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- People can tell when you aren’t truly listening so always make it a point to listen before you speak.
- A: Hey Zack, I'd like to have a word with you.
B: I'm all ears.
- I get bogged down in small details.
- 在西班牙度假时,他向相恋4年的女友求婚了。
He proposed to his girlfreind of 4 year while vacationing in Spain.
- 别啰嗦细节,我们直奔主题。
Don't get us bogged down in details, just get straight to the point.
- 与前几天相比,情况不再那么激烈。蒂勒森在谈及需要解决美俄之间的众多分歧时,采用了非常务实的语气。
At least compared with the past few days, it was a little less acrimonious. Tillerson struck a pretty pragmatic tone, talking about the need to work through many differences the U.S. has with Russia.
- 蒂勒森表示,阿萨德家族的统治即将结束,而拉夫罗夫则对“痴迷于推翻独裁者的行为”进行了抨击。
Tillerson said the reign of Assad's family is coming to an end, and Lavrov complained about what he said was the obseesion with toppling dictators.
- 美国没有任何证据表明俄罗斯参与了此次化学武器攻击。
The U.S. doesn't have any evidence that Russia was complicit in this chemical weapons attack.
- The argument seems to fly in the face of commen sense.
- 为了解除对美国能源的限制,最近特普朗总统签署了一项影响广泛的行政命令,以废除奥巴马曾经颁布的一些环境方面的规定。该行政命令将立即生效。
To lift the restrictions on American energy, Trump recently signed a sweeping executive order to do away with the environmental rules made by Obama, and the executive order will take effect right away.
- 这个人很有气质。
The man has a lot of class. / The man has class. / The man is classy.
- 她是一个网红,全身都穿着名牌。
She is an internet sensation, and dressed in designer brands from head to toe.
- 昨天,美联储使用了用于稳定经济的一个重要工具——将基准利率提高了25个百分点。 通过小幅增加基准利率,美联储希望给经济踩下刹车 —— 不是阻止经济增长,而是控制增长的速度。
Yesterdat the Fed used one of its major tools in stablizing the economy —— it raised the key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point. By slightly raising the key interest rate, the Fed wants to put the brakes on the economy —— not to stop its growth but to keep that growth in check.
- 2008年是次贷危机最为严重的时候,债务爆炸摧毁了所有的银行,股市遭到重创,全球经济面临被摧毁的威胁。
2008, the height of the credit crisis, a debt implosion was wiping out whole banks, tanking the stock market and threating to destroy the global economy.
- 一段手机拍摄的视频在网上疯传,视频中一名中年乘客被拖下了一家满载乘客的飞机,而航空公司最初的回应却使得事情更加糟糕。
A cellphone video of a middle-aged passenger being dragged off a full flight went viral yesterday, and the airline's initial response only made things worse.
- 在周一,也就是事情发生后的第二天,美联航CEO Oscar Munoz在推特上表示,航空公司正在对此事进行调查,并且为“不得不重新安置一些乘客”道歉。今天下午,Oscar Munoz发表了一份更为恭维的认错声明。他在声明中说,“我向被强行赶下飞机的那名乘客以及机上的所有乘客表示歉意。”
On Monday, the day after the incident, United CEO Oscar Munoz tweeted that the airline is investigating what happened and apologized for, quote, having to re-accommodate some of its passangers. Oscar Munoz issued a more fulsome mea culpa, quote, "I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the passangers aboard."
- 复活节在每年的三月下旬到四月中旬之间。
Easter is between late Match and mid April.
- 从约会到就业前景,名字对于一个人的人生道路有着重要影响。毕竟,名字是一个人最为关键的标识符。
From dating to job prospects, a name has a remarkable power over the path of its owner's life. A name is, after all, perhaps the most pivotal identifier of a person.