@songying 2018-10-04T21:50:53.000000Z 字数 4810 阅读 1147

how to write a greate research paper



  1. Don’t wait: write
  2. Identify your key idea
  3. Tell one story
  4. Nail your contributions to the mast
  5. Related work: later
  6. Put your readers first
  7. Listen to your readers

Framing research problems

  1. Do you have a clear problem statement in the abstract?
  2. It is clear from the paper?
  3. Can you write a research statement for your paper in a single sentence?

If a reviewer cannot form such a sentence for your paper after reading just the abstract, then your paper is usually doomed.

The “one thing” is stated in the first two lines of the abstract 问题是什么,我们是怎么解决的。

write to be understood

For every line in your paper, ask questions about your reader’s mental model:
1. What does my reader understand up to this point?
2. What is my reader thinking at this point?
3. How will my next narrative change that?

keeping a flowing story line

Don’t confuse or frustrate your readers, by

  • Switching context “mid way” / “mid flight”
  • Using undefined notation
  • Changing notation


When a concept requires specific notation, I like to introduce the notation with the concept. As early as possible!
It helps shape your reader’s mental model, and minimizes later context switching

Be academically honest. Don’t oversell

High-level thoughts

  1. Writing IS research. It is how we formulate, crystallize, and communicate our ideas. Make it a daily habit!
  2. Good papers are written, great papers are re-written, so get the first draft done asap. Just do it. “Finish the paper 2 weeks before actual deadline. Get feedback. Rewrite.”
  3. Good papers leave the reader with one solution to solving a specific problem; great papers leave
    the reader with new ideas for their own problems.
    Don’t leave it up to your reader, always ask yourself “what have I learned” and make that explicit.

Write to discover/understand (for yourself)

Be precise in what you are trying to do. Use simple language. If you can’t describe your idea in 2-3 simple sentences, maybe you don’t understand it that well yourself. Work at it until you can. Read Strunk & White. It is a timeless classic.
State your hypotheses. Make them falsifiable. It’s how science works.
I like to do a “blank slate” experiment once I have a first draft written (of a paragraph, a section, or a paper): I start reading what I wrote as if I was a new reader reading this for the first time, and I ask “why?” or “why should I care?” after every sentence. It forces you to be more explicit and get to the point.
Keep a daily “snippets” Google doc where you continually summarize your work, results, and ideas. It helps refine your thoughts.

write to get accepted

Reviewers are the unpaid, overworked, gate-keepers of science. Don’t waste their time.
Not all reviewers will be familiar with your work. It is up to you to bring your message across in the clearest way possible! Still, it’s a very noisy process.
Reviewers usually have less than 1h per paper, sometimes only 30min. They are basically trying to answer the question “How can I justify rejecting this?” Get to the point!
Do not write your personal journey. Science is a random walk, but we tell it like a shortest path.

Write to enlighten

Academic writing is not like writing prose. There are no set ups, no surprises,
and no punch lines. Doesn’t mean it has to be dry, though!
1. What you want to tell her;
2. Then tell her; and finally
3. Tell her what you told her
This hour-glass structure (general to specific to general) works very well at the level of paragraphs, sections, and papers.

My (ideal) process

  1. Write a rough 2-4 sentence abstract first (what, why, how)
  2. Write the Model description next. This is easy, it’s the idea you’re trying out.
  3. Then write the Experimental section (ie get the results). Add your results tables, create your graphs.
  4. Then write the Discussion & Conclusion sections (what did we learn from this?
  5. Finally write the Introduction (expand #1 by framing the research question, and introducing relevant background work)
  6. Write the Abstract last.

Low-level ideas


Highlight problems and negative results

Flow of the paper
