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put on check in not at all
以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音
what wil(l he) [wili]do?
Mus(t he) [ti] go?
Ha(s he) done it before?
Can/Should he...?
Tell/For/Leave[vim] him...
Loss of Plosion(失去爆破)
what time->wha-time sit down big cake bookcase goodbye hoped talked
pitcure good child good morning
/t/(followed by /p/, /b/ or /m/) becomes /p/.
that person->tha[p] person
/t/(followed by /k/ or /g/) becomes /k/.
that gun->tha[k] gun
/d/(followed by /p/, /b/ or /m/) becomes /b/.
It could be better.->It coul[b] be better.
/d/(followed by /k/ or /g/) becomes /g/.
You should come->You shoul[g] come.
/n/(followed by /p/, /b/ or /m/) becomes /m/.
ten percent->te[m] percent
/n/(followed by /k/ or /g/) becomes /ŋ/.
one king->on[ŋ] king
/s/(before /ʃ/ or /j/) becomes /ʃ/ or /j/.
dress shop->dre/ʃ/ shop
Where's your mom?
Bless you.
Let me guess your age.
Who's your friend?
/z/(before /ʃ/ or /j/) becomes /ʒ/.
rose show->ro[ʒ] show
/θ/(before /s/) becomes /s/.
earth science->ear/s/ science
/t/+/j/=/tʃ/, /d/+/j/=/dʒ/
Nice to meet you. [mi:tʃu:]
Would you like some tea? [wudʒu:]
I'll let you know.
Haven't you donw it?
Is that your dog?
Where did you get you top?
Could you tell?
e.g. can/kən/ cannot/ˈkænɒt/ can't/kænt/ (we can hear the vowel /æ/ clearly in the negative form)
Write down only the most important ideas——not encompass(包含) irrelevant(无关) and insignificant information.
e.g. the topic, the main points, key examples or details, transition word which express relationships between ideas.
Use Symbols and Abbreciations.
one thing to do: get ur business online.
more business online->more jobs, global business, help in posts2.note
How to do online business?
money: get an amazing website -> visitors but no orders -> money: get a result of Google analytics -> no visitors -> money: ad agency -> research to communicate with the agency -> get ur ads on place -> global market? -> money: servers in different regions -> no orders -> products are outdated -> tough, time consuming, costly -> BigTrupet.com: provide free and easy market tools
background knowledge(context, situation, topic)
How to build: familiarizing ourselves with a great variety of topics by reading a lot
guess according to the context clues
Showing interests and asking for more information.
How to show interests?
Vocal Techniques: intonation indicates the mood of the speaker.
Verbal expressions: intonation; talk to each other confidently, clearly and loudly; asking questions; giving comments(“Really”,"That's interesting") or compliments.
Non-verbal Techniques: maintain eye contact; listen intently/attentively; smile; use hand gestures; Nod or shake ur head.How to ask for more information?
Interrupt politely; ask the speaker to repeat what he/she is talking about; explain the idea more clearly.
E-commerce Challenges Traditional Stores
1.e-commerce and traditional shops note
buy everything she needed online: eliminate the driving, crowds, noise, and get a better selection
traditional stores worries e-commerce will take place of them: reasons; advantages: customers can try on clothes; a social experience; delivery more quickly.
Other advantages of e-commerce: huge boost for delivery services and UPS.
eye contact
expression and signal words
body language, such as hand gestures, raising your hand, and nodding or shaking your head.
Showing agreement
That's a good point. I'll say. Exactly. You are absolutely right. You said it. That's it. I suppose so. You can say that again. That's just what I think. I couldn't agree with you more.
Showing partial agreement
It is only partly true that... That's true, but... I can agree with that only with reservations. That seems obvious, but... I agree with you in principle, but... I agree with you in part, but... Well, you could be right, but... I see your point, but... To some extent, I agree with you, but... True enough, but...
Showing disagreement
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree... I'm not sure I can agree. I couldn't disagree more... No way. I have a different idea. I wouldn't say so. Are u absolutely sure? It's out of the question. I can't share that view. What I object to is...
Let me show you what I mean... What I mean is... In other words... To put it in another way... That's look at how it works...
for instance for example such as Here are a couple of examples Let's say take...for example/instance By way of example, ... If I can use an example, ... To give an example, ... I'd like to illustrate my point with an example... An example to show (you) what I'm talking about is...
Interrupting and extering a discussion
Just a moment, I'd like to... Sorry, could you explain that a little more? I don't mean to interrupt, but... Sorry to interrupt you, but I'd like to say something here. Can I add something to that? I'd like to say something about... Well, you have a point here. But can I add something?
Encouraging others to speak
What do you think of what ... said? What is your idea about...? Would you like to share your ideas with us? Do you agree with what I said(just now)? What are your opinions?
Supporting your opinions
details, examples, personal stories, other information
I think... because... Let me tell you why... I'd like to give you an example... In my opinion, ... For example/instance, ... So I feel... From my perspective/ From my point of view...
Connecting your ideas to others
Yes, absolutely! I think that... My opinion, actually, differs from yours. Really? It's different in the sense that I don't think... You made a very good point, but I think... I think you made a good and interesting point... I agree with you there, but... That's true. So I feel... I guess you are right.
What you said about... is quite impressive,... And I'd like to add... I'd like to go back to what you said about... I agree/disagree with you about... As you already pointed out... My idea is similar/opposite to his...
Describe a chart
The pie chart is about... The line graph (clearly) shows... The slices of the pie chart compare the... has the second largest (number of)... ... is twice as big as... only one third... The number ... increases/goes up/grows by... I was really surprised/shocked by the...