@xtccc 2017-09-07T17:33:48.000000Z 字数 3705 阅读 1689



  1. 过去的研究发现了值夜班与健康问题之间存在关心,部分原因是夜班打乱了我们的生理规律
    Past research linked the graveyard shift to some health issues, partly because it disrupts our circadian rhythm.

  2. 下午1至3点或5至7点小睡一会儿,有助于缓解夜间的压力。
    A nap between 1pm to 3pm or 5pm to 7pm can help take the pressure off the norcturnal periods.

  3. 对这一点要当心!
    Just the heads up with this !

  4. Dave, 你挺热衷于比特币的,是吧?
    Dave, you are pretty big into Bitcoin, right?

  5. 比特币是基于区块链产生的,是一种自交易发生后就不可修改的账本
    Bitcoin is built around block chain, which is an immutable ledger of every transaction that has ever taken place.

  6. 在网上搜索一番后,他们决定冒险尝试
    After doing some research online, they decided to take the plunge.

  7. 你可以少投资一点,先试试水。但是新闻说今天市场大跌
    You can invest a little, just to dip your toes into the water.
    But the news reports that the market is tanking.

  8. 现在价格确实是走下行,如果我是你,我会等待时机逢低买入。
    There is definitely a downward trend in prices, if I were you, I would bide my time and buy when the price is lower.

  9. 别指望她能对此了解多少,她还是个乳臭未干的新手
    Don't expect her to know much about this, she is still pretty wet behind the ears.

  10. 那些不适合讨论的东西,可以称之为禁忌
    Those undiscusable things are called taboos.

  11. 在美国大学,你可以接触到各式各样的想法。
    In American universities, you can meet thoughts in all shapes and sizes.

  12. A: 亲爱的,我们油不多了
    B: 前面就有一个加油站。
    A: 首先,也是最重要的一点,我们要的是汽油,不是柴油。

    A: Darling, we are running low on gas.
    B: There is a gap station up ahead.
    A: First and formost, we need gasoline, not diesel.

  13. 我们今晚人手不足,感谢大家的耐心。
    We are a bit short-staffed tonight, thanks for your patience.

  14. 她经历过非常困难的时刻,她的故事非常励志,帮助人们克服生活中的障碍。
    She went through really difficult time and her story is very motivational and really helps people get over their own obstacles in life.

  15. 通常贸易争端要由世贸组织进行仲裁,而单方面采取行动可能产生反效果
    Trade disputes are typically arbitrated by the WTO, and acting unilaterally could backfire.

  16. 大约有75%的雪崩遇害者是死于窒息,而不是创伤
    About 75% of avalanche victims die of suffocation, not trauma.

  17. 不要沉浸在悲伤中无法自拔,用一点小小的成功激励自己继续前进。
    Don't let grief stunt your recovery, but use little victories to forge ahead.

  18. 当我有新的想法时,我总是会将它们草草记下
    I always jot down new ideas.

  19. A: 嘿Sandra,明晚想去喝一杯吗?
    B: 我明天得加班啊!
    A: 你前几天不是加过班的吗?
    B: 是的,但是最近我们确实忙地不可开交
    A: 这是你们工作的正常要求吗?
    B: 只有关键时刻是这样的。这段时间每个人都得加班。
    A: 会有加班费吧?
    B: 是的,加班有1.5倍工资,并且可以调休1天。
    A: 那完全值了!
    B: 是的,让我们稍后再聚聚/叙旧。

    A: Hei Sandra, do you want to grab a drink tomorrow night?
    B: I have to put in some overtime tomorrow.
    A: Didn't you work overtime a couple of days a ago?
    B: I did, but we are really swamped with work.
    A: Is this the normal requirement for your job?
    B: Just at crunch time, these days everyone has to put in extra hours.
    A: Do you at least get compensation for overtime ?
    B: Yeah, overtime is time and a half and a day off in lieu.
    A: That's totally worth it.
    B: Yes, let's catch up later.

  20. 当他第一次走进星巴克时,立刻就被高质量的、纯正的咖啡体验迷住了。
    Walking into Starbucks for the first time, he was instantly captivated by the high quality and authentic coffee experience.

  21. 在米兰,当Schultz将自己沉浸在当地的咖啡馆时,他突然间对人们与咖啡的关系产生了顿悟
    While in Milan and immersing himself in a local cafe, he had an epiphany of the relationship between man and coffee.

  22. 来到这个墓园,唤起了我对祖父的回忆。
    Coming to this graveyard evokes memories of my grandfather.

  23. 他的演讲激起了观众强烈的爱国主义情感。
    His speech evoked a strong sense of patriotism in the audience.

  24. 迷人的微笑让人无力抵抗。
    He are all powerless against her captivating smill.

  25. A: 你好,我想给一个在国外的朋友转账(电汇)
    B: 好的,这是国际汇款收款人叫什么名字?
    A: 他叫斯潘瑟,我将寄给他2000美刀,但是他想收人民币。
    B: 没问题,我将根据今天的汇率转成人民币。此外,我们要收取一笔转账费,这将由汇款方或者收款方支付。
    A: 好的,我来支付吧。
    B: 一两天后,如果汇款成功,您将会收到一份确认邮件。

    A: Hello, I'd like to make a wire transfer to a friend overseas.
    B: Ok, this is international remittance, what's the beneficiray's name ?
    A: He's Spancer. I will send him 2,000 US dollars but he wants to receive it in RMB.
    B: No problem, I will convert it into RMB using today's exchange rate. Besides, there will be a transfer fee which is charged to either the sender or the recepient.
    A: Ok, I will cover the charge.
    B: You will receive a confirmation email in a day or two when it goes through.

  26. 我的按揭贷款申请通过了,现在我也是一名业主
    My mortgage application went through, now I'm also a homeowner.

  27. 一般来说,大型连锁店(比如沃尔玛或者塔吉特)提供了很多选择。比如,你可以买到安抚奶嘴、配方奶粉、婴儿床、推车。
    In general, large chain stores like Walmart or Target have a large selection. For example, you can buy soothers/pacifier, formula, cribs and strollers.

  28. 在药店,药剂师也可以给你一些建议,例如怀孕后吃一些叶酸,可以使宝宝变得更加强健
    Pharmacists in drug store can give you suggesions, e.g., eat some folic acid after pregnant, so that your baby will be sturdier.

  29. 29.