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相信大家对过去一周Okumatsu社、Nekotomo众关于商标之争热度还没完全消褪。趁着创客教父Mitch Altman造访中国这段期间,不才我向他请教关于这方面的看法。为了保证意见中立,涉事双方的真实身份我都没有告知他,他也表示不想知道具体双方身份。我们所谈的,只限于某个机器人公司和某一帮老师这些代名词。至于友商身份什么的,倒是说了,反正他们不是肇事者,只是参考信息。
我:Hello, Mitch, how's it going? Would you mind sharing some ideas about trademarks or brands?
Mitch: Sure, I'd love to.
我:Since the past week, a conflict happened in between a robotic company and a group of educators. Teachers complained about that company had registered some famous brands as its trademarks. They talked in their WeChat groups and finally received a letter from lawyer. They got angry and shouted this affair out to public.
Mitch: Registering a trademark that people have already known it is totally wrong. It can be a misleading to the public.
我:Even though the name is not refered to a hardware product, just a software code?
Mitch: Yes, it shouldn't be accepted by the authority.
我:Well, I have to tell you more as I think this case can be easily solved in western countries. In China, software is the writers' business and hardware is related to trademarks. There are two kind of law protections. ArduBlock is a plug-in of some Arduino fans and it has helped a lot. The company registered ArduBlock for its hardware product.
Mitch: In US or Europe, it can't be accepted either. If I made a camera and I named it "Glore" and it became famous, you can sell it. But if you sold a bottle of water that's totally not an electronic and you named it "Glore" too, it would be illegal.
我:How about I write books? “Glore” can be a story or a biography. In China, code writers are related to story writers due to Chinese laws. Those teachers had some books published and they introduced to students to learn Arduino and ArduBlock.
Mitch:It depends. I think law workers know the difference between them. So that company had claimed ArduBlock was its coding product?
我:No, it didn't. They produce robotic parts and kits that based on ArduBlock and Arduino.
Mitch: Still it was a fucked up. You know I've made a TV-B-Gone. If somebody copied it and name it Trash-B-Gone, it's okay as it doesn't matter to me. But if anyone name it "T V slash B E slash G O N E", it's still wrong.
我:The law will protect it in this case?
Mitch:Yes. It also works on public domains. AT&T is a famous company. If somebody registered att.com as a domain and doing stuff whatever he wants, it is illegal.
我:He may claim that he registered that before AT&T. Or AT&T would talk to him and a transaction would be made.
Mitch:It doesn't matter. The court would still think this guy try to mislead the public. His domain would be cancelled instantly and belong to AT&T even AT&T hadn't registered it. What AT&T pay for would be a few bucks each year.
我:Then comes to another story. MakeBlock is another company and it had co-operate with that company before. That conpany retailed MakeBlock products. But in Amazon.com, Amazon said that a company must have authority to retail products. So they took a quicker way to solve it - had MakeBlock registered as its trandmark. The same as that happened on Arduino.
Mitch:But MakeBlock is another famous company...
我:It's interesting that they hadn't registered themselves before...
Mitch:It should take some law protection before. Arduino is big famous and they should know that.
我:Yes, Arduino is an AK-47 in makers' world.(We laughed.) But we know that Arduino was divided in two and this is related to one of them.
Mitch:In Shenzhen, I saw a lot of Arduinos were made and sold in an extremely cheap price. 25 kuai you can get one. I don't think that there is a genuine Atmel chip on such a board but they works.
我:Yes, just make a few patches and the board runs.
Mitch:Yeah, Arduino is open sourced. They functioned so they didn't mislead the public and it makes Arduino more famous. I had some workshops about soldering before in US and we had solder an Arduino by ourselves.
我:I've heard that in western countries, there are some organizations like "Free Software Council". They registered trademarks and keep it but they have no ability to manufacture it. They just provide law enforcement.
Mitch:Yeah, that's another solution. It depends who is willing to set up. The important thing is that it should stand in no one's side. Actually you can register your trademark in Hong Kong or even in Vietnam. It's cheaper, but it's totally meaningless. The world won't accept it.
我:If someone do offends the public's knowing and it is inmoral but still legal, what would you think?
Mitch: It's fucked up but I will ignore it. I keep on doing my stuff. We can change the world a little bit by ourselves than just complaining but do nothing real. Making or hacking a thing is more fun than just yealing, right? Yealing may make things go worse and that's another fucked up.
我:Thank you, Mitch. It's a great idea and I think this can be a referance for Chinese makers or educators. Well, people are coming and we can have the next event in QSpace.
Mitch:You're welcome, Kalimov.