@Channelchan 2018-01-24T17:36:32.000000Z 字数 4572 阅读 24421


  1. 读取本地数据
  2. 读取信号, 并且修改权重
  3. 持有10天的权重分配


  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from jaqs.data import DataView
  4. from jaqs.research import SignalDigger
  5. import warnings
  6. data = pd.read_excel('signal_df.xlsx', index_col='trade_date')
  1. print(data.tail().stack())
20171218    000001.SZ    0.028519
            000069.SZ    0.044093
            000100.SZ    0.028474
            000402.SZ    0.029721
            000623.SZ    0.037530
            000728.SZ    0.045084
            000776.SZ    0.029339
            000783.SZ    0.037970
            000959.SZ    0.027329
            000963.SZ    0.046964
            002236.SZ    0.106231
            002241.SZ    0.026804
            002310.SZ    0.028444
            002426.SZ    0.026606
            002456.SZ    0.160243
            002475.SZ    0.062133
            002572.SZ    0.064084
            002736.SZ    0.030157
            002831.SZ    0.026710
            002839.SZ    0.045822
            300059.SZ    0.040967
            600016.SH    0.028757
            600018.SH    0.036246
            600048.SH    0.029588
            600068.SH    0.066481
            600297.SH    0.029303
            600340.SH    0.032477
            600369.SH    0.032991
            600376.SH    0.044635
            600383.SH    0.042118
20171222    600376.SH    0.069270
            600390.SH    0.026247
            600415.SH    0.046980
            600522.SH    0.029764
            600663.SH    0.085307
            600795.SH    0.052296
            600804.SH    0.135629
            600827.SH    0.051967
            600837.SH    0.071733
            600871.SH    0.036321
            600895.SH    0.048910
            600926.SH    0.037022
            600958.SH    0.066338
            600959.SH    0.053739
            601018.SH    0.035732
            601118.SH    0.031308
            601186.SH    0.025082
            601198.SH    0.027028
            601212.SH    0.066140
            601228.SH    0.036832
            601229.SH    0.025712
            601555.SH    0.042266
            601633.SH    0.025228
            601727.SH    0.030271
            601985.SH    0.025059
            601992.SH    0.034200
            601997.SH    0.045971
            603160.SH    0.037208
            603799.SH    0.065817
            603993.SH    0.034091
Length: 283, dtype: float64

2_读取信号, 并且修改权重

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. weight_list = []
  3. for time_index, weight in data.iterrows():
  4. weiht_result = (weight/weight.sum())
  5. weight_list.append(weiht_result.to_dict())
  6. stock_df = pd.DataFrame(weight_list, index=data.index)
  1. print(stock_df.tail().stack())
20171218    000001.SZ    0.012165
            000069.SZ    0.018808
            000100.SZ    0.012145
            000402.SZ    0.012678
            000623.SZ    0.016008
            000728.SZ    0.019231
            000776.SZ    0.012515
            000783.SZ    0.016196
            000959.SZ    0.011657
            000963.SZ    0.020032
            002236.SZ    0.045312
            002241.SZ    0.011433
            002310.SZ    0.012133
            002426.SZ    0.011349
            002456.SZ    0.068351
            002475.SZ    0.026503
            002572.SZ    0.027335
            002736.SZ    0.012863
            002831.SZ    0.011393
            002839.SZ    0.019545
            300059.SZ    0.017474
            600016.SH    0.012266
            600018.SH    0.015460
            600048.SH    0.012621
            600068.SH    0.028357
            600297.SH    0.012499
            600340.SH    0.013853
            600369.SH    0.014072
            600376.SH    0.019039
            600383.SH    0.017965
20171222    600376.SH    0.025168
            600390.SH    0.009537
            600415.SH    0.017069
            600522.SH    0.010815
            600663.SH    0.030995
            600795.SH    0.019001
            600804.SH    0.049279
            600827.SH    0.018882
            600837.SH    0.026063
            600871.SH    0.013197
            600895.SH    0.017771
            600926.SH    0.013452
            600958.SH    0.024103
            600959.SH    0.019525
            601018.SH    0.012983
            601118.SH    0.011375
            601186.SH    0.009113
            601198.SH    0.009820
            601212.SH    0.024031
            601228.SH    0.013382
            601229.SH    0.009342
            601555.SH    0.015357
            601633.SH    0.009166
            601727.SH    0.010998
            601985.SH    0.009105
            601992.SH    0.012426
            601997.SH    0.016703
            603160.SH    0.013519
            603799.SH    0.023914
            603993.SH    0.012387
Length: 283, dtype: float64
  1. print(stock_df.sum(axis=1))
20120105    1.0
20120106    1.0
20120109    1.0
20120110    1.0
20120111    1.0
20120112    1.0
20120113    1.0
20120116    1.0
20120117    1.0
20120118    1.0
20120119    1.0
20120120    1.0
20120130    1.0
20120131    1.0
20120201    1.0
20120202    1.0
20120203    1.0
20120206    1.0
20120207    1.0
20120208    1.0
20120209    1.0
20120210    1.0
20120213    1.0
20120214    1.0
20120215    1.0
20120216    1.0
20120217    1.0
20120220    1.0
20120221    1.0
20120222    1.0
20171113    1.0
20171114    1.0
20171115    1.0
20171116    1.0
20171117    1.0
20171120    1.0
20171121    1.0
20171122    1.0
20171123    1.0
20171124    1.0
20171127    1.0
20171128    1.0
20171129    1.0
20171130    1.0
20171201    1.0
20171204    1.0
20171205    1.0
20171206    1.0
20171207    1.0
20171208    1.0
20171211    1.0
20171212    1.0
20171213    1.0
20171214    1.0
20171215    1.0
20171218    1.0
20171219    1.0
20171220    1.0
20171221    1.0
20171222    1.0
Length: 1452, dtype: float64


  1. 切片拆分
  2. 重塑索引填补权重
  3. 将表格求和
  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from datetime import datetime, timedelta
  4. def cal_daily_weight(df, gap=5):
  5. df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(0, list(range(gap-1)), df.columns), df])
  6. return (pd.rolling_apply(df, gap, sum)/gap).iloc[gap-1:]
  7. def change_columns_index(signal):
  8. new_names = {}
  9. for c in signal.columns:
  10. if c.endswith('SZ'):
  11. new_names[c] = c.replace('SZ', 'XSHE')
  12. elif c.endswith('SH'):
  13. new_names[c] = c.replace('SH', 'XSHG')
  14. signal = signal.rename_axis(new_names, axis=1)
  15. signal.index = pd.Index(map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(str(x),"%Y%m%d") , signal.index))
  16. signal.index = pd.Index(map(lambda x: x+timedelta(hours=15) , signal.index))
  17. return signal
  18. table = change_columns_index(stock_df)
  19. target = cal_daily_weight(table.fillna(0), gap=8)
  20. print(target.head(9).sum(1))
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel_launcher.py:7: FutureWarning: pd.rolling_apply is deprecated for DataFrame and will be removed in a future version, replace with 
  import sys

2012-01-05 15:00:00    0.125
2012-01-06 15:00:00    0.250
2012-01-09 15:00:00    0.375
2012-01-10 15:00:00    0.500
2012-01-11 15:00:00    0.625
2012-01-12 15:00:00    0.750
2012-01-13 15:00:00    0.875
2012-01-16 15:00:00    1.000
2012-01-17 15:00:00    1.000
dtype: float64