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阅读 620
IntList myList = IntList.list(0, 1, 2, 3);
// Creates the IntList 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null
IntList myList = new IntList(0, null);
myList.rest = new IntList(1, null);
myList.rest.rest = new IntList(2, null);
myList.rest.rest.rest = new IntList(3, null);
// One line of using IntList.list() can do the job of four lines!
Let's consider a method dSquareList that will destuctively square every item in a list (similar to what we saw in discussion):
IntList origL = Intlist.list(1, 2, 3)
// origL is now (1, 4, 9)
Here is one implementation of dSquareList():
public static void dSquareList(IntList L) {
while (L != null) {
L.first = L.first * L.first;
L = L.rest;
This is a classic example of a destructive method. It iterates through the list and squares each item, causing the values linked by L
to change. In other words, after calling this method once on L
, every element in L
will be squared.
NOTE: The choice to return void rather than the original pointer to L
was an arbitrary decision. Different languages and libraries use different conventions (and people get quite grumpy about which is the "right" one).
Examining the code above, we see that the origL
variable contains a reference to the created IntList
. This origL variable never changes. Although the L
variable in dSquareList()
gets reassigned all day long, because all parameter passing in method calls are pass-by-copy
(remember pass-by-bits
from lecture?), the origL
variable is still safe and properly points to the first element. In other words, even as we continually call L = L.rest
, origL
always points to the beginning of the IntList
The reason that dSquareList
is destructive is because we change the values of the original input IntList
. As we go along, we square each value, and the action of changing the internal data persists (unlike the reassignment of L
, which doesn't effectively last after the method finishes).
By the end of the method, L
is null, and origL
is still pointing at the beginning of the IntList
, but every value in the IntList
that origL
points to is now squared.
Now, look at squareListIterative()
and squareListRecursive()
. These methods are both non-destructive. That is, the underlying IntList
passed into the methods does not get modified, and instead a fresh new copy is modified and returned.
public static IntList squareListIterative(IntList L) {
if (L == null) {
return null;
IntList res = new IntList(L.first * L.first, null);
IntList ptr = res;
L = L.rest;
while (L != null) {
ptr.rest = new IntList(L.first * L.first, null);
L = L.rest;
ptr = ptr.rest;
return res;
Pay attention to res
, it has changed when ptr
changed. This is because an object has been created in heap, so they pointed to the same object before ptr=ptr.rest
which changed the pointer of ptr
. This method is non-destructive because origL always pointed to the same thing and never has been changed.
* Returns a list consisting of the elements of A followed by *the elements of B. May modify items of A. Don't use 'new'.
public static IntList dcatenate(IntList A, IntList B){
if(A == null) {
return B;
}else if(B == null){
return A;
IntList L = A;
while(A.rest != null){
A = A.rest;
A.rest = B;
return L;
* Returns a list consisting of the elements of A followed by * the elements of B. May NOT modify items of A. Use 'new'.
public static IntList catenateRecursive(IntList A, IntList B){
if(A == null){
return B;
return new IntList(A.first, catenateRecursive(A.rest, B));
public static IntList catenateIterative(IntList A, IntList B){
if (A == null) {
return B;
IntList res = new IntList(A.first, null);
IntList ptr = res;
A = A.rest;
while (A != null) {
ptr.rest = new IntList(A.first, null);
A = A.rest;
ptr = ptr.rest;
ptr.rest = B;
return res;
In ctenateIterative()
, I was wondering why A=A.rest
doesn't modify A.
Write the following methods to destructively and non-destructively square a linked list. Destructively squaring means modifying the items in the IntList passed as an argument. Nondestructively means all values in the original list are unaffected by the function.
/** Destructively squares each element of the given IntList L.
* Don’t use ’new’; modify the original IntList.
* Should be written iteratively. */
public static IntList SquareDestructiveIterate(IntList L) {
IntList B = L;
while(L != null){
B.first = B.first * B.first;
B = B.rest;
return L;
/** Non-destructively squares each element of the given IntList L.
* Don’t modify the given IntList.
* Should be written recursively*/
public static IntList SquareNonDestructiveRecursive(IntList L) {
if(L == null){
return null;
return new IntList(L.first * L.first, SquareNonDestructive(L.rest));
Even more bonus problems: Write SquareDestructive
recursively. Write SquareNonDestructive
public static IntList SquareDestructiveRecursive(IntList L){
if(L == null){
return null;
L.first *= L.first;
return SquareDestructiveRecursive(L.rest);
public static IntList SquareNonestructiveIterate(IntList L){
if (L == null) {
return null;
IntList res = new IntList(L.first*L.first, null);
IntList ptr = res;
L = L.rest;
while (L != null) {
ptr.rest = new IntList(L.first*L.first, null);
L = L.rest;
ptr = ptr.rest;
return res;
From this practice, I lack a deeper understanding of the passing of parameters in Java and I can't write recursive or iterative method really quickly. Here are some extra information I found helpful:
java 参数传递探究
Integer 和 String一样。保存value的类变量是Final属性,无法被修改,只能被重新赋值/生成新的对象。 当Integer做为方法参数传递进方法内时,对其的赋值都会导致原Integer 的引用被指向了方法内的栈地址,失去了对原类变量地址的指向.对赋值后的Integer对象做得任何操作,都不会影响原来对象。
Let's see an example from the above links:
public class Argument {
public static class User{
public String name;
public static void main(String[] args) {
User user = new User();
System.out.print(user.name); //输出BB
public static void change(User user){
Let's see another example:
public class Argument {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String value = "小明";
System.out.print(value); //output: 小明
public static void change(String value){
String str="小红";
在未进入change方法前,value 的指向的地址为 453
进入方法后 形参 value 的指向的地址依然为 453 说明形参复制了实参的地址
其中str变量的指向的地址为 454