@Gaiussheh 2022-12-09T10:05:11.000000Z 字数 2218 阅读 157

How many photons can we expect on SPC?


This is a brief document on estimating the number of photons that we can expect during the beamtime. We make a few assumptions:

How many Auger electrons will we get?

The target absorbs ~ 60% of the photons hit on it (~ 1 absoprtion depth). Thus the number of K shell coreholes:

roughly 70% of these events will cause KLL Auger electrons, thus we may expect electrons.

consequently the number of coreholes will be .

How to estimate number of photons?

Easy. You start from the cross section model:

Note that now we have , and that . The volumn of the target: yeilds
comes from the electron energy : x-ray photons are of 9 keV, and the energy is 8 keV, thus KLL Auger electrons are of 7 keV. Thus
We just take

What about the cross section?

The corss section can be obtained by microscopic reversibility:


Whatever the configuration you have, \frac{g_{\rm l}}{2g_{\rm u}} is alway 1/2 (for the upper atomic energy level, you only have 1 electron at K shell, while for lower you have two).

, ,

There's an old paper (ATOMIC DATA TABLES, 5, 51-111 (1973)) that claims the PI cross section from 9 keV to be some ()

Putting everything together we have

Finally, the emission signal?

Yes, that will be

That's roughly 8,000 photons. Assuming the detector is 300 mm away form the target, we will still get about

Will this extimation be smaller or larger?

To be honest I don't know, that depends on the collisional time. Here we assumed 1fs, but it could be better.
