@Channelchan 2018-01-12T13:51:44.000000Z 字数 7362 阅读 25280


  1. 读取本地数据
  2. 设计与添加算法
  3. 可视化与获取因子信号数据
  4. 外部因子编写


  1. import numpy as np
  2. from jaqs.data import DataView
  3. from jaqs.research import SignalDigger
  4. import warnings
  5. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
  6. dataview_folder = 'JAQS_Data/hs300'
  7. dv = DataView()
  8. dv.load_dataview(dataview_folder)
  9. mask = dv.get_ts('mask_index_member')
  10. can_enter = dv.get_ts('can_enter')
  11. can_exit = dv.get_ts('can_exit')
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\compat\pandas.py:56: FutureWarning: The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
  from pandas.core import datetools

Dataview loaded successfully.



1. 过去五天的平均成交量大于五天前的过去五天平均成交量变化率


2. 最低价的累积变化率上升

Product(low/Delay(low,1),5) - 1

3. 价格波动率上升

StdDev(Return(close,1,True), 10)

4. 收益率偏度


5. 价量协方差

Covariance(low, volume, 10)

  1. dv.remove_field('Cov')
Field name [Cov] does not exist.
  1. def add_factor():
  2. dv.add_formula('Volume_Up','Ts_Mean(volume,5)/Delay(Ts_Mean(volume,5),5)*-1*Return(close,5)',is_quarterly=False)
  3. dv.add_formula('Low_Product','-1*Product(low/Delay(low,1),5) - 1',is_quarterly=False)
  4. dv.add_formula('STD', '-1*StdDev(Return(close,1), 10)', is_quarterly=False)
  5. dv.add_formula('Skewness', 'Ts_Skewness(Return(volume,5),5)', is_quarterly=False)
  6. dv.add_formula('Cov','-1*Covariance(low,volume,10)',is_quarterly=False)
  7. add_factor()


  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. def cal_obj(signal, name, period, quantile):
  3. price = dv.get_ts('close_adj')
  4. price_bench = dv.data_benchmark
  5. obj = SignalDigger(output_folder="hs300/%s" % name,
  6. output_format='pdf')
  7. obj.process_signal_before_analysis(signal,
  8. price=price,
  9. n_quantiles=quantile, period=period,
  10. benchmark_price=price_bench,
  11. can_enter = can_enter,
  12. can_exit = can_exit,
  13. mask=mask
  14. )
  15. obj.create_full_report()
  16. return obj
  17. def plot_pfm(signal, name, period=5, quantile=5):
  18. obj = cal_obj(signal, name, period, quantile)
  19. plt.show()
  20. def signal_data(signal, name, period=5, quantile=5):
  21. obj = cal_obj(signal, name, period, quantile)
  22. return obj.signal_data
  1. signal_dict = {'sig_1' : dv.get_ts('Volume_Up'),
  2. 'sig_2' : dv.get_ts('Low_Product'),
  3. 'sig_3' : dv.get_ts('STD'),
  4. 'sig_4' : dv.get_ts('Skewness'),
  5. 'sig_5' : dv.get_ts('Cov')}
  1. data_signal = {key: signal_data(frame, key) for key, frame in signal_dict.items()}
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 53%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
                   min           max          mean           std  count  \
1        -4.448244e+16  1.895836e-01 -6.499444e+12  3.282543e+14  82946   
2        -3.929699e-01  2.325106e-01 -2.226987e-02  4.620945e-02  82360   
3        -2.352434e-01  2.659026e-01 -1.242107e-03  3.827854e-02  82350   
4        -1.652057e-01  3.359749e-01  1.508382e-02  3.799451e-02  82360   
5        -9.601820e-02  3.760106e+16  3.462099e+12  2.003023e+14  81770   

            count %  
1         20.142987  
2         20.000680  
3         19.998252  
4         20.000680  
5         19.857402  
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_1\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.044
IC Std.      0.174
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.254
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_1\information_report.pdf
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 53%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
               min       max      mean       std  count    count %
1        -2.668837 -1.794997 -2.060149  0.057623  83290  20.143464
2        -2.259160 -1.770604 -2.015925  0.037586  82694  19.999323
3        -2.182598 -1.746186 -1.998437  0.037362  82687  19.997630
4        -2.134259 -1.699563 -1.982646  0.039398  82694  19.999323
5        -2.076210 -1.265291 -1.947343  0.065847  82119  19.860261
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_2\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.040
IC Std.      0.178
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.223
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_2\information_report.pdf
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 53%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
               min       max      mean       std  count    count %
1        -0.230151 -0.013882 -0.038593  0.021056  83288  20.143711
2        -0.091371 -0.010489 -0.025736  0.010736  82691  19.999323
3        -0.085854 -0.008099 -0.021115  0.009997  82683  19.997388
4        -0.078773 -0.005999 -0.017388  0.009108  82691  19.999323
5        -0.068259 -0.000000 -0.012369  0.007607  82116  19.860256
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_3\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.026
IC Std.      0.198
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.130
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_3\information_report.pdf
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 52%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
                   min           max           mean           std  count  \
1        -1.458161e+10  1.948145e+00 -263277.198399  5.238580e+07  81342   
2        -1.081012e+00  2.108829e+00       0.062442  2.855984e-01  80772   
3        -5.775263e-01  2.170505e+00       0.558179  2.597112e-01  80764   
4        -1.450277e-01  2.203910e+00       1.076562  2.916370e-01  80772   
5         3.750683e-01  4.399282e+09  131702.733601  1.792908e+07  80186   

            count %  
1         20.142335  
2         20.001189  
3         19.999208  
4         20.001189  
5         19.856080  
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_4\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.000
IC Std.      0.081
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.005
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_4\information_report.pdf
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 53%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
                   min           max          mean           std  count  \
1        -8.818676e+08  6.625718e+05 -9.376437e+06  2.467965e+07  83288   
2        -8.217876e+07  1.246660e+07 -1.482240e+06  3.203704e+06  82691   
3        -5.520948e+07  2.433595e+07 -4.138087e+05  1.780147e+06  82685   
4        -1.401159e+07  4.165598e+07  2.652617e+05  2.253609e+06  82691   
5        -2.725820e+06  1.762297e+09  5.196908e+06  2.913466e+07  82117   

            count %  
1         20.143565  
2         19.999178  
3         19.997727  
4         19.999178  
5         19.860353  
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_5\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.042
IC Std.      0.138
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.307
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\sig_5\information_report.pdf
  1. plot_pfm(signal_dict.get('sig_5'), 'sig_5')



  1. import talib as ta
  2. import pandas as pd
  3. close_adj = dv.get_ts('close_adj')
  4. close = close_adj.dropna(how='all', axis=1)
  5. slope_df = pd.DataFrame({name: -ta.LINEARREG_SLOPE(value.values, 3) for name, value in close.iteritems()}, index=close.index)
  1. dv.remove_field('slope')
Field name [slope] does not exist.
  1. dv.append_df(slope_df,'slope')
  1. plot_pfm(dv.get_ts('slope'), 'slope')
Nan Data Count (should be zero) : 0;  Percentage of effective data: 53%

Value of signals of Different Quantiles Statistics
                min        max      mean       std  count    count %
1        -57.788764   0.924510 -0.807342  1.487646  83172  20.143327
2         -3.229754   1.582843 -0.109449  0.256158  82577  19.999225
3         -1.875339   2.531553  0.012089  0.219972  82570  19.997530
4         -1.387552   4.972311  0.131095  0.322812  82577  19.999225
5         -0.757552  51.460955  0.739474  1.514192  82005  19.860693
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\slope\returns_report.pdf
Information Analysis
IC Mean      0.045
IC Std.      0.162
t-stat(IC)     NaN
p-value(IC)    NaN
IC Skew        NaN
IC Kurtosis    NaN
Ann. IR      0.278
Figure saved: C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\hs300\slope\information_report.pdf



  1. dv.save_dataview('stockdata/hs300')
Store data...
Dataview has been successfully saved to:

You can load it with load_dataview('C:\Users\small\OneDrive\notebook\Internet_Course\Selection\JAQS\stockdata\hs300')