字数 2502
阅读 1688
1 实验目的
1. 熟悉数据库的交互式SQL工具。
2. 熟悉通过SQL对数据库进行操作。
3. 完成作业的上机练习。
2 实验平台
3 实验内容及要求
1. 给表student列sno增加检查长度为8位的约束并测试。
2. 给表student列ssex的输入限定为男、女两个值并测试。
3. 给表sc列grade的输入限定为0到100并测试。
4. 给表sc的列增加外键约束并测试。
5. 给表student增加列idcard表示身份证号并限定输入长度为18位,且最后一位奇数表示男,偶数表示女,这个值必须与ssex一致,并请测试。
use Students;
create table Student
Sno char(8) not null primary key,
Sname char(8) null,
Ssex char(4) null,
Sage int null,
Sdept char(10) null
alter table Student add constraint ck_tudent_ssex check (len(Sno)=8)
insert into Student values('19130201','丁鹏','男',20,'Software')
insert into Student values('191302021','王韵婷','女',20,'Software')
use Students;
create table Student
Sno char(8) not null primary key,
Sname char(8) null,
Ssex char(4) null check(ssex='男' or ssex='女'),
Sage int null,
Sdept char(10) null
insert into Student values('19130201','丁鹏','男',20,'Software');
insert into Student values('19130202','王韵婷','1',20,'Software');
use Students;
create table SC
Sno char(8) not null,
Cno int null,
Grade int null check(Grade >=0 and Grade<=100),
//或采用constraint ck_sc_grade check(Grade >=0 and Grade<=100)
insert into SC values('19130201',1,99);
insert into SC values('19130202',1,199);
use Students;
create table Student
Sno char(8) not null primary key,
Sname char(15) null,
Ssex char(4) null,
Sage int null,
Sdept char(10) null
insert into Student values('19130202','王韵婷','女',20,'Software')
insert into Student values('19130203','尹嘉琪','男',18,'Software')
insert into Student values('19130204','卢冬冬','男',20,'Software')
insert into Student values('19130205','史逸凡','男',19,'Software')
create table SC
Sno char(8) not null,
Cno int null,
Grade int null,
alter table SC add constraint pk_sc_fk foreign key(Sno) references Student(Sno);
insert into SC values('19130202',1,99);
insert into SC values('19130201',1,89);
use Students;
create table Student
Sno char(8) not null primary key,
Sname char(15) null,
Ssex char(4) null,
Sage int null,
Sdept char(10) null
alter table Student add idcard char(18) null;
alter table Student add constraint pk_id_ck check(len(idcard)=18 and((CAST(right(idcard,1) AS INT )%2=1 and Ssex ='男') or (CAST(right(idcard,1) AS INT )%2=0 and Ssex ='女')));
insert into Student values('19130202','王韵婷','女',20,'Software','320682199509130002');
insert into Student values('19130205','史逸凡','男',19,'Software','320682199509130004');