字数 1344
阅读 662
An abstract class is a generalization concept. It is a class you invent to only use as a base class for inheritance but not to instantiate objects from.
And abstract datatype (ADT) is not necessarily an OOP concept. It is an older term to describe the concepts of for example Stack and Queue in terms of their functionality, without describing the implementation.
Design a ParkingLot package that allocates specific parking spaces to cars in a smart way. Decide what classes you’ll need, and design the API for each. Time permitting, select data structures
to implement the API for each class. Try to deal with annoying cases (like disobedient humans).
ENUM class car:{regular, compact, handicapped}
class space:
public space spaceToPark(Type car);
public void markFree(Type car);
priority queue;(closer to the entrance is the prioriry)