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再一次在open project的时候遇到了java.lang.ClassNotFoundException这个异常,采用笨办法,自己建project,再一一建立新类解决了这个问题。有更好的办法吗?
给的Hint:Try out every possible combination of red, green, and blue values and ensure that you never see the same value more than once.
最后还是用了O(N^3)的brute force, 不过一个小技巧值得留意。 要确定不同组合的red,green,blue不会返回相同的hashcode,就要确定所有组合返回的hashcode没有duplicate. 可以先用arraylist装这些int,再用hashset装这些int。 因为hashset不允许duplicate,所以只需要assertequal这个arraylist和hashset的size就能判断这些有没有duplicates了
public void testHashCodePerfect() {
/* TODO: Write a test that ensures the hashCode is perfect,
meaning no two SimpleOomages should EVER have the same
Hint: Try out every possible combination of red, green, and blue values and
ensure that you never see the same value more than once.
ArrayList<Integer> hashList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i += 5){
for(int j = 0; j <256; j += 5){
for(int k = 0; k < 256; k += 5){
SimpleOomage soA = new SimpleOomage(i,j,k);
int hash = soA.hashCode();
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet(hashList);
assertEquals(hashList.size(), set.size());
Perfect HashCode不是很懂为何要那么些,但通过测试了。
public int hashCode() {
return red + green + blue;
} else {
// TODO: Write a perfect hash function for Simple Oomages.
return 256*256*red + 256*green + blue;