@w1024020103 2017-03-21T14:21:48.000000Z 字数 1335 阅读 505

Proj2 2.4. Insertion and deletion


2.4. Insertion and deletion

Now that you have written all of the HeapFile machinery to add and remove tuples, you will implement the Insert and Delete operators.
For plans that implement insert and delete queries, the top-most operator is a special Insert or Delete operator that modifies the pages on disk. These operators return the number of affected tuples. This is implemented by returning a single tuple with one integer field, containing the count.

Insert: This operator adds the tuples it reads from its child operator to the tableid specified in its constructor. It should use the BufferPool.insertTuple() method to do this.
Delete: This operator deletes the tuples it reads from its child operator from the tableid specified in its constructor. It should use the BufferPool.deleteTuple() method to do this.
插入:这个运算符会把从它的子运算符读取的rows添加到它的构造器制定的tableid里。应该用 BufferPool.insertTuple()来完成。

Exercise 4. Implement the skeleton methods in:
At this point, your code should pass the unit tests in InsertTest. We have not provided unit tests for Delete. Furthermore, you should be able to pass the InsertTest and DeleteTest system tests.

