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FRM Notes - III & IV


III. Corporate Governance and Risk Management

Corporate Failure and Corporate Governance

The first decade of the millunnium saw two major waves of corporate failures, first in the non-financial sector( ~ ) and then in the financial sector( ~ ) both of which were attributed in part to failures of cororate governance.

Key Post-crises Corporate Goverance Concerns: Banking Industry

  1. Stakeholder Priority
    • Depositors has a much stronger interest in minimzing the risk of bank failure. The usual solution to corporate governance issues may not be appropriate。
  2. Board Composition
    • No clear correlation between a pre-dominance of "expert insiders" or "independents" and either failure or seccees.
  3. Board Risk Oversight
    • One key post-cisis trend has been a realization that boards nned to become much more actively involved in risk oversight.
  4. Risk Appetite
    • Regulators have pushed banks to set out a formal board-approval risk appetite that defines the firm's willingness to take risk and to tolerate solvency threats.
  5. Compensation
    • One of the key levers of the board in determining bank behavior on risk is its control over compensation schemes.

True Risk Governance

Committees and Risk Limits

  1. Audit Committee - Tranditional Mechanism
    • The audit committee is responsible not only for the accuracy of the bank's financial and regulatory reporting, but also ensuring that the bank compiles with minimum or best-practive standards in the key activities.
  2. Risk Advisory Director - New Mechanism
    • To avoid bamboozle non-exectives who lack the skill to probing questions, one approach is for the board to gain the support of a specialist risk advisory director - that is, a member of the board who specializes in risk matters.
  3. Risk Management Committee - Special Role
    • The risk management committee of the board is responsible for independently reviewing the identification, measurment, monitoring, and controlling of credit, market, and liquidity risk.
  4. Compensation Committee - Special Role
    • It is widly recognized that incentive compensation should be aligned with the long-term interest, and with risk-adjusted return on capital.

Roles and Responsibilities in Practice

Limits and Limits Standard Policies

Standards for Monitoring Risk

What is the Role of the Audit Function


IV. What is ERM

ERM Definition

ERM := E nterprise R isk M anagement

ERM Benefits

  1. Integration of Risk Organization
    • Top-down: Under a certralized process, the role of a CRO is created, which reports to the company's CEO and the board, while the various risk management units report to the CRO.
  2. Integration of Risk Transfer
    • Enables the company to take a holistic view of all risks and risk hedges used in order to hedge only those undersirable residual risks that still remain after factoring in diversification across risks.
  3. Integration of Business Process
    • ERM can optimize business performance through business decisions, including captial allocation, product development and pricing, and efficent allocation of resources. This optimization results in reduced risk and only takes on the most profitable risks(i.e., maintains only those risks whose cost is less than the benefit of the corresponding project).

ERM Benefits(Example)

Chief Risk Officer(CRO)

Components of ERM

V. Risk Management, Governance, Culture, and Risk-Taking in Banks

Two Ways Destroy Bank Value

  1. First, risk management fail to ensure that the bank has the right amount of risk.
    • The failure comes from:
    • Fail to uncover bad risks that should be eliminated.
    • Mismeasure good risk.
    • Mismeasure total risk.
  2. Second, risk managment can be inappropriately inflexible.
    • When risk managment becomes too inflexible, it destroys value because the institution no longer has the ability to invest in valuable opportunities when they become available.

Determining the Risk Appetite

Governance and Risk Taking

Organization of Risk Management

Tools and Challenges in Achieving the Optimal Risk






