@xtccc 2017-08-01T07:01:33.000000Z 字数 3268 阅读 1502



  1. 约翰·亚当斯、本杰明·富兰克林以及托马斯·杰弗逊在1776年起草并签署了独立宣言。但是美国独立战争在那之前的十年就开始了。
    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson drafed and signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, but the American Revolution was set in motion ten years before that.

  2. 美国的国歌是《星条旗》,同时也是对国旗的描述。
    "The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States of America, also the nation flag.

  3. 对许多美国人人而言,宪法就像是社会的基石
    To many Americans, Constitution is like the bedrock of the society.

  4. A: 亲爱的,我们今年乘游轮去度假怎么样?
    B: 听起来不错,但是我有点晕船
    A: 你可以吃晕船药。我找到了一条到冲绳的游轮航线,4晚,每人3500元。价格包含了住宿和自助餐,设施看起来棒极了,你快来看一下!
    B: 我们可以在港口下船吗?
    A: 可以,包含了冲绳一日游。此外,游轮上还有一个很大的免税店。
    B: 被你说服了,赶快订票吧!

    A: Honey, what do you think about taking a cruise for our vacation this year?
    B: Sounds good, but I get a little seasick.
    A: You can take a anti-nausea pills. I just found a cruise line that does the Okinawa route. Four nights, RMB 3500 per person. The prices includes accommodation and buffet, and the amenities look awesome! Come and check it out !
    B: Can we disembark at the ports?
    A: Yes, it includes a day trip in Okinawa. Besides, this cruise has a big duty free shop.
    B: I'm sold ! Let's book it now!

  5. 这封警告信是对上次谈话的跟进
    This warning letter is a follow up to the previous talking.

  6. 其他买主对这货物很满意,但如果你能先付40%货款,我们可以延迟交付(给其他买主)。
    Other buyers are satisfied with it but we can delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front.

  7. 如果我预先付款的话,是否有退款保证?
    Is there an money back guarantee if I pay up front ?

  8. 食宿费每周90英镑
    It's £90 per week for board and lodging.

  9. 对于许多旅行者而言,接受免费的住宿与食物跟伸手讨钱是完全不同的。
    To many travellers, accepting free lodging and meal is totoally different from asking for money.

  10. 当你决定——在你医生的帮助下——想吃什么和什么时候吃的时候,也请记住,临产过程可能会让你反胃
    When deciding —— with the help from practitioner —— what to eat and when, also keep in mind that labor can make feel pretty nauseous.

  11. 最后老鼠在没有任何奖励,甚至在用令它们感到恶心的饮料作为惩罚时,它们仍然走出了迷宫。
    Eventually the rats ran the maze without any rewards, or even were punished by nauseous drinks.

  12. 一旦出现此种症状,呕吐物粪便中就会带血。
    Once this symptom happens, blood appears in vomit and faeces.

  13. 谈到爱情,你如何能知道是真的是受够了?
    When it comes to relations, how do you know when enough is enough ?

  14. 4个城市正在竞争 2016年夏季奥运会:芝加哥,马德里,东京和里约热内卢。
    Four cities are vying to host the 2016 Summer Olympics: Chicago, Madrid, Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro.

  15. 很少有墨西哥人漠不关心这个正在竞选墨西哥首位左翼总统的男人。
    Few Mexicans are indifferent to the man who is vying to be Mexico's first leftiest president,

  16. 旅行结婚日益受到追捧。
    Destination wedding is gainging popularity these days.

  17. 共和党人冷漠,民主党人有敌意,这是真的。
    It's true that most Republicans are indifferent and most Democrats are hostile.

  18. 我们预定一张桌子吧
    Let's book a table.

  19. 我最喜欢仰泳和自由泳,要不我们周末去小区的户外游泳池吧?
    I like back stroke and free style most, why don't we hit the outdoor pool in my complex this weekend ?

  20. Negotiaing is like a give and take when I want something but I cannot have all of it, so we have to go back and forth, kind of like meet in the middle.

  21. 如果你善于观察,你会注意到肢体语言和微妙的姿势。
    If you are observant, you would pick up on body language and subtle guestures.

  22. 时差反应是每一个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。
    The problem of jetlag is one every international traveller may come across.

  23. 他将更加努力地工作,以弥补失掉的时间。
    He will work harder to catch up on lost time.

  24. 如果我每次想你时都能得到一朵花,那么我将可以永远漫步于花园中。
    If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.

  25. 这是Ray Kroc的名言,他将麦当劳从一个热门的加州小餐馆打造成了国际巨头
    These words were uttered by Ray Kroc, the man who took McDonald's from a small yet popular restuarant in California to an international behemoth.

  26. 麦当劳当然不乏批评者,这些年“麦当劳化”等消极的词汇出现在了文化词典中。
    McDonald's certainly has not been without its critics. Over the years, negative terms like McDonaldlization have found their way into the cultural lexicon.

  27. 尽管不乏这些反对声,麦当劳还是仍然是全球最为普及的品牌,它那标志性的金色拱形在全球119个国家随处可见。
    Despite all these oppositions, McDonald's is still one of the most ubiquitous brands in the planet, with its iconic golden arches standing in 119 countries.
