@Gaiussheh 2020-12-14T14:01:50.000000Z 字数 1387 阅读 370

Sketch the Following Functions


  1. , calculate , explain: why this is the mean speed of the particles? (Hint: suppose you have particles at speed , show that the mean speed of the particles is: .)
  2. , calculate and sketch . What is the physical picture behind this function?
  3. , calculate (Hint: this is the relativistic energy-momentum relationship.) Show that for small , . Is this consistent with the Newton's energy-velocity relationship ? Why?
  4. . Find the maximum of . Suppose , where , what is the resonance of the displacement? Calculate and sketch the relationship between the amplitude of velocity and , what is the resonance of the velocity? Sketch the relationship between and .
  5. Sketch the gravitational potential of a uniform sphere with radius and density , suppose . Hint: you should do the integral of .
  6. Suppose you are having 2 charges and and and , calculate the potential at any . Sketch the potential. (Hint: this model is called the electro-dipole)