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Class of derivatives that provides the ability to lock in a price to transact in the future at a previously agreed-upon price.
Derivatives in which the payoffs occur if a specific event occurs; generally referred to as an option.
Derivatives combines two or more different fundamental instruments. For example, options can be combined bonds to form either callable bonds or convertible bonds. Options can be combined with futures to obtain option on futures.
A forward contract is an over-the-counter derivative contract in which two parties agree that one party, the buyer, will purchase an underlying asset from the other party, the seller, at a later date at a fixed price they agree on when the contract is signed.
fixed-income securities, equity, currency
interest rate, credit, other-derivative etc.
A futures contract is a standardized derivate contract created and traded on a futures exchange. It is a legal agreement to buy or sell something at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future.
A swap contract is an over-the-counter derivate contract in which two parties agree to exchange a series of cash flows whereby one party pays a variable series that will be determined by an underlying asset or rate and the other party pays either (1) a variable series determined by a different underlying asset or rate or (2) a fixed series.
An option is a derivate contract in which one party, the buyer, pays a sum of money to the other party, the seller or writer, and receives the right to either buy or sell an underlying asset at a fixed price eith on a specific expiration date or at any time prior to the expiration date.
A call is an option granting the right to buy the underlying.
A put is an option granting the right to sell the underlying.
The fixed price at which the underlying asset can be purchased is called the exercise price (also called the "strick price", the "strike," or the "striking price").
The buyer pays the writer a sum of money called the option premium, or just the premium.
Both parties deposit a required minimum sum of money when the contract is initiated.
The amount of money that must maintain in the margin account after the trade is initiated.
A request to deposit enough good funds to bring the margin account balance up to the inital margin when it is below the mainenance margin.
Daily settlement of gains and losses to margin account according to the settlement price.
An average of the final futures trades of the day.
A derivatives is a financial instrument that derives its performance from the performance of an underlying asset. A derivate is created as a contract between two parties, the buyer and the seller.
多头头寸,Buyer, Holder
空头头寸,Seller, Writer
derivatives instruments are created and traded either on an exchange or on the OTC market. Exchange-traded derivates are standardized, whereas OTC derivatives are customized.