@lancelot-vim 2016-06-30T13:17:36.000000Z 字数 22159 阅读 5097



同样的,我希望在看这篇之前,读者已经对算法有了一定的了解,否则我估计这篇博客看起来会很吃力,如果还不太了解算法,建议先看第三篇:lsd-slam源码解读第三篇:算法解析 深度估计是整个lsd-slam最核心的部分,它和orb-slam在对深度的处理上有极大的不同,主要体现在:





这是一个很核心的类,首先我们来看构造函数DepthMap::DepthMap(int w, int h, const Eigen::Matrix3f& K)

  1. width = w;
  2. height = h;
  3. activeKeyFrame = 0;
  4. activeKeyFrameIsReactivated = false;
  5. otherDepthMap = new DepthMapPixelHypothesis[width*height];
  6. currentDepthMap = new DepthMapPixelHypothesis[width*height];
  7. validityIntegralBuffer = (int*)Eigen::internal::aligned_malloc(width*height*sizeof(int));
  8. debugImageHypothesisHandling = cv::Mat(h,w, CV_8UC3);
  9. debugImageHypothesisPropagation = cv::Mat(h,w, CV_8UC3);
  10. debugImageStereoLines = cv::Mat(h,w, CV_8UC3);
  11. debugImageDepth = cv::Mat(h,w, CV_8UC3);
  12. this->K = K;
  13. fx = K(0,0);
  14. fy = K(1,1);
  15. cx = K(0,2);
  16. cy = K(1,2);
  17. KInv = K.inverse();
  18. fxi = KInv(0,0);
  19. fyi = KInv(1,1);
  20. cxi = KInv(0,2);
  21. cyi = KInv(1,2);


  1. void DepthMap::reset()
  2. {
  3. for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* pt = otherDepthMap+width*height-1; pt >= otherDepthMap; pt--)
  4. pt->isValid = false;
  5. for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* pt = currentDepthMap+width*height-1; pt >= currentDepthMap; pt--)
  6. pt->isValid = false;
  7. }


  1. msUpdate = msCreate = msFinalize = 0;
  2. msObserve = msRegularize = msPropagate = msFillHoles = msSetDepth = 0;
  3. gettimeofday(&lastHzUpdate, NULL);
  4. nUpdate = nCreate = nFinalize = 0;
  5. nObserve = nRegularize = nPropagate = nFillHoles = nSetDepth = 0;
  6. nAvgUpdate = nAvgCreate = nAvgFinalize = 0;
  7. nAvgObserve = nAvgRegularize = nAvgPropagate = nAvgFillHoles = nAvgSetDepth = 0;

void DepthMap::updateKeyframe


  1. oldest_referenceFrame = referenceFrames.front().get();
  2. newest_referenceFrame = referenceFrames.back().get();
  3. referenceFrameByID.clear();
  4. referenceFrameByID_offset = oldest_referenceFrame->id();


  1. for(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frame : referenceFrames)
  2. {
  3. assert(frame->hasTrackingParent());
  4. if(frame->getTrackingParent() != activeKeyFrame)
  5. {
  6. printf("WARNING: updating frame %d with %d, which was tracked on a different frame (%d).\nWhile this should work, it is not recommended.",
  7. activeKeyFrame->id(), frame->id(),
  8. frame->getTrackingParent()->id());
  9. }
  10. Sim3 refToKf;
  11. if(frame->pose->trackingParent->frameID == activeKeyFrame->id())
  12. refToKf = frame->pose->thisToParent_raw;
  13. else
  14. refToKf = activeKeyFrame->getScaledCamToWorld().inverse() * frame->getScaledCamToWorld();
  15. frame->prepareForStereoWith(activeKeyFrame, refToKf, K, 0);
  16. while((int)referenceFrameByID.size() + referenceFrameByID_offset <= frame->id())
  17. referenceFrameByID.push_back(frame.get());
  18. }
  19. resetCounters();


  1. gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL);
  2. observeDepth();
  3. gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL);
  4. msObserve = 0.9*msObserve + 0.1*((tv_end.tv_sec-tv_start.tv_sec)*1000.0f + (tv_end.tv_usec-tv_start.tv_usec)/1000.0f);
  5. nObserve++;


threadReducer.reduce(boost::bind(&DepthMap::observeDepthRow, this, _1, _2, _3), 3, height-3, 10);

this->observeDepthRow(int, int, RunningStats* ), 以及三个参数3, height-3,10


这个函数要求的传入参数是一个函数对象,三个int类型的整数,这个函数对象需要三个参数,分别是int,int,RunningStats*,返回值为void,这四个参数正好对应了this->observeDepthRow(int, int, RunningStats* ),3, height-3,10,
我想你读到这里,应该能够深刻体会到bind的强大之处,函数指针void()(int,int,RunningStats)和函数指针void DepthMap::observeDepthRow(int yMin, int yMax, RunningStats* stats)类型是不同的,实际如果只是简单使用一下函数指针传递,编译是无法通过的,但是bind内部维护了这个转化,让你能够轻松地使用类里面的函数

  1. this->callPerIndex = callPerIndex;
  2. nextIndex = first;
  3. maxIndex = end;
  4. this->stepSize = stepSize;


  1. // go worker threads!
  2. for(int i=0;i<MAPPING_THREADS;i++)
  3. isDone[i] = false;
  4. // let them start!
  5. todo_signal.notify_all();


  1. //printf("reduce waiting for threads to finish\n");
  2. // wait for all worker threads to signal they are done.
  3. while(true)
  4. {
  5. // wait for at least one to finish
  6. done_signal.wait(lock);
  7. //printf("thread finished!\n");
  8. // check if actually all are finished.
  9. bool allDone = true;
  10. for(int i=0;i<MAPPING_THREADS;i++)
  11. allDone = allDone && isDone[i];
  12. // all are finished! exit.
  13. if(allDone)
  14. break;
  15. }


  1. nextIndex = 0;
  2. maxIndex = 0;
  3. this->callPerIndex = boost::bind(&IndexThreadReduce::callPerIndexDefault, this, _1, _2, _3);


  1. void workerLoop(int idx)
  2. {
  3. boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(exMutex);
  4. while(running)
  5. {
  6. // try to get something to do.
  7. int todo = 0;
  8. bool gotSomething = false;
  9. if(nextIndex < maxIndex)
  10. {
  11. // got something!
  12. todo = nextIndex;
  13. nextIndex+=stepSize;
  14. gotSomething = true;
  15. }
  16. // if got something: do it (unlock in the meantime)
  17. if(gotSomething)
  18. {
  19. lock.unlock();
  20. assert(callPerIndex != 0);
  21. RunningStats s;
  22. callPerIndex(todo, std::min(todo+stepSize, maxIndex), &s);
  23. lock.lock();
  24. runningStats.add(&s);
  25. }
  26. // otherwise wait on signal, releasing lock in the meantime.
  27. else
  28. {
  29. isDone[idx] = true;
  30. //printf("worker %d waiting..\n", idx);
  31. done_signal.notify_all();
  32. todo_signal.wait(lock);
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }


现在在让我们来看线程中实际运行的函数void DepthMap::observeDepthRow(int yMin, int yMax, RunningStats* stats),首先得到关键帧最大的梯度,然后开始循环

const float* keyFrameMaxGradBuf = activeKeyFrame->maxGradients(0);


  1. int idx = x+y*width;
  2. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* target = currentDepthMap+idx;
  3. bool hasHypothesis = target->isValid;
  4. // ======== 1. check absolute grad =========
  5. if(hasHypothesis && keyFrameMaxGradBuf[idx] < MIN_ABS_GRAD_DECREASE)
  6. {
  7. target->isValid = false;
  8. continue;
  9. }
  10. if(keyFrameMaxGradBuf[idx] < MIN_ABS_GRAD_CREATE || target->blacklisted < MIN_BLACKLIST)
  11. continue;


  1. if(!hasHypothesis)
  2. success = observeDepthCreate(x, y, idx, stats);
  3. else
  4. success = observeDepthUpdate(x, y, idx, keyFrameMaxGradBuf, stats);

bool DepthMap::observeDepthCreate


  1. float epx = - fx * ref->thisToOther_t[0] + ref->thisToOther_t[2]*(x - cx);
  2. float epy = - fy * ref->thisToOther_t[1] + ref->thisToOther_t[2]*(y - cy);



  1. // ======== check epl length =========
  2. float eplLengthSquared = epx*epx+epy*epy;
  3. if(eplLengthSquared < MIN_EPL_LENGTH_SQUARED)
  4. {
  5. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_observe_skipped_small_epl++;
  6. return false;
  7. }
  8. // ===== check epl-grad magnitude ======
  9. float gx = activeKeyFrameImageData[idx+1] - activeKeyFrameImageData[idx-1];
  10. float gy = activeKeyFrameImageData[idx+width] - activeKeyFrameImageData[idx-width];
  11. float eplGradSquared = gx * epx + gy * epy;
  12. eplGradSquared = eplGradSquared*eplGradSquared / eplLengthSquared; // square and norm with epl-length
  13. if(eplGradSquared < MIN_EPL_GRAD_SQUARED)
  14. {
  15. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_observe_skipped_small_epl_grad++;
  16. return false;
  17. }
  18. // ===== check epl-grad angle ======
  19. if(eplGradSquared / (gx*gx+gy*gy) < MIN_EPL_ANGLE_SQUARED)
  20. {
  21. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_observe_skipped_small_epl_angle++;
  22. return false;
  23. }
  24. // ===== DONE - return "normalized" epl =====
  25. float fac = GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST / sqrt(eplLengthSquared);
  26. *pepx = epx * fac;
  27. *pepy = epy * fac;


float DepthMap::doLineStereo

  1. float error = doLineStereo(
  2. new_u,new_v,epx,epy,
  3. 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f/MIN_DEPTH,
  4. refFrame, refFrame->image(0),
  5. result_idepth, result_var, result_eplLength, stats);


  1. Eigen::Vector3f KinvP = Eigen::Vector3f(fxi*u+cxi,fyi*v+cyi,1.0f);
  2. Eigen::Vector3f pInf = referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_R * KinvP;
  3. Eigen::Vector3f pReal = pInf / prior_idepth + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t;


  1. float rescaleFactor = pReal[2] * prior_idepth;
  2. float firstX = u - 2*epxn*rescaleFactor;
  3. float firstY = v - 2*epyn*rescaleFactor;
  4. float lastX = u + 2*epxn*rescaleFactor;
  5. float lastY = v + 2*epyn*rescaleFactor;


  1. inline float getInterpolatedElement(const float* const mat, const float x, const float y, const int width)
  2. {
  3. //stats.num_pixelInterpolations++;
  4. int ix = (int)x;
  5. int iy = (int)y;
  6. float dx = x - ix;
  7. float dy = y - iy;
  8. float dxdy = dx*dy;
  9. const float* bp = mat +ix+iy*width;
  10. float res = dxdy * bp[1+width]
  11. + (dy-dxdy) * bp[width]
  12. + (dx-dxdy) * bp[1]
  13. + (1-dx-dy+dxdy) * bp[0];
  14. return res;
  15. }


  1. Eigen::Vector3f pClose = pInf + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t*max_idepth;
  2. // if the assumed close-point lies behind the
  3. // image, have to change that.
  4. if(pClose[2] < 0.001f)
  5. {
  6. max_idepth = (0.001f-pInf[2]) / referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t[2];
  7. pClose = pInf + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t*max_idepth;
  8. }
  9. pClose = pClose / pClose[2]; // pos in new image of point (xy), assuming max_idepth


  1. Eigen::Vector3f pFar = pInf + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t*min_idepth;
  2. // if the assumed far-point lies behind the image or closter than the near-point,
  3. // we moved past the Point it and should stop.
  4. if(pFar[2] < 0.001f || max_idepth < min_idepth)
  5. {
  6. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_inf_oob++;
  7. return -1;
  8. }
  9. pFar = pFar / pFar[2]; // pos in new image of point (xy), assuming min_idepth


  1. // calculate increments in which we will step through the epipolar line.
  2. // they are sampleDist (or half sample dist) long
  3. float incx = pClose[0] - pFar[0];
  4. float incy = pClose[1] - pFar[1];
  5. float eplLength = sqrt(incx*incx+incy*incy);
  6. if(!eplLength > 0 || std::isinf(eplLength)) return -4;
  7. incx *= GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST/eplLength;
  8. incy *= GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST/eplLength;


  1. // extend one sample_dist to left & right.
  2. pFar[0] -= incx;
  3. pFar[1] -= incy;
  4. pClose[0] += incx;
  5. pClose[1] += incy;
  6. // make epl long enough (pad a little bit).
  7. if(eplLength < MIN_EPL_LENGTH_CROP)
  8. {
  9. float pad = (MIN_EPL_LENGTH_CROP - (eplLength)) / 2.0f;
  10. pFar[0] -= incx*pad;
  11. pFar[1] -= incy*pad;
  12. pClose[0] += incx*pad;
  13. pClose[1] += incy*pad;
  14. }
  15. // if inf point is outside of image: skip pixel.
  16. if(
  17. pFar[0] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  18. pFar[0] >= width-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  19. pFar[1] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  20. pFar[1] >= height-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  21. {
  22. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_inf_oob++;
  23. return -1;
  24. }
  25. // if near point is outside: move inside, and test length again.
  26. if(
  27. pClose[0] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  28. pClose[0] >= width-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  29. pClose[1] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  30. pClose[1] >= height-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  31. {
  32. if(pClose[0] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  33. {
  34. float toAdd = (SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER - pClose[0]) / incx;
  35. pClose[0] += toAdd * incx;
  36. pClose[1] += toAdd * incy;
  37. }
  38. else if(pClose[0] >= width-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  39. {
  40. float toAdd = (width-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER - pClose[0]) / incx;
  41. pClose[0] += toAdd * incx;
  42. pClose[1] += toAdd * incy;
  43. }
  44. if(pClose[1] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  45. {
  46. float toAdd = (SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER - pClose[1]) / incy;
  47. pClose[0] += toAdd * incx;
  48. pClose[1] += toAdd * incy;
  49. }
  50. else if(pClose[1] >= height-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER)
  51. {
  52. float toAdd = (height-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER - pClose[1]) / incy;
  53. pClose[0] += toAdd * incx;
  54. pClose[1] += toAdd * incy;
  55. }
  56. // get new epl length
  57. float fincx = pClose[0] - pFar[0];
  58. float fincy = pClose[1] - pFar[1];
  59. float newEplLength = sqrt(fincx*fincx+fincy*fincy);
  60. // test again
  61. if(
  62. pClose[0] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  63. pClose[0] >= width-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  64. pClose[1] <= SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  65. pClose[1] >= height-SAMPLE_POINT_TO_BORDER ||
  66. newEplLength < 8.0f
  67. )
  68. {
  69. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_near_oob++;
  70. return -1;
  71. }
  72. }


  1. float cpx = pFar[0];
  2. float cpy = pFar[1];
  3. float val_cp_m2 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx-2.0f*incx, cpy-2.0f*incy, width);
  4. float val_cp_m1 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx-incx, cpy-incy, width);
  5. float val_cp = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx, cpy, width);
  6. float val_cp_p1 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx+incx, cpy+incy, width);
  7. float val_cp_p2;


  1. int loopCounter = 0;
  2. float best_match_x = -1;
  3. float best_match_y = -1;
  4. float best_match_err = 1e50;
  5. float second_best_match_err = 1e50;
  6. // best pre and post errors.
  7. float best_match_errPre=NAN, best_match_errPost=NAN, best_match_DiffErrPre=NAN, best_match_DiffErrPost=NAN;
  8. bool bestWasLastLoop = false;
  9. float eeLast = -1; // final error of last comp.
  10. // alternating intermediate vars
  11. float e1A=NAN, e1B=NAN, e2A=NAN, e2B=NAN, e3A=NAN, e3B=NAN, e4A=NAN, e4B=NAN, e5A=NAN, e5B=NAN;
  12. int loopCBest=-1, loopCSecond =-1;

之后开始循环搜索,只要没有走到终点pClose或者loopCounter == 0就不断循环,以搜索误差最小的那个匹配点,我们把通过几何计算然后插值得到的那个点的信息作为标准信息,进行搜索,并计算误差

  1. // interpolate one new point
  2. val_cp_p2 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx+2*incx, cpy+2*incy, width);
  3. // hacky but fast way to get error and differential error: switch buffer variables for last loop.
  4. float ee = 0;
  5. if(loopCounter%2==0)
  6. {
  7. // calc error and accumulate sums.
  8. e1A = val_cp_p2 - realVal_p2;ee += e1A*e1A;
  9. e2A = val_cp_p1 - realVal_p1;ee += e2A*e2A;
  10. e3A = val_cp - realVal; ee += e3A*e3A;
  11. e4A = val_cp_m1 - realVal_m1;ee += e4A*e4A;
  12. e5A = val_cp_m2 - realVal_m2;ee += e5A*e5A;
  13. }
  14. else
  15. {
  16. // calc error and accumulate sums.
  17. e1B = val_cp_p2 - realVal_p2;ee += e1B*e1B;
  18. e2B = val_cp_p1 - realVal_p1;ee += e2B*e2B;
  19. e3B = val_cp - realVal; ee += e3B*e3B;
  20. e4B = val_cp_m1 - realVal_m1;ee += e4B*e4B;
  21. e5B = val_cp_m2 - realVal_m2;ee += e5B*e5B;
  22. }


  1. if(ee < best_match_err)
  2. {
  3. // put to second-best
  4. second_best_match_err=best_match_err;
  5. loopCSecond = loopCBest;
  6. // set best.
  7. best_match_err = ee;
  8. loopCBest = loopCounter;
  9. best_match_errPre = eeLast;
  10. best_match_DiffErrPre = e1A*e1B + e2A*e2B + e3A*e3B + e4A*e4B + e5A*e5B;
  11. best_match_errPost = -1;
  12. best_match_DiffErrPost = -1;
  13. best_match_x = cpx;
  14. best_match_y = cpy;
  15. bestWasLastLoop = true;
  16. }


  1. if(bestWasLastLoop)
  2. {
  3. best_match_errPost = ee;
  4. best_match_DiffErrPost = e1A*e1B + e2A*e2B + e3A*e3B + e4A*e4B + e5A*e5B;
  5. bestWasLastLoop = false;
  6. }


  1. if(ee < second_best_match_err)
  2. {
  3. second_best_match_err=ee;
  4. loopCSecond = loopCounter;
  5. }


  1. eeLast = ee;
  2. val_cp_m2 = val_cp_m1; val_cp_m1 = val_cp; val_cp = val_cp_p1; val_cp_p1 = val_cp_p2;
  3. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_comparisons++;
  4. cpx += incx;
  5. cpy += incy;
  6. loopCounter++;


  1. // if error too big, will return -3, otherwise -2.
  2. if(best_match_err > 4.0f*(float)MAX_ERROR_STEREO)
  3. {
  4. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_invalid_bigErr++;
  5. return -3;
  6. }
  7. // check if clear enough winner
  8. if(abs(loopCBest - loopCSecond) > 1.0f && MIN_DISTANCE_ERROR_STEREO * best_match_err > second_best_match_err)
  9. {
  10. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_invalid_unclear_winner++;
  11. return -2;
  12. }

1. gradPre_pre和gradPre_this不同号且gradPost_post和gradPost_this同号。认为前插可用
2. 上一种条件不满足情况下gradPost_post和gradPost_this不同号,认为后插值可用


  1. if(interpPre)
  2. {
  3. float d = gradPre_this / (gradPre_this - gradPre_pre);
  4. best_match_x -= d*incx;
  5. best_match_y -= d*incy;
  6. best_match_err = best_match_err - 2*d*gradPre_this - (gradPre_pre - gradPre_this)*d*d;
  7. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_interpPre++;
  8. didSubpixel = true;
  9. }
  10. else if(interpPost)
  11. {
  12. float d = gradPost_this / (gradPost_this - gradPost_post);
  13. best_match_x += d*incx;
  14. best_match_y += d*incy;
  15. best_match_err = best_match_err + 2*d*gradPost_this + (gradPost_post - gradPost_this)*d*d;
  16. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_interpPost++;
  17. didSubpixel = true;
  18. }


  1. // sampleDist is the distance in pixel at which the realVal's were sampled
  2. float sampleDist = GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST*rescaleFactor;
  3. float gradAlongLine = 0;
  4. float tmp = realVal_p2 - realVal_p1; gradAlongLine+=tmp*tmp;
  5. tmp = realVal_p1 - realVal; gradAlongLine+=tmp*tmp;
  6. tmp = realVal - realVal_m1; gradAlongLine+=tmp*tmp;
  7. tmp = realVal_m1 - realVal_m2; gradAlongLine+=tmp*tmp;
  8. gradAlongLine /= sampleDist*sampleDist;
  9. // check if interpolated error is OK. use evil hack to allow more error if there is a lot of gradient.
  10. if(best_match_err > (float)MAX_ERROR_STEREO + sqrtf( gradAlongLine)*20)
  11. {
  12. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_stereo_invalid_bigErr++;
  13. return -3;
  14. }


  1. float oldX = fxi*best_match_x+cxi;
  2. float nominator = (oldX*referenceFrame->otherToThis_t[2] - referenceFrame->otherToThis_t[0]);
  3. float dot0 = KinvP.dot(referenceFrame->otherToThis_R_row0);
  4. float dot2 = KinvP.dot(referenceFrame->otherToThis_R_row2);
  5. idnew_best_match = (dot0 - oldX*dot2) / nominator;
  6. alpha = incx*fxi*(dot0*referenceFrame->otherToThis_t[2] - dot2*referenceFrame->otherToThis_t[0]) / (nominator*nominator);




  1. //if(rand()%10==0)
  2. {
  3. gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL);
  4. regularizeDepthMapFillHoles();
  5. gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL);
  6. msFillHoles = 0.9*msFillHoles + 0.1*((tv_end.tv_sec-tv_start.tv_sec)*1000.0f + (tv_end.tv_usec-tv_start.tv_usec)/1000.0f);
  7. nFillHoles++;
  8. }
  9. gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL);
  10. regularizeDepthMap(false, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP);
  11. gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL);
  12. msRegularize = 0.9*msRegularize + 0.1*((tv_end.tv_sec-tv_start.tv_sec)*1000.0f + (tv_end.tv_usec-tv_start.tv_usec)/1000.0f);
  13. nRegularize++;




  1. const float* keyFrameMaxGradBuf = activeKeyFrame->maxGradients(0);


  1. int idx = x+y*width;
  2. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* dest = otherDepthMap + idx;
  3. if(dest->isValid) continue;
  4. if(keyFrameMaxGradBuf[idx]<MIN_ABS_GRAD_DECREASE) continue;


  1. int* io = validityIntegralBuffer + idx;
  2. int val = io[2+2*width] - io[2-3*width] - io[-3+2*width] + io[-3-3*width];


  1. void DepthMap::buildRegIntegralBufferRow1(int yMin, int yMax, RunningStats* stats)
  2. {
  3. // ============ build inegral buffers
  4. int* validityIntegralBufferPT = validityIntegralBuffer+yMin*width;
  5. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* ptSrc = currentDepthMap+yMin*width;
  6. for(int y=yMin;y<yMax;y++)
  7. {
  8. int validityIntegralBufferSUM = 0;
  9. for(int x=0;x<width;x++)
  10. {
  11. if(ptSrc->isValid)
  12. validityIntegralBufferSUM += ptSrc->validity_counter;
  13. *(validityIntegralBufferPT++) = validityIntegralBufferSUM;
  14. ptSrc++;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }

你会发现,validityIntegralBuffer实际上记录了到当前位置所有的有效点的和,那么上面那一段加加减减(int val = io[2+2*width] - io[2-3*width] - io[-3+2*width] + io[-3-3*width])是干嘛呢,请看下图

  1. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* s1max = otherDepthMap + (x-2) + (y+3)*width;
  2. for (DepthMapPixelHypothesis* s1 = otherDepthMap + (x-2) + (y-2)*width; s1 < s1max; s1+=width)
  3. for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* source = s1; source < s1+5; source++)
  4. {
  5. if(!source->isValid) continue;
  6. sumIdepthObs += source->idepth /source->idepth_var;
  7. sumIVarObs += 1.0f/source->idepth_var;
  8. num++;
  9. }
  10. float idepthObs = sumIdepthObs / sumIVarObs;
  11. idepthObs = UNZERO(idepthObs);
  12. currentDepthMap[idx] =
  13. DepthMapPixelHypothesis(
  14. idepthObs,
  16. 0);




  1. for(int y=yMin;y<yMax;y++)
  2. {
  3. for(int x=regularize_radius;x<width-regularize_radius;x++)
  4. {
  5. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* dest = currentDepthMap + x + y*width;
  6. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* destRead = otherDepthMap + x + y*width;
  7. float sum=0, val_sum=0, sumIvar=0;//, min_varObs = 1e20;
  8. int numOccluding = 0, numNotOccluding = 0;
  9. for(int dx=-regularize_radius; dx<=regularize_radius;dx++)
  10. for(int dy=-regularize_radius; dy<=regularize_radius;dy++)
  11. {
  12. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* source = destRead + dx + dy*width;
  13. if(!source->isValid) continue;
  14. float diff =source->idepth - destRead->idepth;
  15. if(DIFF_FAC_SMOOTHING*diff*diff > source->idepth_var + destRead->idepth_var)
  16. continue;
  17. val_sum += source->validity_counter;
  18. float distFac = (float)(dx*dx+dy*dy)*regDistVar;
  19. float ivar = 1.0f/(source->idepth_var + distFac);
  20. sum += source->idepth * ivar;
  21. sumIvar += ivar;
  22. }
  23. if(val_sum < validityTH)
  24. {
  25. dest->isValid = false;
  26. continue;
  27. }
  28. sum = sum / sumIvar;
  29. sum = UNZERO(sum);
  30. // update!
  31. dest->idepth_smoothed = sum;
  32. dest->idepth_var_smoothed = 1.0f/sumIvar;
  33. }
  34. }


void DepthMap::propagateDepth


  1. for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* pt = otherDepthMap+width*height-1; pt >= otherDepthMap; pt--)
  2. {
  3. pt->isValid = false;
  4. pt->blacklisted = 0;
  5. }


  1. SE3 oldToNew_SE3 = se3FromSim3(new_keyframe->pose->thisToParent_raw).inverse();
  2. Eigen::Vector3f trafoInv_t = oldToNew_SE3.translation().cast<float>();
  3. Eigen::Matrix3f trafoInv_R = oldToNew_SE3.rotationMatrix().matrix().cast<float>();
  4. const bool* trackingWasGood = new_keyframe->getTrackingParent() == activeKeyFrame ? new_keyframe->refPixelWasGoodNoCreate() : 0;
  5. const float* activeKFImageData = activeKeyFrame->image(0);
  6. const float* newKFMaxGrad = new_keyframe->maxGradients(0);
  7. const float* newKFImageData = new_keyframe->image(0);


  1. Eigen::Vector3f pn = (trafoInv_R * Eigen::Vector3f(x*fxi + cxi,y*fyi + cyi,1.0f)) / source->idepth_smoothed + trafoInv_t;
  2. float new_idepth = 1.0f / pn[2];
  3. float u_new = pn[0]*new_idepth*fx + cx;
  4. float v_new = pn[1]*new_idepth*fy + cy;


  1. int newIDX = (int)(u_new+0.5f) + ((int)(v_new+0.5f))*width;
  2. float destAbsGrad = newKFMaxGrad[newIDX];
  3. ...
  4. DepthMapPixelHypothesis* targetBest = otherDepthMap + newIDX;


  1. float idepth_ratio_4 = new_idepth / source->idepth_smoothed;
  2. idepth_ratio_4 *= idepth_ratio_4;
  3. idepth_ratio_4 *= idepth_ratio_4;


  1. // check for occlusion
  2. if(targetBest->isValid)
  3. {
  4. // if they occlude one another, one gets removed.
  5. float diff = targetBest->idepth - new_idepth;
  6. if(DIFF_FAC_PROP_MERGE*diff*diff >
  7. new_var +
  8. targetBest->idepth_var)
  9. {
  10. if(new_idepth < targetBest->idepth)
  11. {
  12. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) runningStats.num_prop_occluded++;
  13. continue;
  14. }
  15. else
  16. {
  17. if(enablePrintDebugInfo) runningStats.num_prop_occluded++;
  18. targetBest->isValid = false;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }


  1. *targetBest = DepthMapPixelHypothesis(
  2. new_idepth,
  3. new_var,
  4. source->validity_counter);


  1. // merge idepth ekf-style
  2. float w = new_var / (targetBest->idepth_var + new_var);
  3. float merged_new_idepth = w*targetBest->idepth + (1.0f-w)*new_idepth;
  4. // merge validity
  5. int merged_validity = source->validity_counter + targetBest->validity_counter;
  8. *targetBest = DepthMapPixelHypothesis(
  9. merged_new_idepth,
  10. 1.0f/(1.0f/targetBest->idepth_var + 1.0f/new_var),
  11. merged_validity);
  12. ...
  13. // swap!
  14. std::swap(currentDepthMap, otherDepthMap);

