@w1024020103 2017-05-23T11:23:46.000000Z 字数 3723 阅读 670

Homework 4: 8 Puzzle


Important Guide video




卡在了如何计算Hamming priority里的the number of moves made so far to get to the search node.

打开了之前做Algorithm Part 1的week4的作业,发现现在在写的Board.java没有达到题目immutable的要求,遂改之:

同时,也发现Board.java里的Hamming priority和Manhattan priority function都还不需要计入moves made to reach the current position.要在Solver.java里面计算priority的时候再加上moves.

写Solver.java的时候,要从MinPQ里delMin,但现在卡子MinPQ里如何compare two SearchNode的priority.

Algorithms (princeton) (week4) 讨论帖

于是按照大神的建议,重写了MinPQ里的comparator, 同时在new MinPQ的时候采用有一个comparator参数的构造函数来构造,就可以new出采用你自己重写的comparator的MinPQ了。

新写一个private class,就是你自己要定义的comparator, which implements Comparator <SearchNode>:

  1. private class ByPriority implements Comparator<SearchNode> {
  2. @Override
  3. public int compare(SearchNode node1, SearchNode node2) {
  4. int difference = node1.priority - node2.priority;
  5. if(difference > 0){
  6. return 1;
  7. }else if(difference < 0){
  8. return -1;
  9. }else{
  10. if(node1.currentState.manhattan() < node2.currentState.manhattan()){
  11. return -1;
  12. }else{
  13. return 1;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }


  1. private final Comparator<SearchNode> byPriority = new ByPriority();


  1. this.searchNodes = new MinPQ<>(byPriority);



图中的1是solutionBoard的size(),也就是要到到goal state需要依次到达的状态个数,明显是错的,说明我的solutionBoard肯定弄错了,没有循环递增。



  1. node = pq.delMin();
  2. solved = node.getBoard().isGoal();
  3. solutionBoards.add(node.getBoard());
  4. while((node = node.getPreviousNode()) != null) {
  5. solutionBoards.add(0,node.getBoard());
  6. }

But why, 怎么看怎么觉得现在代码没毛病啊~


A critical optimization:

Best-first search has one annoying feature: search nodes corresponding to the same board are enqueued on the priority queue many times. To reduce unnecessary exploration of useless search nodes, when considering the neighbors of a search node, don't enqueue a neighbor if its board is the same as the board of the previous search node.

我写的只是满足每一次delMin, 再insert它的childNodes到MinPQ时,确保不会insert跟上一步有重复的Board,但不能保证跟上上一级,上上上一级没有重复的。

之后又根据week4的作业更正了往solutionBoards里面add board的代码,最后是运行成功了,但还不明白为什么自己先前写的会导致错误的结果:


  1. public Solver(Board initial){
  2. this.initialBoard = initial;
  3. this.searchNodes = new MinPQ<>(byPriority);
  4. SearchNode rootNode = new SearchNode(initial, 0, null);
  5. searchNodes.insert(rootNode);
  6. SearchNode nodeToDelete;
  7. while(!searchNodes.min().currentState.isGoal()) {
  8. nodeToDelete = searchNodes.delMin();
  9. for(Board neighbor : Board.neighbors(nodeToDelete.getState())){
  10. if(!alreadyExisted(nodeToDelete, neighbor)){
  11. searchNodes.insert(new SearchNode(neighbor, nodeToDelete.getMoves() + 1, nodeToDelete ));
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. nodeToDelete = searchNodes.delMin();
  16. this.solutionBoards.add(nodeToDelete.getState());
  17. while((nodeToDelete = nodeToDelete.getPreviousNode()) != null ){
  18. this.solutionBoards.add(0, nodeToDelete.getState());
  19. }
  20. }


  1. public Solver(Board initial){
  2. this.initialBoard = initial;
  3. this.searchNodes = new MinPQ<>(byPriority);
  4. SearchNode rootNode = new SearchNode(initial, 0, null);
  5. searchNodes.insert(rootNode);
  6. SearchNode nodeToDelete;
  7. while(!searchNodes.min().currentState.isGoal()) {
  8. nodeToDelete = searchNodes.delMin();
  9. solutionBoards.add(nodeToDelete.getState());
  10. for(Board neighbor : Board.neighbors(nodeToDelete.getState())){
  11. if(!alreadyExisted(nodeToDelete, neighbor)){
  12. searchNodes.insert(new SearchNode(neighbor, nodeToDelete.getMoves() + 1, nodeToDelete ));
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }


  1. /**
  2. * Returns the minimum number of moves to solve the
  3. * initial board.
  4. *
  5. * To solve the puzzle from a given search node on the priority queue,
  6. * the total number of moves we need to make (including those already made)
  7. * is at least its priority, using either the Hamming or Manhattan priority function.
  8. *
  9. */
  10. public int moves(){
  11. return initialBoard.manhattan();
  12. }

参考week4 assignment,更正:

  1. public int moves(){
  2. return this.solutionBoards.size() - 1;
  3. }