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Hedge funds are private investment vehicles that manage portfolios of securities and derivate positions using a variety of strategies. Its strategies include
Event-driven strategies seek to profit from short-term events, typically involving potential changes incorporate structure such as an acquisition or restructuring, that are expected to affect individual companies.
Relative value strategies seek to profit from a pricing discrepancy between related securities. The expectation is that are pricing discrepancy will be resolved in time. This strategy typically involves buying and selling related securities.
Macro strategies are seeking to profit from expected movements in economic variables influenced by major economic trends and events.
Equity hedge strategies are focused on public equity markets and take long and short positions in equity and equity derivative securities. They can be thought of as the orginal hedge fund category. Equity hedge strategies are not focused on equity trades catrgorized as consistent with event-driven or macro strategies.
common fee structure = management fees + incentive fees
e.g., “2 and 20” = 2% management fees + 20% incentive fees
The returns of commodities are based on changes in price rather than on income stream such as interest, dividends or rent. And holding commodities incurs costs for transporation and storage, thus most investors trade commodity derivatives.
The contango usually refers to the fact that the spot price is lower than the futures price under normal supply and demand, and the short-term contract is lower than the forward contract price.
The backwardation refers to the fact that the spot price is higher than the futures price under special circumstance; or the price of the recent month contract is higher than that of the forward month contract price.
Real Estate refers to an economic activity that capital owners invest their capital in the real estate industy in order to get the expected return in the future. There are various forms of real estate investment. Real estate development by related enterprises is one of the most familiar forms.
REITs = R eal E state I nvestment T rusts
Private equity(PE)means invest either in privately owned conpanies or in public companies with the intent to take them private. It mainly includes:
Leverage buyouts mean acquiring public companies or established private companies with a significant percentage of the purchase price financed through debt.
Venture capital(VC)is a form of financing that is provided by firms or debt to small, early-stage, emerging firms that are deemed to have high growth potential, or which have demonstrated high growth (in terms of number of employees, annual revenue).
Development capital means minority equity investment in mature firms that are looking for capital to expand or restructure.
Distressed investing is investing debts of mature companies in financial difficulties in expectation of their debt increasing in value.