字数 2327
阅读 1363
jps命令用于查看当前Java进程及其pid等相关信息,同ps -ef | grep java这种命令不同的是,jps并不使用应用程序名来查找JVM实例。因此,它查找所有的java应用程序,包括即使没有使用Java执行体的那种(例如定制的启动器)。另外,jps仅查找当前用户的Java进程,而不是当前系统中的所有进程。
jps [options] [hostid]
选项 | 作用 |
-q | 只输入LVMID,省略主类的名称 |
-m | 输出虚拟机进程启动时传递给主类main()函数的参数。 |
-l | 输出主类的全名,如果进程执行的是jar包,输出jar包路径。 |
-v | 输出虚拟机进程启动时JVM参数 |
public static final String dirNamePrefix = "hsperfdata_";
public static String getTempDirectory(String user) {
return tmpDirName + dirNamePrefix + user + File.separator;
2.jps则会根据这些文件,获取本地的java进程,及具体的Main CLass 名称等。
public synchronized Set<Integer> activeVms() {
* This method is synchronized because the Matcher object used by
* fileFilter is not safe for concurrent use, and this method is
* called by multiple threads. Before this method was synchronized,
* we'd see strange file names being matched by the matcher.
Set<Integer> jvmSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
if (! tmpdir.isDirectory()) {
return jvmSet;
if (userName == null) {
* get a list of all of the user temporary directories and
* iterate over the list to find any files within those directories.
File[] dirs = tmpdir.listFiles(userFilter);
for (int i = 0 ; i < dirs.length; i ++) {
if (!dirs[i].isDirectory()) {
// get a list of files from the directory
File[] files = dirs[i].listFiles(fileFilter);
if (files != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {
jvmSet.add(new Integer(
} else {
* Check if the user directory can be accessed. Any of these
* conditions may have asynchronously changed between subsequent
* calls to this method.
// get the list of files from the specified user directory
File[] files = tmpdir.listFiles(fileFilter);
if (files != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {
jvmSet.add(new Integer(
// look for any 1.4.1 files
File[] files = tmpdir.listFiles(tmpFileFilter);
if (files != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {
jvmSet.add(new Integer(
return jvmSet;