,但我们只是担心它的规模。我们的基地是土地。
2017年春季。我们开始建造招待所,购买挖掘机和压路机,并在现有定居者的基础上组成工作团队。我们还下令生产250公顷土地的地形图,并继续修建道路。20个家庭已经选择“ Radosvet”。
在2019年11月16日,我们以“植树速度”创造了“ Radosvet”定居点的新纪录-7小时内可种植2100棵树!在定居者的努力下,我们在三公里长的灰,桑和相思树上种植了三层林带。5年后,这些树木将长到2米,并且很容易保护住区不受风的影响。
我希望我们的经验对其他想要但又不敢启动像建立亲属定居点之类的大型项目的人有用。就像曾经说过的:“一千英里的旅程始于一步。” 简单地相信自己!
Hello, Friends!
My name is Stanislav Chernyshev. I am one of the founders of the Radosvet settlement, founded in 2016 in the South of Russia - the Krasnodar Territory between the Black and Azov Seas, 30 km from each.
Are you curious to know how it occurred to us to begin creating a Kin’s Settlement?
It all started back in 1997 with my paternal grandmother. It was she who brought the fateful gift to my dad - the first book of Vladimir Megre, Anastasia.
At that time, my father was already a successful entrepreneur, co-owner of wineries in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. He was occupied by regular business meetings, trips, and negotiations – he was working 24/7. Frankly, business took my father away from me, and I almost never saw him in my childhood.
I still wonder how, in such a crazy period of his life, he even managed to find time to read a book, and even more so to begin re-evaluating his own values? ⠀
At that time, he began to lay a solid foundation for the revival of Kin.
He also bought a huge amount of all the books published at that time by Mr. Megre and distributed them to his entourage and entrepreneurs for free. "Where are you going? Why do you need all this? What do you lack in life?" - such was the reaction of his companions to the information contained in the books. Some businessmen even said: “You are a fool! Earn money, expand your business and enjoy the life of a rich person. ”
That period of life, according to my father, was the most difficult for him ... it was the period 1998 - 2003.
His friends – entrepreneurs - did not accept the gift and were not inspired by ideas. My father was not very saddened and preferred to proceed further. Gradually, he got out of the wine business, and began to look for a land to create a settlement. By the way, exactly at that time my father came up with the name for the settlement - "Radosvet."
The year 2004 came and my father chose 600 hectares of fertile land in the Krasnodar Territory, near the village of Varenikovskaya, within the boundaries of the former “Kuban” collective farm. Why there? It’s simple: my father’s father was an engineer in this collective farm. The collective farm “Kuban” at that time amounted to about 10,000 hectares of land. My father spent all his childhood on these lands and knew them very well. The choice was obvious. Of the 10,000 hectares my father chose the best 600 and he was faced with the next crucial step - the purchase of this land.
In 2004-2005, my father, Alexander Chernyshev, was actively engaged in the purchase of land shares.
In order to form 600 hectares of land, it was necessary to negotiate with many land shareholders from the former collective farm. In the process of registering the land, my father signed more than two hundred share purchase agreements.
Since 2005, A. Chernyshev directly engaged in the search for like-minded people for the future settlement of the Kin’s Domains.
He went the valley of the Zhane River, where dolmens are located. The annual festivals for the readers of Vladimir Megre books were already taking place there. My father formed a small group of people who in 2010 visited our land.
Many of these people desired to move to the land right away and delevop it.
However, when the father asked: “Guys, you are great, but what are you going to live on? How will you earn money, how will you feed your families? ”, He did not hear a clear answer from them. And this bothered him very much, since it is impossible to create a settlement with people who do not have a specific life strategy, or have financial literacy, but only have a beautiful dream.
My father thought about it and decided to wait for better times when there will appear more financially prepared people who stand firm on their feet, have a solid foundation, are aware of their values, goals, priorities, and who have a clear consciousness and financial adequacy.
According to my father, the Kin’s Settlement should be self-sufficient! That is, people should produce their own food - every family should have food independence. The local economy should operate within the settlement. In the settlement there should be almost all goods and services to ensure the livelihoods of its residents.
There must also be an education for children - a school - so that people can live in the settlement all year round.
The year of 2013. My dad recommended me to read 10 books of Vladimir Megre of the series “The Ringing Cedars of Russia”. I was 20 years old and a university student.
I read the books. The result is a complete reassessment of my values and worldview. It was very difficult to admit to myself that:
Megre's books plunged me into a stupor. I could no longer live as before. And after that the dream of a strong happy family was born.
I visited the land for the settlement. Immediately upon arrival in the settlement, before I even had time to look around, I felt a very strong incomparable sensation of grace. It enveloped me from head to foot, my heart seemed to beat faster, the speed of thought increased, and my energy literally went off scale! I wanted to create a Kin’s Domain – my Space of Love!
But how??? At that time I did not have companions. My friends even laughed at the idea of creating a Kin’s Domain and living outside of city.
Summer 2015. I presented my father with a plan to launch the “Radosvet” project. My father listened to me carefully, then analysed the contents of the project several times, and an incredible event happened at that time: for the first time in my life, my actions aroused my father's satisfaction. In his eyes I saw happiness and genuine enthusiasm! Then I realized that our project was launched!
In August 2015, we developed and submitted for registration the brand “Native Lands”. Then I took up the task of dividing land into parcels by 1 hectaire legally. I got stuck in a legal routine.
Autumn 2015. The leaves from the trees already started to fall, and the legal issues of the project were still not resolved, moreover, my pockets were still empty. I constantly questioned mylsef: “What to do? Should I get a job? If I work, will there be enough time to implement “Radosvet” project?”
In the end, I came up with, as it seemed at that time, a really good solution. I went for an internship and began to learn the profession of a lawyer. I reasoned something like this: “It is not known what will happen to the project, but life goes on. I need to earn money now. I’ll get a lawyer’s licence, start earning money and run “Radosvet” project in parallel. If the project goes well, I’ll leave lawyer practice; otherwise, I will stay in the legal bureau.”
Wrong! It was a mistake to remove focus from the main target! It was not enough time for both: building a lawer career and the project, and I did not achieve success anywhere.
I met the new 2016 year with a depressed spirit. I did not know how to live on.
February 2016. A new hope for salvation appeared on my life horizon: my best friend Alexander Bortnikov, who we have been friends with since childhood, suggested that we take business courses and try ourselves in the business world. Without hesitation, I accepted a friend’s offer and enrolled into business course.
Alexander Bortnikov has been our like-minded fellow in the idea of creating Kin’s Settlement since May 30, 2015.
Alexander and I sincerely sought to start creating our Kin’s Domains as soon as possible and to organize the largest and most successful settlement in Russia.
But we lacked self-confidence, experience, and money.
Our strategy, with which we enrolled into business courses, was to launch a joint business project that would bring us the necessary amount of money for a stable life and the development of the “Radosvet” project. We began to search the niche to do business. We tried to resell Chinese goods, then we were selling caviar of the Black Sea mullet, then we even thought about building houses.
After a month of wandering around different business niches, we get very lucky – our business ideas were analysed by the curator of the business course - Oleg Dymkovets. Oleg patiently listened to our business ideas, and then asked us few simple questions: "What business do you really want to do? Is this the business of selling goods from China? What is your base, men?"
Oleg’s questions immediately “revealed” us. We realized that we had a dream: our business was the “Radosvet” project, but we were simply afraid of its scale. And our base was the land.
It dawned on us: only by overcoming our fears we would come to our dream, and this was possible only in the process of project implementation.
May 2016. We negotiated with my father the details of settlement implementation. My father decided to give us a chance, as young entrepreneurs, to launch a large-scale project.
We firmly decided to succeed and were ready to overcome any difficulties on our way!
June 2016. We built a business plan, created a web-site for our project on the Internet and launched advertising.
The first families began to come to the land for excursions. Then only my father met people. For 4-5 hours, he drove guests around the territory of the future settlement and nearby natural attractions, shared his vision of the settlement, talked about the development plans of the project. People came, but did not trust the project. I suppose that the majority perceived the project as a beautiful fairy tale, due to the grandeous scale of the organizers' intentions.
July - August 2016. The number of excursions increased at times. We have been already conducting 7-10 excursions per week. Guests liked our ideas and project development plan. And finally the first family has shown confidence in us and made a downpayment for the land.
September 2016. My father sold 2 cars. The project received the first tangible financial injections. We dug a pond in the guest area of the settlement.
November - December 2016. We made a cascade of ponds in the guest area, and began to build the first roads; 5 families purchased their plots.
Winter 2017. New families continued to join us. The project began to gain momentum.
Spring 2017. We began to build a guest house, acquired an excavator and a road roller, and formed a work team out of existing settlers. We also ordered the production of topographic surveys of 250 hectares of land and continued to build roads. 20 families have already chosen “Radosvet”.
Summer - Fall 2017. The first joint working Saturdays , meetings, and mass tree planting events were held; the construction of a new entrance road was lauched; a tractor was purchased.
Winter - Spring 2018. We made 2 more large ponds. The permission to build a new road exit from the regional highway to the settlement was received. The first guest house was completed. 50 families have joined our settlement.
On November 16, 2019, we set a new record for the “Radosvet” settlement in terms of tree planting speed - 2100 trees in 7 hours! Through the efforts of the settlers, we planted a three-tier forest belt of ash, mulberry and acacia for more than 2 kilometers long. After 5 years, the trees will grow up to 2 meters and will easily protect the settlement from the wind.
Currently, there are more than 100 families in our settlement. Only 3 free plots are left. These are not just numbers, this is already a huge community of like-minded people and good neighbors.
Over 4 years, we have seen more than once that the most important are the people who surround you and the environment in which children grow and their future is laid.
Almost all of our neighbors are former residents of large cities: self-sufficient, educated, entrepreneurial, interesting and fulfilled people who once realized that the lifestyle that the urban environment offers us was a dead end.
We do not have an ideal settlement, nor our people are ideal. But absolutely all of them are real, and sincere.
I hope our experience will be useful to other people who want to, but are afraid to start such a large-scale project as the creation of a Kin’s Settlement. As it was once said: “А journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Simply believe in yourselves!