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Feature is a kind of representation with some invariances between different images.
Plotting derivatives as 2D points
Fitting ellipse to each set of points
There are many different ways to describe corner reponse , for example, , and here we use a more efficient way, which is the Harris Corner Detection.
How to distinguish corner and other features? We use the Corner Response Map belowed:
The Harris Corner Detection Algorithm Steps:
Issues: the corners detected by Harris detector are no uniformly distributed in the image (more points locate in the area of high contrast)
Improvement: Adaptive non-maximal suppression (ANMS,自适应非极大值抑制), detect features that are both local maxima and whose response value is significantly (10%) greater than that of all of its neighbors within a radius r. (Brown, Szeliski and Winder, 2005).
The ellipse shape keeps invariant after rotating an angle (eigenvalue keeps invariant).
Illumination invariant
Matrix H uses image gradient, linear illumination keeps unchange.
Contrast change keeps partial invariant. But affect the number of detected features.
Variant to the image scale
Scale Invariant: To detect Harris corners in 5-level of image pyramid, the window represents the orientation and scale of feature point
Limitation: the images should have similar scale.
To detect and describe local features in an images.
We desire porperties for SIFT are:
Intuition: find scale that gives local maxima of some function in both position and scale.
Actually,Harris Corner is not always a good method for detecing corners, especially when processing complex images.
The other feature detector such as SURF, SIFT, ORB, is better than Harris Corner.