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In Section, we discussed how to classify a feature vector by applying Bayes rule to a generative classifier of the form
The key to using such models is specifying a suitable form for the class-conditional density
which defines what kind of data we expect to see in each class. In this chapter, we focus on the case where the observed data are discrete symbols. We also discuss how to infer the unknown parameters of such models.
Consider how a child learns to understand the meaning of a word, such as “dog”. Presumably the child's parents point out positive examples of this concept, saying such things as, “look at the cute dog!”, or “mind the doggy”, etc. However, it is very unlikely that they provide negative examples, by saying “look at that non-dog”. Certainly, negative examples may be obtained during an active learning process - the child says “look at the dog” and the parent says “that's a cat, dear, not a dog” - but psychological research has shown that people can learn concepts from positive examples alone (Xu and Tenenbaum ).
We can think of learning the meaning of a word as equivalent to concept learning, which in turn is equivalent to binary classification. To see this, define if is an example of the concept , and otherwise. Then the goal is to learn the indicator function , which just defines which elements are in the set . By allowing for uncertainty about the definition of , or equivalently the elements of , we can emulate fuzzy set theory, but using standard probability calculus. Note that standard binary classification techniques require positive and negative examples. By contrast, we will devise a way to learn from positive examples alone.
For pedagogical purposes, we will consider a very simple example of concept learning called the number game, based on part of Josh Tenenbaum's PhD thesis (Tenenbaum ). The game proceeds as follows. I choose some simple arithmetical concept , such as “prime number” or “a number between and ”. I then give you a series of randomly chosen positive examples
drawn from , and ask you whether some new test case belongs to , i.e., I ask you to classify .
Suppose, for simplicity, that all numbers are integers between and . Now suppose I tell you “” is a positive example of the concept. What other numbers do you think are positive? ? ? ? ? It's hard to tell with only one example, so your predictions will be quite vague. Presumably numbers that are similar in some sense to are more likely. But similar in what way? is similar, because it is “close by”, is similar because it has a digit in common, is similar because it is also even and a power of , but does not seem similar. Thus some numbers are more likely than others. We can represent this as a probability distribution,
which is the probability that given the data for any . This is called the posterior predictive distribution. Figure 3.1(top) shows the predictive distribution of people derived from a lab experiment. We see that people predict numbers that are similar to , under a variety of kinds of similarity.
Now suppose I tell you that , and are also positive examples. Now you may guess that the hidden concept is “powers of two”. This is an example of induction. Given this hypothesis, the predictive distribution is quite specific, and puts most of its mass on powers of , as shown in Figure 3.1(third row). If instead I tell you the data is , you will get a different kind of generalization gradient, as shown in Figure 3.1(bottom). How can we explain this behavior and emulate it in a machine? The classic approach to induction is to suppose we have a hypothesis space of concepts, , such as: odd numbers, even numbers, all numbers between and , powers of two, all numbers ending in (for ), etc. The subset of that is consistent with the data D is called the version space.
As we see more examples, the version space shrinks and we become increasingly certain about
the concept (Mitchell 1997).
However, the version space is not the whole story. After seeing D = {16}, there are many
consistent rules; how do you combine them to predict if x˜ ∈ C? Also, after seeing D =
{16, 8, 2, 64}, why did you choose the rule “powers of two” and not, say, “all even numbers”, or
“powers of two except for 32”, both of which are equally consistent with the evidence? We will
now provide a Bayesian explanation for this.
We must explain why we chose
and not, say, heven “even numbers” after seeing , given that both hypotheses are consistent with the evidence. The key intuition is that we want to avoid suspicious coincidences. If the true concept was even numbers, how come we only saw numbers that happened to be powers of two?
To formalize this, let us assume that examples are sampled uniformly at random from the extension of a concept. (The extension of a concept is just the set of numbers that belong to it, e.g., the extension of heven is ; the extension of “numbers ending in ” is .) Tenenbaum calls this the strong sampling assumption. Given this assumption, the probability of independently sampling items (with replacement) from is given by
This crucial equation embodies what Tenenbaum calls the size principle, which means the model favors the simplest (smallest) hypothesis consistent with the data. This is more commonly known as Occam’s razor.
To see how it works, let . Then
since there are only powers of two less than , but p(D|heven) = 1/50, since there are 50 even numbers. So the likelihood that h = htwo is higher than if h = heven. After 4 examples, the likelihood of htwo is (1/6)4 = 7.7 × 10−4, whereas the likelihood of heven is (1/50)4 = 1.6 × 10−7. This is a likelihood ratio of almost in favor of htwo. This quantifies our earlier intuition that $D = {16, 8, 2, 64} would be a very suspicious coincidence if generated by heven.
Suppose . Given this data, the concept
is more likely than
since does not need to explain the coincidence that is missing from the set of examples.
However, the hypothesis
seems "conceptually unnatural". We can capture such intution by assigning low prior probability to unnatural concepts. Of course, your prior might be different than mine. This subjective aspect of Bayesian reasoning is a source of much controversy, since it means, for example, that a child and a math professor will reach different answers. In fact, they presumably not only have different priors, but also different hypothesis spaces. However, we can finesse that by defining the hypothesis space of the child and the math professor to be the same, and then setting the child's prior weight to be zero on certain "advanced" concepts. Thus, there is no sharp distinction between the prior and the hypothesis space.
Although the subjectivity of the prior is controversial, it is actually quite useful. If you are told the numbers are from some arithmetic rule, then given , , and , you may think is likely but is unlikely. But if you are told that the numbers are examples of healthy cholesterol levels, you would probably think is unlikely and is likely. Thus, we see that the prior is the mechanism by which background knowledge can be brought to bear on a problem. Without this, rapid learning (i.e., from small samples sizes) is impossible.
So, what prior should we use? For illustration purposes, let us use a simple prior which puts uniform probability on simple arithmetical concepts, such as “even numbers”, “odd numbers”, “prime numbers”, “numbers ending in ”, etc. To make things more interesting, we make the concepts even and odd more likely apriori. We also include two “unnatural” concepts, namely “powers of , plus ” and “powers of , except ”, but give them low prior weight. See Figure 3.2(a) for a plot of this prior. We will consider a slightly more sophisticated prior later on.
The posterior is simply the likelihood times the prior, normalized. In this context we have
where is iff (iff and only if) all the data are in the extension of the hypothesis . Figure 3.2 plots the prior, likelihood and posterior after seeing . We see that the posterior is a combination of prior and likelihood. In the case of most of the concepts, the prior is uniform, so the posterior is proportional to the likelihood. However, the “unnatural” concepts of “powers of , plus ” and “powers of , except ” have low posterior support, despite having high likelihood, due to the low prior. Conversely, the concept of odd numbers has low posterior support, despite having a high prior, due to the low likelihood.
Figure 3.3 plots the prior, likelihood and posterior after seeing . Now the likelihood is much more peaked on the powers of two concept, so this dominates the posterior. Essentially, the learner has an aha moment, and figures out the true concept. (Here we see the need for the low prior on the unnatural concepts, otherwise we would have overfit the data and picked “powers of , except for ”.)
In general, when we have enough data, the posterior becomes peaked on a single concept, namely the estimate, i.e.,
where is the posterior mode, and where is the Dirac measure defined by
Note that the estimate can be written as
Since the likelihood term depends exponentially on , and the prior stays constant, as we get more and more data, the estimate converges towards the maximum likelihood estimate or MLE:
In other words, if we have enough data, we see that the data overwhelms the prior. In this case, the estimate converges towards the MLE. If the true hypothesis is in the hypothesis space, then the MAP/ ML estimate will converge upon this hypothesis. Thus we say that Bayesian inference (and ML estimation) are consistent estimators (see Section 6.4.1 for details). We also say that the hypothesis space is identifiable in the limit, meaning we can recover the truth in the limit of infinite data. If our hypothesis class is not rich enough to represent the “truth” (which will usually be the case), we will converge on the hypothesis that is as close as possible to the truth. However, formalizing this notion of “closeness” is beyond the scope of this chapter.
The posterior is our internal belief state about the world. The way to test if our beliefs are justified is to use them to predict objectively observable quantities (this is the basis of the scientific method). Specifically, the posterior predictive distribution in this context is given by
p(˜ x ∈ C|D) =
p(y = 1|x, h ˜ )p(h|D) (3.8)
This is just a weighted average of the predictions of each individual hypothesis and is called
Bayes model averaging (Hoeting et al. 1999). This is illustrated in Figure 3.4. The dots at the
bottom show the predictions from each hypothesis; the vertical curve on the right shows the
weight associated with each hypothesis. If we multiply each row by its weight and add up, we
get the distribution at the top.
When we have a small and/or ambiguous dataset, the posterior p(h|D) is vague, which
induces a broad predictive distribution. However, once we have “figured things out”, the posterior
becomes a delta function centered at the MAP estimate. In this case, the predictive distribution
p(˜ x ∈ C|D) =
p(˜ x|h)δhˆ(h) = p(˜ x|hˆ) (3.9)
This is called a plug-in approximation to the predictive density and is very widely used, due
to its simplicity. However, in general, this under-represents our uncertainty, and our predictions
will not be as “smooth” as when using BMA. We will see more examples of this later in the book.
Although MAP learning is simple, it cannot explain the gradual shift from similarity-based
reasoning (with uncertain posteriors) to rule-based reasoning (with certain posteriors). For
example, suppose we observe D = {16}. If we use the simple prior above, the minimal
consistent hypothesis is “all powers of 4”, so only 4 and 16 get a non-zero probability of being
predicted. This is of course an example of overfitting. Given D = {16, 8, 2, 64}, the MAP
hypothesis is “all powers of two”. Thus the plug-in predictive distribution gets broader (or stays
the same) as we see more data: it starts narrow, but is forced to broaden as it seems more data.
In contrast, in the Bayesian approach, we start broad and then narrow down as we learn more,
which makes more intuitive sense. In particular, given D = {16}, there are many hypotheses
with non-negligible posterior support, so the predictive distribution is broad. However, when we
see D = {16, 8, 2, 64}, the posterior concentrates its mass on one hypothesis, so the predictive
distribution becomes narrower. So the predictions made by a plug-in approach and a Bayesian
approach are quite different in the small sample regime, although they converge to the same
answer as we see more data.
To model human behavior, Tenenbaum used a slightly more sophisticated prior which was derived by analysing some experimental data of how people measure similarity between numbers; see (Tenenbaum 1999, p208) for details. The result is a set of arithmetical concepts similar to those mentioned above, plus all intervals between and for . (Note that these hypotheses are not mutually exclusive.) Thus the prior is a mixture of two priors, one over arithmetical rules, and one over intervals:
The only free parameter in the model is the relative weight, , given to these two parts of the prior. The results are not very sensitive to this value, so long as , reflecting the fact that people are more likely to think of concepts defined by rules. The predictive distribution of the model, using this larger hypothesis space, is shown in Figure 3.5. It is strikingly similar to the human predictive distribution, shown in Figure 3.1, even though it was not fit to human data (modulo the choice of hypothesis space).
The number game involved inferring a distribution over a discrete variable drawn from a finite hypothesis space, h ∈ H, given a series of discrete observations. This made the computations particularly simple: we just needed to sum, multiply and divide. However, in many applications, the unknown parameters are continuous, so the hypothesis space is (some subset) of RK, where K is the number of parameters. This complicates the mathematics, since we have to replace sums with integrals. However, the basic ideas are the same. We will illustrate this by considering the problem of inferring the probability that a coin shows up heads, given a series of observed coin tosses. Although this might seem trivial, it turns out that this model forms the basis of many of the methods we will consider later in this book, including naive Bayes classifiers, Markov models, etc. It is historically important, since it was the example which was analyzed in Bayes’ original paper of 1763. (Bayes’ analysis was subsequently generalized by Pierre-Simon Laplace, creating what we now call “Bayes rule” — see (Stigler 1986) for further historical details.) We will follow our now-familiar recipe of specifying the likelihood and prior, and deriving the posterior and posterior predictive.
Suppose Xi ∼ Ber(θ), where Xi = 1 represents “heads”, Xi = 0 represents “tails”, and
θ ∈ [0, 1] is the rate parameter (probability of heads). If the data are iid, the likelihood has the
p(D|θ) = θN1(1 − θ)N0 (3.11
where we have N1 = N i=1 I(xi = 1) heads and N0 = N i=1 I(xi = 0) tails. These two counts are called the sufficient statistics of the data, since this is all we need to know about D to infer θ. (An alternative set of sufficient statistics are N1 and N = N0 + N1.)
More formally, we say s(D) is a sufficient statistic for data D if p(θ|D) = p(θ|s(data)). If
we use a uniform prior, this is equivalent to saying p(D|θ ∝ p(s(D)|θ). Consequently, if we have two datasets with the same sufficient statistics, we will infer the same value for θ. Now suppose the data consists of the count of the number of heads N1 observed in a fixed number N = N1 + N0 of trials. In this case, we have N1 ∼ Bin(N, θ), where Bin represents the binomial distribution, which has the following pmf:
Bin(k|n, θ) nk θk(1 − θ)n−k (3.12)
Since nk is a constant independent of θ, the likelihood for the binomial sampling model is the same as the likelihood for the Bernoulli model. So any inferences we make about θ will be the same whether we observe the counts, D = (N1, N), or a sequence of trials, D = {x1, . . . , xN}.
We need a prior which has support over the interval . To make the math easier, it would convenient if the prior had the same form as the likelihood, i.e., if the prior looked like
for some prior parameters and . If this were the case, then we could easily evaluate the posterior by simply adding up the exponents:
When the prior and the posterior have the same form, we say that the prior is a conjugate prior for the corresponding likelihood. Conjugate priors are widely used because they simplify computation, and are easy to interpret, as we see below. In the case of the Bernoulli, the conjugate prior is the beta distribution, which we encountered in Section 2.4.5:
The parameters of the prior are called hyper-parameters. We can set them in order to encode our prior beliefs. For example, to encode our beliefs that θ has mean 0.7 and standard deviation 0.2, we set a = 2.975 and b = 1.275 (Exercise 3.15). Or to encode our beliefs that θ has mean 0.15 and that we think it lives in the interval (0.05, 0.30) with probability, then we find a = 4.5 and b = 25.5 (Exercise 3.16). If we know “nothing” about θ, except that it lies in the interval [0, 1], we can use a uniform prior, which is a kind of uninformative prior (see Section 5.4.2 for details). The uniform distribution can be represented by a beta distribution with a = b = 1.