@xtccc 2017-06-29T07:19:40.000000Z 字数 2515 阅读 1769



  1. 去美国旅游时,你可以在运营商那里购买一张当地的sim卡,然后购买一个套餐。你可以选择预付费套餐,用多少就扣多少钱。
    When traving to the States you can buy a local SIM card from the mobile carrier and then get a plan. You can choose to prepay, which means you are charged for what you use.

  2. Verizon的信号覆盖很好,同时性价比也高。
    Verizone has good coverage and the value is pretty good for the price.

  3. A: Lisa,你儿子九月份就要上小学了吧?
    B: 是啊,但是。。。别提了。。
    A: 为啥呢?
    B: 我的心情很复杂。为了准备小学的面试,很多幼儿园的孩子去参加补习班。一些私立的名校甚至还要对孩子的父母进行筛选
    A: 喔,这太极端了!美国的私立学校是不会在录取过程中筛选父母的。那么公办学校呢?
    B: 对于公办学校,孩子有权就近入学,但是名校周边的房价贵的离谱
    A: 美国实际上也差不多。因为公立学校的资金主要来自于房产税,所以富人的社区通常会有更好的学校。
    A: Lisa, is your son starting elementary school in September ?
    B: Yes, but don't get me started on that topic.
    A: Why?
    B: I have pretty mixed feelings. Many kindergarten children go to cram school just to prepare for the elementary school interview. Some elite private school even vet parents before enrolling new students.
    A: Wow, it's too extreme. I don't think American private schools would vet parents during the admission process. How about public school?
    B: Children are entitled to attend public schools near their homes. But the property prices near the prestigious schools are outrageous.
    A: It's pretty similar in the States. Since public schools are funded through property tax, so rich neighborhoods tend to have better schools.

  4. 你应该写出易于理解的代码。
    You should write comprehensible codes.

  5. 由于大部分读者都没有翻译背景,我很明智地注脚来帮助他们理解情节
    Most readers don't have interpretive background, I judiciously used footnotes to help them understand the plots.

  6. 我明天将去出入境管理局续签我的工作签证,因为他们只签发一年期的工作签证。
    I will go to the Exit and Entry Bureau to renew my work visa because they only give out one-year work visa.

  7. 凯撒被杀是因为阴谋家们想要篡夺他的权力。
    Caesar was killed because conspirators wanted to usurp his authorities.

  8. Tom试图用奶酪引诱Jerry做出一些反应。
    Tom tried to elicit some responses from Jerry with his cheese.

  9. 孙悟空的金箍棒很方便他进行自拍
    Monkey King's golden cudgle facilitates the way he takes a selfie.

  10. 我那物质至上的老婆逼迫我赚钱给她花。
    My materialistic wife coerced me into making money for her.

  11. 在Stop标志前面停车是法定义务
    It's obligatory to stop at this sign.

  12. 你一整天都躺卧在这里,为什么不出去骑车锻炼呢?
    You have spent all day lying here in recumbent position, why not go out and do some exercises like biking ?

  13. 我看见直升机正在我家屋顶盘旋。
    I can see a helicopter hovering over my house.

  14. A: Wow 米歇尔, 你的车看起来很不错啊!
    B: 我早上刚从经销商那里把它取回来的。
    A: 看起来真的很炫,你是用旧车置换的吗?
    B: 是的,但是我的旧车真的很破旧,也没换几个钱。
    A: 看起来你的车配置很高,你选择了哪家保险公司
    B: 因为是全新的车,所有保险公司保费都很高。

    A: Wow Michelle, that's a sweet ride you've got there !
    B: I just picked it up from the dealership this morning.
    A: It's pretty flashy. Did you trade in your old car ?
    B: Yes, but my last car is quite a lemon, so I didn't get much for it.
    A: It seems your car is fully loaded with all the bells and whistles, which insurance carrier did you end up going with ?
    B: All insurance premiums were quite high because it's a brand new car.

  15. 扎克伯格从哈佛辍学,但是今天他在这里给大家发表毕业典礼演讲。
    Zuckerberg has dropped out, but today he is giving a commencement speech in Harvard.

  16. 16.