@Gaiussheh 2024-07-22T21:41:41.000000Z 字数 1373 阅读 43

Coupling parameter


From your e-i data, , , I read the hist and bins, for the t=0 timestep:

hist: [85.14706, 126.2363, 101.0047, 76.2585,......],
bins_mids: [0.00081, 0.00243, 0.00405, 0.00567, ......].

I understand that the following tranformation should lead me to the right energy of CCFLY input

, where ,
is in the scaling.npy file. Also bins_mids is in the unit of Ha, so to recover the ccfly input, I need:

  1. bins_mids = bins_mids * Ha_to_eV * Nepe ** (scaling)
  2. Ha_to_eV = 27.211386245988, Nepe = 8, scaling = 2.2739484550266327

The scaled bin_mids should be: [ 2.49437707, 7.48313122, 12.47188536, 17.46063951, 22.44939365, ......]

I used this to recover the ccfly input, as we have seen in the past few meetings - I have no problem with this part.

What I can't recover is your coupling parameter. From the data you sent me, np.sum(hist[0] * bin_mids)/np.sum(hist[0]) should give me the temprature, and I read it to be 73.217 eV, which is also consistent with what I showed you in our meeting last Friday.

I understand that this 73.217 eV will not directly lead me to the right coupling, as you have a free scaling parameter that adjusts the coupling parameter to whatever you want.

To recover this parameter, my understanding is that

This gives me .

Putting everything into the equation

Your code and mine both gives 0.193
