@liuruicai 2018-06-25T19:53:58.000000Z 字数 1382 阅读 529


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流式接口(fluent interface) Wikipedia

is a method for designing object oriented APIs based extensively on method chaining with the goal of making the readability of the source code close to that of orinary written prose, essential creating a domain-specific language within the interface.

通常采取方法瀑布调用 (具体说是方法链式调用)来转发一系列对象方法调用的上下文。

  1. // Find translations for English words containing the letter "a",
  2. // sorted by length and displayed in uppercase
  3. IEnumerable<string> query = translations
  4. .Where (t => t.Key.Contains("a"))
  5. .OrderBy (t => t.Value.Length)
  6. .Select (t => t.Value.ToUpper());


refers to one of two technniques

Code generation(realted to database access in som model-view-controller frameworks)

project generation

anti-fogery Cross-Site Request Forgery(XSRF/CSRF) MSDN

CSRF attacks are possible against web apps that use cookies for authentication because:

Basic and Digest authentication are also vulnerable.
CSRF vulnerabilities are fundamentally a problem with the web appp, not the end user.

Don't be concerned about CSRF vulneability if the token is stored in the browser's local storage. CSRF is a concern when the token is stored in a cookie.
