字数 1075
阅读 1129
本文是memory networks领域的第一篇论文
我们介绍了一类memory network模型, 这类模型企图解决长期记忆问题。
一个 Memory network 包含一个记忆 m 和四个组件 I, G, O, R。
- I: Input feature map: converts the incoming input to the internal feature representation.
- G: generalization: updates old memories given the new input. We call this generalization
as there is an opportunity for the network to compress and generalize its memories at this
stage for some intended future use.- O: output feature map: produces a new output (in the feature representation space), given
the new input and the current memory state.- R: response: converts the output into the response format desired. For example, a textual
response or an action.
给定一个输入x, 该模型的数据流如下:
1. 将x 转换为一个 internal feature representation I(x).
2. 根据新的输入更新memories :
3. 通过新输入和记忆来计算output features o:
4. 最后,解码output features o 获得最终的答案: r = R(o)
这篇论文主要是理解一下memory networks 的思路, 了解即可,不必深究。主要是没有相关代码实现。