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Intro to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies


1.1 Cryptographic Hash Functions

i. Hash Function

The first cryptographic primitive that we will need to understand is a cryptographic hash function.A hash function is a mathematical function with the following three properties:

  1. Its input can be any string of any size.
  2. It produces a fixed size output. For the purpose of making the discussion in this chapter concrete, we will assume a 256-bit output size. However, our discussion holds true for any output size as long as it is sufficiently large.
  3. It is efficiently computable. Intuitively this means that for a given input string, you can figure

ii. Security Properties


Collision-resistance: A hash function is said to be collision resistant if it is infeasible to find two values, and , such that , yet .


A hash function is hiding if: when a secret value is chosen from a probability distribution that has high min-entropy, then given it is infeasible to find .


A hash function is said to be puzzle-friendly if for every possible n-bit output value , if is chosen from a distribution with high min-entropy, then it is infeasible to find such that H(k ‖ x) = y in time significantly less than



