字数 4594
阅读 2281
def rsa_kg(bits):
# only prove correctness up to 1024 bits
proof = (bits <= 1024)
p = next_prime(ZZ.random_element(2**(bits//2+1)), proof=proof)
q = next_prime(ZZ.random_element(2**(bits//2+1)), proof=proof)
n = p*q
phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
while True:
e = ZZ.random_element(1,phi_n)
if gcd(e,phi_n) == 1: break
d = lift(Mod(e,phi_n)^(-1))
return e, d, n
def encrypt(m, e, n):
return lift(Mod(m,n)^e)
def decrypt(c, d, n):
return lift(Mod(c,n)^d)
def encode(s):
s = str(s)
return sum(ord(s[i])*256^i for i in range(len(s)))
def decode(n):
n = Integer(n)
v = []
while n != 0:
v.append(chr(n % 256))
n //= 256 # this replaces n by floor(n/256)
return ''.join(v)
e,d,n = rsa_kg(1024)
m = encode('Meet me at 4.'); m
c = encrypt(m,e,n); c
M = decrypt(c,d,n); M
Given e, d, N and e1, compute d1 such that d1 is a valid decrypting exponent for the public key (e1 , N )
k1 = gcd(e1 , e*d − 1)
k2 = (e*d − 1) / k1
d1 = xgcd(e1, k2) [1]
攻击成功的条件:q < p < 2q and that d < n^{1/4}/3
def rsa_weak_kg(bits):
# only prove correctness up to 1024 bits
proof = (bits <= 1024)
p = next_prime(ZZ.random_element(2**(bits//2+1)), proof=proof)
q = next_prime(ZZ.random_element(2**(bits//2+1)), proof=proof)
n = p*q
phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
while True:
d = ZZ.random_element(2**(bits//4))
if gcd(d,phi_n) == 1 and 36*pow(d, 4) < n: break
e = lift(Mod(d,phi_n)^(-1))
return e, d, n
fra = (e/n).continued_fraction()
# Define f(x)= (x - p)(x - q) = 0
# x = var('x')
# a , b, c = 1, 1, 1
# qe = (a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0)
# Trials
def small_d_attack(fra):
for i in range(1, len(fra)):
k = fra.numerator(i)
d = fra.denominator(i)
if k != 0:
phi = (d*e - 1)/k
a = 1
b = -(n - phi + 1)
c = n
# Define f(x)= (x - p)(x - q) = 0
x = var('x')
qe = (a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0)
sol = solve(qe, x)
p = sol[0].right()
q = sol[1].right()
if p.is_integer() and q.is_integer() and q*p == n:
print sol[0].right(), sol[1].right()
print "We found the decrypting exponent.", d
# discrete_log_rho(u,g) can't work for composite order group.
# p is a prime and q is (p-1)/2 and also a prime. Thus Zq* is a subgroup of Zp* with prime order.
def dlog_gen(n):
p = next_prime(n)
while not is_prime( floor((p-1)/2) ):
p = next_prime(p)
x = randint(1,p-1)
y = randint(1,p-1)
g = x*x % p
h = y*y % p
return [p,floor( (p-1)/2 ),g,h]
# Generate a random DLOG instance.
def dlog_gen(bits):
p = next_prime(ZZ.random_element(2**bits))
q = floor((p-1)/2)
while not is_prime(q):
p = next_prime(p)
q = floor((p-1)/2)
g = 1
while g == 1:
x = randint(1, p-1)
g = x*x % p
return [p,q,g]
# Baby Step Giant Step DLP problem a = g**x mod n
# Input: g,a,n where g is the generator, a = g^x mod n,
def dlog_bgs(a, g, n):
s = floor(sqrt(n))
A = []
B = []
for r in range(0,s):
value = a*(g^r) % n
for t in range(1,s+1):
value = g^(t*s) % n
#print A
#print B
x1,x2 =0,0
for u in A:
for v in B:
if u == v:
x1 = A.index(u)
x2 = B.index(v)
#print x1,x2
#print 'the value of x is ', ((x2+1)*s - x1) % n # Answer
return ((x2+1)*s - x1) % n
# A simple Pollard rho discrete logarithm
# implementation and has some limitations:
# 1. p must be a prime that equals 2q + 1
# 2. q must be a prime, too
# 3. g generates a sub group with order q
# 4. a belongs to <g>, the subgroup generated by g
# these four limitations made this program simpler
# x = log_g(a) in Zp
# assert: classify(1) != 1
def classify(x):
# 3n + 2 -> S0
# 3n -> S1
# 3n + 1 -> S2
return (x + 1) % 3
def succssor(x, s, t, p, q, g, a):
c = classify(x)
if c == 0:
return (g * x) % p, (s + 1) % q, t
elif c == 1:
return (x * x) % p, (2 * s) % q, (2 * t) % q
else: # c == 2
return (a * x) % p, s, (t + 1) % q
def dlog_rho(a, g, p, q):
xa, sa, ta = 1, 0, 0
xb, sb, tb = succssor(1, 0, 0, p, q, g, a)
while xa != xb:
xa, sa, ta = succssor(xa, sa, ta, p, q, g, a)
xb, sb, tb = succssor(xb, sb, tb, p, q, g, a)
xb, sb, tb = succssor(xb, sb, tb, p, q, g, a)
s, t = sa - sb, tb - ta
if s == 0:
return 'fail'
if s < 0:
s = s + q
if t < 0:
t = t + q
res = xgcd(t, q)[1]
if res < 0 :
res = res + q
res = (res * s) % q
return res
# How to use in Sage and compare with discrete_log and discrete_log_rho
bits = 30
p,q,g = dlog_gen(30)
x = 120
a = Mod(g,p)^x
time discrete_log(a, g, p)
time discrete_log_rho(a, g, q)
#dlog_bgs(g, a, p)
#dlog_rho(g, a, p, q)
#Code from WStein 2017 Elementary Number Theory
from sage.libs.libecm import ecmfactor
# Pollard p-1 method
def pollard(N, B=10^5, stop=10):
m = prod([p^int(math.log(B)/math.log(p)) for p in prime_range(B+1)])
for a in [2..stop]:
x = (Mod(a,N)^m - 1).lift()
if x == 0: continue
g = gcd(x, N)
if g!=1 or g != N: return g
return 1
# Lenstra's EC method
def ecm(N, B=10^3, trials=10):
m = prod([p^int(math.log(B)/math.log(p)) for p in prime_range(B+1)])
R = Integers(N)
# Make Sage think that R is a field:
R.is_field = lambda : True
for _ in range(trials):
while True:
a = R.random_element()
if gcd(4*a.lift()^3 + 27, N) == 1: break
m * EllipticCurve([a, 1])([0,1])
except ZeroDivisionError, msg:
# msg: "Inverse of <int> does not exist"
return gcd(Integer(str(msg).split()[2]), N)
return 1
#ecm(5959, B=20)
#ecm(next_prime(10^20)*next_prime(10^7), B=10^3)