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- 婴儿可以坐宝宝椅,而幼童则应该做增高座椅?
Babies can sit on high chair, while toddlers should sit on booster seat.
- 对于一个非常爱国的人来说,五四运动代表着巨大的觉醒。当时封建主义和帝国主义被民族主义取代,这改变了整个国家文化和政治的轨道。
Speaking as a very patriotic person, what May Fourth movement represents to me is a great aweakening. It was a time when feudalism and imperialism were replaced by nationalism, which changed the cultural and political trajectory of China.
- 第一次世界大战后签署的凡尔赛条约,让中国人感到我们受到了不公平的对待。
When the Treaty of Versailles was signed ending World War I, it was pretty clear to everyone that China got the short end of the stick.
- 他对现状不满。
He was dissatisfied with the status quo.
- 尽管存在这些问题,他仍然感谢美国对他的国家做出的坚定的承诺。
Despite the problems, he thanked the U.S. for its steadfast commitment to his nation.
- 历史爱好者可以看到,在新文化运动中,白话文战胜了文言文。
History buffs can see that in New Cultural Movement, vernacular Chinese edged out classical Chinese.
- 过去几年里,可以看到小屏手机逐步被大屏智能手机排挤。
Over the past few years we have seen that smartphones with larger screens edged out the smaller ones.
- 将来越来越多的工人的工作将被机器人取代。
In the coming years, more and more workers will be edged out of their jobs by robotics.
- 让我们保持观望吧。
Let's sit on the sidelines.
- 积极主动的人在职场上往往能得到升职。
Proactive employees can often be promoted.
- 我不是太擅长对公众发表演讲(但是也不差)。
I'm not that great of a public speaker.
- 我是一个完美主义者,我不会勉强接受任何平庸的东西。
I'm a perfectionist and I'm not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.
- 我们渴望和平。
We are anxious for peace.
- 我们从不接待任何没有预约过的人。
We never accept any walk-ins.
- 你怎么会突然出现(意料之外)在我的聚会上?
Why would you show up in my party ?
- 我有私人医生,但是我还是想去直接去看专科医生。或者,我可以去看全科医生,在免预约诊所就有。
I have family doctor, but I want to go straight to a specialist. Or I can just see a GP (General Practitioner), in a walk-in clinic.
- 在诊所里,你需要填写病史,比如过敏情况,然后就可以坐下来等待轮到你了。
In a walk-in clinic, you need to fill out medical history, like allergies, and then sit and wait for the next opening.
- 你不能从医生那里直接拿药。医生会给你开处方,然后你必须去药房拿药。
You won't pick up medicines at the doctor's office. Instead, the doctor will write you a prescription but you have to get it filled at a pharmacy.
- 但是,如果你要买非处方药的话,则不需要医生的处方。
But you can by over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription.
- 男人来自火星,女人来自金星,这是一本经过实践验证的婚姻关系指南。
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. This is a tried-and-tested guide to relationships.
- 两性间的差异, 可以通过一个比喻来得到例证,即:男人和女人来自不同的星球。其中任意一方只能适应自己星球上的社会,而无法适应对方的星球。
The differences btetween the sexes can be exemplified by means of a metaphore, i.e., man and women can from different planets. Each sex is acclimated to the society and customs of its own planet, but to those of the other.
- 嘿杰瑞,你正在忙些啥呢?
Hi Jerry, what are you up to ?
I'm checking stock prices. I recently bought some stocks, but unfortunately they are not doing well.
- 许多中国人在炒股,但是我是个倾向于规避风险的人,也不想我的钱在储蓄账户中贬值。
Many Chinese play the stcok market, but I'm very risk-averse, and I don't want to let my money depreciate in a savings account.
- 许多人在房地产上发了大财,这利润率非常高。
Many people made a killing in real estate, it's very lucrative.
- 现在有很多的P2P借贷,它们都承诺了很高的回报,但实际上只是庞氏骗局。
Now there are many peer-to-peer lendings which promise high returns, but actually they are Ponzu schemes.