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Information theory is concerned with representing data in a compact fashion (a task known as data compression or source coding), as well as with transmitting and storing it in a way that is robust to errors (a task known as error correction or channel coding). At first, this seems far removed from the concerns of probability theory and machine learning, but in fact there is an intimate connection. To see this, note that compactly representing data requires allocating short codewords to highly probable bit strings, and reserving longer codewords to less probable bit strings. This is similar to the situation in natural language, where common words (such as “a”, “the”, “and”) are generally much shorter than rare words. Also, decoding messages sent over noisy channels requires having a good probability model of the kinds of messages that people tend to send. In both cases, we need a model that can predict which kinds of data are likely and which unlikely, which is also a central problem in machine learning (see (MacKay ) for more details on the connection between information theory and machine learning).
Obviously we cannot go into the details of information theory here (see e.g., (Cover and Thomas ) if you are interested to learn more). However, we will introduce a few basic concepts that we will need later in the book.
The entropy of a random variable with distribution , denoted by or sometimes , is a measure of its uncertainty. In particular, for a discrete variable with states, it is defined by
Usually we use log base , in which case the units are called bits (short for binary digits). If we use log base , the units are called nats. For example, if
we find . The discrete distribution with maximum entropy is the uniform distribution (see Section 9.2.6 for a proof). Hence for a -ary random variable, the entropy is maximized if
in this case,
Conversely, the distribution with minimum entropy (which is zero) is any delta-function that puts all its mass on one state. Such a distribution has no uncertainty. In Figure 2.5(b), where we plotted a DNA sequence logo, the height of each bar is defined to be , where is the entropy of that distribution, and is the maximum possible entropy. Thus a bar of height corresponds to a uniform distribution, whereas a bar of height corresponds to a deterministic distribution.
For the special case of binary random variables,
we can write and . Hence the entropy becomes
This is called the binary entropy function, and is also written . We plot this in Figure 2.21. We see that the maximum value of occurs when the distribution is uniform, .
One way to measure the dissimilarity of two probability distributions, and , is known as the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL divergence) or relative entropy. This is defined as follows:
where the sum gets replaced by an integral for pdfs. We can rewrite this as
where is called the cross entropy,
One can show (Cover and Thomas 2006) that the cross entropy is the average number of bits needed to encode data coming from a source with distribution when we use model to define our codebook. Hence the “regular” entropy , defined in Section 2.8.1, is the expected number of bits if we use the true model, so the KL divergence is the difference between these. In other words, the KL divergence is the average number of extra bits needed to encode the data, due to the fact that we used distribution q to encode the data instead of the true distribution p.
The “extra number of bits” interpretation should make it clear that
and that the is only equal to zero iff . We now give a proof of this important result.
The above formula for MI is defined for discrete random variables. For continuous random variables, it is common to first discretize or quantize them, by dividing the ranges of each variable into bins, and computing how many values fall in each histogram bin (Scott 1979). We can then easily compute the MI using the formula above (see mutualInfoAllPairsMixed
for some code, and miMixedDemo
for a demo).
Unfortunately, the number of bins used, and the location of the bin boundaries, can have a significant effect on the results. One way around this is to try to estimate the MI directly,