字数 6637
阅读 3603
Retarded GF, i.e., describes the reaction of the system to external perturbation. Up to now, we can only calculate the GF in equilibrium, which means no external perturbation.
But, we still can use the equilibrium GF to calculate the linear reaction of the system in a first order perturbation. This is so-called linear response theory.
Remember, Hooke's law,
and Ohm's law,
where and are external perturbations, and are responses.
Total Hamiltonian,
where is the external perturbation.
is operator, is a c-number function, called generalized force(广义力).
Such as:
(spin coupled to external magnetic field)
(current coupled to the vector potential)
fulfills the Quantum Liouville equation,
Suppose is the density operator in equilibrium,
that means, in equilibrium, density operator doesn't change with time.
Quantum Liouville equation in IP,
Suppose, , , then add on adiabatically.
Observable ,
We get,
First order perturbation,
Let's introduce the retarded Green's function of operators and .
also, the advanced Green's function,
Use , we can prove,
Thus, the Kubo formula,
In Convolution(卷积) form,
Specific examples,
electric conductivity 电导率,
magnetic susceptibility 磁化率,
To study electric conductivity, we should calculate the current-current correlation in equilibrium, i.e.,
Which means, the linear response of the system to the external electric field, the nonequilibrium current (), turns out to be determined by the equilibrium correlations of the current itself ().
The external field (耗散), in a sense, simply reveals these equilibrium fluctuations (涨落).
Autocorrelation function 自相关函数
Autocovariation function,
we get,
FT of ,
is often denoted as .
1st term,
2nd term,
change of variable,
We get,
Likewise, we calculate the formula for commutator ,
Recall that,
It is the imaginary part of susceptibility that determines the energy dissipation rate in the system, hence the name - Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem.
Alexandre M. Zagoskin, Quantum Theory of Many-Body Systems, 3.3;