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ADT is a container whose properties (data and operation) are specified independently of any praticular implementation.If we have a useful structure, we can use it to reduce complexity, also we can use it to any where we want.
We view data from three part, application(user) level, logical(abstract) level, implementation level. The application level view of data is about a particular problem.The logical level is about abstract and operations that manipulate them. The implementation level is ptaricular representation of the structure that holds the data items and the coding of the operations in a programming language.This view sees the properties represented as specific data fields and subprograms. It is concerned with data structures, the implementation of a composite data field in an abstract data type.
Characteristic:"last in, first out"(LIFO)
Every time we take an item, only can we take the top, if the stack is empty, we are not allow to take item,because there is nothing. We call put an item in the stack "push", take an item in the stack "pop",and we also have to inspect whether the stack empty.
A queue is an abstract structure in which items are entered at one end and removed from the other end.
Characteristrc:"first in, first out"(FIFO)
Like a waiting line.
Insertions are made at the rear of the queue, and removals are made from the front of the queue.The items in the queue have the longest time, but in stack they have shortest time. Insertion operation call "enqueue", deletion operation call dequeue.(or remove)
List occur as naturally in programming as they do in real life. It has three charaterstics: homogeneous, linear and varying lengths.
Lists usually provide operations to insert an item(insert), delet(delete), check whether an item is there, getlength, view each item in sequece (reset getnext moreitems(都是得到下一个)).
But List is not array, it can be implemented in array, it is an abstract structure.
Like a family relation tree, we need a hierarchical(分级的) structure.
Each node is capable of two successor nodes, call children.The beginning of the tree is a unique starting node called the root.
Each node in the tree may have zero, one or two children. The node to the left of a node called its left child.If a node in tje tree have no children, it is a leaf.A node is ancestor of another node if it is the patrent of the node or the parent of some other ancestor(是所有的祖先,包括祖先的祖先的祖先的祖先。。。) of that node. The descendants of the node cintaining its children and children's children(是所有的后代,还有孩子的孩子的孩子。。。).It is a recursive definition.
Like a binary tree, it root's data is larger than left subtree, less than right tree.It is also a recursive definition.
If we have a data, we first compare it with left child's data, if it is larger than left child's data, we find the left child's right tree. (反之就找右边,如果没有最后走到NULL,否则都能找到)
The shape of the tree effect the effiency of a seach.The shape of a tree is determined by the order in which items are entered into the tree.
We have a set of name, and we put the first in the root, then compera the second with the root, if it is larger than root, put it in right child, if it is less, put it in left child. Then recursive.
The tree can should a people and a people whether parent and children,but can't show whether they are sister or brother.So we have grapes.
A grape have vertices and edges.
We have undirected grapes and directed grapes(digrape).One's edge has direct,another hasn't.
A weighted graph is one in which has value attach to each edge.
Understand the inherent semantics(内在语义) in all data structrue.(all use to retrieval检索)
How can I get to somewhere as my favourite?
We go into a path(node by node,can't pass a node), and go to the path's deepest before other choses.Use a stack to do it, we push the first node in stack,then pop it and find this node's adjacent node, push them into stack, then we find one amount them and go to deepest.
How can I get to somewhere use fewest flight?
We put the first node in the queue, if not find, we put all the adjacent node into the queue. And if we not find, we put all the adjacent's nodes into the queue.Finally we what we want is in the queue.(in this way we find all the path)