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如何让你的App 支持64位:
以防万一:本地打了个包:将你的iOS 工程转换为支持64位的版本.zip449.6kB
在补充一下:iOS armv7, armv7s, arm64区别与应用32位、64位配置
32,64 关于int大小不一样,如有指针强转int需要修改
int *c = something passed in as an argument....
int *d = (int *)((int)c + 4); // Incorrect.
int *d = c + 1; // Correct!
If you must convert a pointer to an integer type, always use the uintptr_t type to avoid truncation
If the return type is a larger integer than the receiving variable, the value is truncated.
long PerformCalculation(void);
int x = PerformCalculation(); // incorrect
long y = PerformCalculation(); // correct!
2-3 Truncation of an input parameter
int PerformAnotherCalculation(int input);
long i = LONG_MAX;
int x = PerformCalculation(i);
2-4 Truncation when returning a value
int ReturnMax()
return LONG_MAX;
-Wshorten-64-to-32 让编译器检查32位于64位问题
if you modernized your project, the -Wshorten-64-to-32 compiler option was automatically enabled, so the compiler automatically warns you about many cases where a value is truncated. If you did not modernize your project, you should explicitly enable that compiler option. Optionally, you may want to include the -Wconversion option, which is more verbose, but finds more potential errors.
In a Cocoa Touch app, look for the following integer types and make sure you are using them correctly:
And in both runtime environments, the fpos_t and off_t types are 64 bits in size, so never assign them to an int type.
In the LLVM compiler, enumerated types can define the size of the enumeration. This means that some enumerated types may also have a size that is larger than you expect. The solution, as in all the other cases, is to make no assumptions about a data type’s size. Instead, assign any enumerated values to a variable with the proper data type.
项目中枚举类型,一般数量都很少,32,64 不会超出范围
you should never make the assumption that an NSInteger type is the same size as an int type
NSCoder class. In particular, if you encode an NSInteger on a 64-bit device and later decode it on a 32-bit device, the decode method throws an exception if the value exceeds the range of a 32-bit integer. You may want to use an explicit integer type instead (see Use Explicit Integer Data Types).
static const NSInteger NSNotFound = NSIntegerMax;
define NSIntegerMax LONG_MAX
define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
CGFloat,float,double 类型不可以混转,不然会出问题
float or a double. So use CGFloat consistently.
// Incorrect.
CGFloat value = 200.0;
CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberFloatType, &value);
// Correct!
CGFloat value = 200.0;
CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &value);
由于 64位 编译器的支持,64位的 App 能够运行的更快一些,但是同样,占用的内存也会大一些,为了减少内存压力,你需要对你的 App 做一些内存方面的优化。
避免将64位的 long integer 赋值给32位的 integer
避免将64位的 指针 赋值给32位的 integer
避免因数学运算或其他操作造成 指针 和 long integer 的截断
if you modernized your project, the -Wshorten-64-to-32 compiler option was automatically enabled, so the compiler automatically warns you about many cases where a value is truncated. If you did not modernize your project, you should explicitly enable that compiler option. Optionally, you may want to include the -Wconversion option, which is more verbose, but finds more potential errors.