@BruceWang 2018-01-08T21:59:49.000000Z 字数 4726 阅读 1628


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  1. # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
  2. """
  3. > Deep learning image augmentation
  4. cited from https://scottontechnology.com/flip-image-opencv-python/
  5. http://augmentor.readthedocs.io/en/master/userguide/mainfeatures.html
  6. """
  7. import cv2
  8. import glob
  9. import random
  10. import os
  11. from multiprocessing import Pool as ProcessPool
  12. from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
  13. import Augmentor
  14. import numpy as np
  15. # import path_var


  1. def img_flip():
  2. # path = "F:/ad_samples/download_sample/14/8DB54D749B1D4A2D5FD3441C681D9A2C522453AC_s.jpg"
  3. path = r'C:\Users\aixin\Desktop\all_my_learning\match\niu_qu\original_path\A01_8.jpg'
  4. img = cv2.imread(path)
  5. horizontal_img = img.copy()
  6. vertical_img = img.copy()
  7. both_img = img.copy()
  8. horizontal_img = cv2.flip(img, 0)
  9. vertical_img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
  10. both_img = cv2.flip(img, -1)
  11. cv2.imshow("original img", img)
  12. cv2.imshow("horizontal img", horizontal_img)
  13. cv2.imshow("vertical img", vertical_img)
  14. cv2.imshow("both flip", both_img)
  15. cv2.waitKey(0)
  16. cv2.destroyAllWindows()
  17. def flip_img_save2dir(file):
  18. img = cv2.imread(file)
  19. dst_dir = path_var.g_dst_dir
  20. h_img = img.copy()
  21. v_img = img.copy()
  22. b_img = img.copy()
  23. h_img = cv2.flip(img, 0)
  24. v_img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
  25. b_img = cv2.flip(img, -1)
  26. # file like F:/ad_samples/train_samples/ad_text_artifact/base_type/type_10.jpg
  27. # get file name "type_10"
  28. # type_10.jpg
  29. base_name = os.path.basename(file)
  30. # type_10
  31. base_name = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0]
  32. file_name = dst_dir + base_name + "_h" + ".jpg"
  33. cv2.imwrite(file_name, h_img)
  34. file_name = dst_dir + base_name + "_v" + ".jpg"
  35. cv2.imwrite(file_name, v_img)
  36. file_name = dst_dir + base_name + '_b' + ".jpg"
  37. cv2.imwrite(file_name, b_img)
  38. def do_all_flip(base_dir="F:/ad_samples/train_samples/ad_web_2/"):
  39. """
  40. flip all the images in dir, and then save them
  41. to another dir
  42. :return:
  43. """
  44. # get all files
  45. files = glob.glob(base_dir + "/*.png")
  46. # like ['E:/img\\1.jpg', 'E:/img\\10.jpg']
  47. # start 3 process
  48. # pool = ProcessPool(3)
  49. pool = ThreadPool(3)
  50. rets = pool.map(flip_img_save2dir, files)
  51. pool.close()
  52. pool.join()
  53. print ('all images accomplish flip and save to dir')
  54. def flip_all_in_dir():
  55. base_dir = 'F:/ad_samples/train_samples/others/'
  56. sub_dir_lst = glob.glob(base_dir + "*")
  57. # ['F:/dir1', 'F:/dir2']
  58. # print sub_dir_lst
  59. new_sub_dir = [os.path.join(base_dir, item + '_flip/') for item in os.listdir(base_dir)]
  60. # ['F:/dir1_flip', 'F:/dir2_flip']
  61. for dir_item, new_item in zip(sub_dir_lst[10:], new_sub_dir[10:]):
  62. global g_dst_dir
  63. if not os.path.exists(new_item):
  64. os.makedirs(new_item)
  65. # g_dst_dir = new_item
  66. # Path.g_dst_dir = new_item
  67. path_var.g_dst_dir = new_item
  68. print ('flip %s, flip dir %s' % (dir_item, new_item))
  69. do_all_flip(base_dir=dir_item)


  1. def augmentation():
  2. path = r'C:\Users\aixin\Desktop\all_my_learning\match\niu_qu\original_path'
  3. output_path = r'C:\Users\aixin\Desktop\all_my_learning\match\niu_qu\niuqu_path'
  4. p = Augmentor.Pipeline(path, output_directory=output_path)
  5. # p.flip_left_right(probability=0.4)
  6. # p.flip_top_bottom(probability=0.6)
  7. # p.flip_random(probability=0.5)
  8. # p.crop_centre(probability=0.2, percentage_area=0.8)
  9. # p.crop_random(probability=0.6, percentage_area=0.7)
  10. # p.rotate(probability=0.2, max_left_rotation=10, max_right_rotation=16)
  11. # p.rotate_random_90(probability=0.5)
  12. # p.rotate180(probability=0.4)
  13. # p.rotate270(probability=0.3)
  14. p.zoom(probability=0.3, min_factor=1.1, max_factor=1.5)
  15. p.random_distortion(probability=0.5, grid_height=4, grid_width=4, magnitude=4)
  16. p.shear(probability=0.2, max_shear_left=15, max_shear_right=15)
  17. p.shear(probability=0.5, max_shear_left=15, max_shear_right=15)
  18. p.skew(probability=0.1, magnitude=0.6)
  19. p.skew_tilt(probability=0.2, magnitude=0.6)
  20. p.skew_corner(probability=0.2, magnitude=0.6)
  21. p.skew_top_bottom(probability=0.3, magnitude=0.6)
  22. p.skew_left_right(probability=0.2, magnitude=0.6)
  23. # SIZE = 4 * 5
  24. p.sample(10)
  25. if __name__ == '__main__':
  26. # img_flip()
  27. # flip_all_in_dir()
  28. # do_all_flip()
  29. augmentation()
  30. # test single image flip and save
  31. # file = 'F:/ad_samples/train_samples/ad_text_artifact/base_type/type_10.jpg'
  32. # flip_img_save2dir(file=file)
  33. pass


  1. import numpy as np
  2. import cv2
  3. # img_path = r'C:\Users\aixin\Desktop\Phebe.jpg'
  4. img_path = r'C:\Users\aixin\Desktop\Bruce.png'
  5. img = cv2.imread(img_path)
  6. rows, cols, channels = img.shape
  7. print(img.shape)
  8. src = np.float32([[50,50],[200,50],[50,200]])
  9. dst = np.float32([[10,100],[200,50],[100,250]])
  10. pts1 = np.float32([[56,65],[368,52],[28,387],[389,390]])
  11. pts2 = np.float32([[0,0],[300,0],[0,300],[300,300]])
  12. M1 = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2,rows/2),45,1)
  13. M2 = cv2.getAffineTransform(src, dst)
  14. M3 = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
  15. dst1 = cv2.warpAffine(img,M1,(cols,rows))
  16. dst2 = cv2.warpAffine(img,M2,(cols,rows))
  17. dst3 = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M3,(cols,rows))
  18. cv2.imshow('img', img)
  19. cv2.imshow('dst1', dst1)
  20. cv2.imshow('dst2', dst2)
  21. cv2.imshow('dst3', dst3)
  22. cv2.waitKey(0)
  23. cv2.destroyAllWindows()

怎么联系我? 笨啊~ ~~ 你留言也行。



(爱心.gif) 么么哒~么么哒~么么哒


