字数 2359
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A. Josh给了我几条见未来中国岳父岳母的锦囊妙计。
B. 放松点,我的父母很好相处。
A. 再过两天就是农历新年,这只是巧合而已。
A. Josh gave me some really useful pointers on meeting future Chinese in-laws.
B. Relax ! My parents are really chill.
A. It just so happens that Chinese new year is only 2 days away.
1. 平昌冬季奥运会在华美的开幕式后正式拉开帷幕。
2. 朝鲜领导人金正恩的妹妹陪同朝鲜代表团参加了奥运会,评论家将该策略称为魅力攻势。
3. 周一,在股市遭遇大幅抛售之后,出现了六年以来的最大跌幅,令投资者倍感震惊。这发生于对加息以及估值过高的担忧中,但随后又出现了反弹。
4. SpaceX试射了有史以来最大的火箭,未遇到任何故障。有点交叉推销意味的是,CEO Elon Musk把一个装有摄像头的特斯拉汽车以及穿着太空服的假人挂在了飞船的前部。
5. 川普称,Nunes备忘录指控FBI在川普通俄事件调查中滥用了监视工具。Nunes备忘录能够完全证明他的清白。
A. Jack, 给你说一下,下周我不在,我要出去度假。
B. 又去啊?看来某人真是对旅行上瘾了!这次你要去哪里?塞纳河游船,还是阿尔卑斯山滑雪?
A. 得了!我不想过那些千篇一律的假期,我朋友莉莉刚才在朋友圈发了她去摩洛哥旅行的照片,我得超过她才行!
B. 我有一个朋友开了一家精品旅游公司,来迎合那些想去人迹罕至地点的有钱人。
A. 真的吗?那听起来正合我口味。
B. 这些行程都很小众,充满异域风情,而且客户群基本都是来自大陆的。
A. 我不想和同胞们挤在一辆大巴上旅行,咋们在国外的名声不尽如人意。
A. Jack, just to let you know. I won't be around next week, I need to go on vacation.
B. Again? Wow, someone caught the travel bug. Where are you going this time? A cruise on the Seine? A ski tour of the Alps ?
A. Come on! I'm not looking for a cookie-cutter vacation ! I just saw that my friend Lily posted her photos of her trip to Morocco on WeChat. I've got to one-up her !
B. My friend recently opened a boutique travel company that caters to well-heeled travellers wanting to find hard-to-reach destinations.
A. Really? That sounds right up my alley.
B. This kind of trips are pretty niche and exotic, and the clientele all come from mainland.
A. I don't want to go on a tour with a bus full of my compatriots. Our reputation abroad can leave much to be desired.