@TangWill 2019-10-13T23:58:29.000000Z 字数 1269 阅读 537

Assignment 1, UI layout design and Navigation of a Mobile E-Learning App


  1. The prototype app should include functions such as,

    • Look in the list of courses offered by a e-learing platform
    • Navigate to the detailed course introductions such as course info ,syllabus, registration and calendar and so on.
    • Login to the E-learning platform
    • Browse and search the learing materials which can be multi media.
  2. Layouts for the above functions plus navigation through the layout
    UIs are necessary to be provided in this first stage prototype .

Designment Document

According to the different functions and different stackholders, there are tow roles that user can choose.

In this prototyps, I descriped the courese and its information via some icons of IDE developed by Jetbrains.

If the capture of design don't show successfully, you can watch them through this link.
