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We are not even 4 months into this year and there have already been over 20 school shootings, not to mention other seemingly countless massive shootings. Something has got to be done !
Don't tell me you are another one of those left-wingers looking to infringe upon our Secondary Amendament rights.
A. 然后呢?仅仅因为推特上的水军就要镇压大家的言论自由吗?
B. 你这比喻完全是风马牛不相及!如果枪支非法化等同于(意味着)不再有大规模枪击案,我晚上可能能睡得更好。
A. Then what? A crackdown on free speech because of the trolling on Twitter ?
B. You are comparing apples to oranges! If outlawing guns equates to no more massive shooting, I would sleep much more sound at night.
如果允许禁枪,那我们就是主动放弃了保护自己不受伤害(包括独裁与专制)的权利 。枪,可以作为弱者对强者的制衡。
If we allow guns to be banned, we are relinquishing our rights to protect ourselves from harm, including despotism. Gun can act as the equalizer for the weak against the strong.
Facebook CEO 扎克伯格在美国参议院近10个小时的听证会上,接受美国国会议员的拷问。议员们向他施压,要求他解释公司对用户数据的使用,尤其是对该平台的隐私设置严厉批评,因为并没有明确征求用户同意。
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was grilled by lawmakers for nearly 10 hours of hearings at the US Senate. They pushed him on the company's handling of user data, and were especially critical of the platform's privacy settings, as users were not explicitly asked for opt-in consent.
Google has also reached 100% renewable energy for its operations as of last yeat, other companies are also prioritizing sustainability, as these giants set the bar for everyone else.
A. 嘿马克,看起来好像要下雨了,我们是不是应该把踢球的计划推迟一些?
B. 是啊,看起来外面天阴沉沉的。
A. 但是天气预报说今天是晴天。
B. 嗯。。。我也不确定,你来做决定吧。
A. 那我说咱们就冒个险。
(1小时后 ....)
B. 哇塞,太阳出来了,你没取消踢球的决定是正确的。
C. 是啊,兄弟,你的决定是对的!
A. Hei Mark, it looks like it's going to rain. Should we put off the soccer plan ?
B. Yeah, it looks pretty gloomy outside.
A. But the forecast is calling for sun.
B.Hmm... I'm not sure, you can make the call.
A. I say we risk it.
B. Wow, the sun is coming out. Good call on not cancelling soccer.
C. Yeah man, you called it.
A. 嘿,布鲁克,能帮个忙吗?我今晚得赶些工作,并且对这个项目进行大修整,但是我真想按时回家。
B. 没问题,欧文,但是你最近看起来有些憔悴,你还好吧?
A. 工作其实还不错,但是平衡工作和个人生活对我来说却挺难的。老实说,我手头上还在干一些私活,所以我的女朋友感到了被忽视。
B. 恩,有时候你必须明白,鱼和熊掌不可兼得,必须学会舍弃。这就是我在孩子出生后所面临的情况,我忙地不可开交。
A. 我完全能想象到这对于一个妈妈来说是多么的困难,等我有了孩子之后也许会放慢脚步,但是现在我还没有准备好认输。这个世界很残酷,那些20多岁的年轻人正在对我们的位置虎视眈眈。
A. Hey Brooke, can you lend me a hand ? I've got to catch up on some work and overhaul this project tonight but I'd really like to go home on time.
B. Sure, Owen. But you've been looking a little worse for wear lately. Have you being holding up OK ?
A. Year, the work hasn't been half-bad but I'm having hard time balancing work and private life. Honestly I have a few side projects on the go so my girefreind feels a little ignored.
B. Hmm...Yeah sometimes you just have to realize that you can't have it all and something's got to give. That's how it was for me when my kids were born. I was run off my feet with competing demands.
A. I can only imagine how hard it must be for a mother. I should probably take a step back once I have kids but I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet. It's a cutthroat world out there and those 20-somethings are eyeing our positions.
According to this poll that just came out, nearly 7 in 10 Americans favor stricter gun measures. It seems that this whole gun control movement thing is really picking up steam.
There is little faith in Congress these days, and it's no surprise: The government always drags its feet when it comes to the big issues.
Demands for gun control haven't gone completely unmet this year: the DOJ moved to ban bump stocks, and some big US companies distanced themselves from the NRA. And Trump, if you can believe it or not, has signed a federal spending bill into law that includes a provision intended to strengthen the background check.
I hear you, but speaking historically, gun control is one of the issues that swayed back and forth for hundreds of years.
Native Americans, indentured servants and slaves were all prohibited from owning firearms.
Since the eraly 20th century, many federal laws were enacted to tightened up a bit, only to be revised or completely overturned in later years. You can call me a cynic, but I think the culprit here is gun loggying.
Great CEOs can operate deftly in a range of paradoxes. They have the humility to know what they don't know, but have the confidence to make a decision amid the ambiguity. They tolerate chaos to forster creativity and innovation, but never let it slip into anarchy. They are empathetic towards people, but are willing to let them go if they are dragging down the team. However, if there is one quality that ranks above all else, that is trustworthiness.
We all have a gut feeling about our boss, based on our observation and experience: Do we trust them to do the right thing? Will they be stright with us and not sketch the truth?
EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect this week as the most sweeping set of regulations to data, which could hinder tech.
Another EU data privacy legislation is also pending, which requires that companies must obtain expicit consent to collect user data, and this can stifle those companies that rely on data.
In the wake of a CNN article that accused Freeman of sexual harassment, Freeman denied the accusations and requested a retraction of the article.