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When I finished LinkedListDeque.java
for proj1a, I wanted to push it to my Github repository cs61b, but I ran into some troubles doing it.
I searched the web and went to Cannot push to GitHub - keeps saying need merge,and I tried the solution with the most votes:
Things turned out worse! My github repository now only have file I just committed and I lost my skeleton for cs61b 17spring!!
Then I checked git remote -v
and found out that my skeleton was 16 spring version, which is wrong. My local repository is 17spring skeleton, I think this is why it says that the remote hava something I don't have locally.
So I deleted the previous skeleton and changed it to 17spring by using git remote rm skeleton
and git remote add skeleton https://github.com/Berkeley-CS61B/skeleton-sp17.git
Now my situation seems to go back to the very start, I got evething locally, but my github site is empty, so I started from the very beginning as how to update things to github.
I found this article helpful:
Finally,things turned out right!