字数 7652
阅读 1902
in Heisenberg picture, a particle propagates from (x', t') to (x, t), or say creates at (x', t') and annihilates at (x, t).
The Green Function for a single particle is defined as:
where is the time ordering operator, for fermion operators:
Suppose the system has translational symmetry,
0 in means time , and position , is a translational operator along x direction, is the parameter for translation.
Now we are ready to calculate the matrix element and .
index denotes a complete set, is the state ket for and :
In general, we calculate the matrix element,
For ground state , suppose there are N fermions form a FS (Fermi sphere).
we use denotes the ground state energy for N fermions, and
means the momentum for ground state is 0.
since is annihilation operator and ground state has N particles, the excited state should has N+1 particles.
Now, for ,
for ,
We shall introduce chemical potential and excitation energy to rewrite the expression in exponent,
Here we suppose N is large,
we define the FT, expressed , as:
and the IFT, expressed , as:
for ,
likewise, for
if the distribution of is very dense, we can define:
and get the Lehmann representation:
poles in upper plane:
poles in lower plane:
The GF is not analytic in either upper plane or lower plane. We can define the Retarded and Advanced GF so that they are analytic in upper or lower plane.
Hamiltonian for Free fermions:
suppose , define the GF as:
in Heisenberg Picture:
we can verify that:
Or, can be written as:
, , describes the propagation of particle, created at time ;
, , describes the propagation of hole, created at time (annihilate a particle is equivalent to create a hole) .
The subscripts refer to the polarization of the phonons.
Phonon fields:
The GF for phonons is defined as:
The result is:
Use the relation , verify that:
JI Yanjiang @季燕江