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读书笔记 学习笔记 教学法 教学理论


  • 图书名称:第二语言习得概论
  • 英文名称:Understanding Second Language Acquisition
  • 系列名称:牛津应用语言学丛书
  • 作者:Rod Ellis
  • 出版社:上海外语教育出版社

1 Key issues in Second Language Acquisition

What is second language acquisition (SLA)?

The role of the first language (Ch. 2)

The 'natural' route of development (Ch. 3)

Contextual variation in language-learner language (Ch. 4)

Individual learner differences (Ch. 5)

The role of the input (Ch. 6)

Learner processes

2 The role of the first language

3 Interlanguage and the 'natural' route of development

4 Variability in interlanguage

5 Individual learner differences and Second Language Acquisition

6 Input, interaction, and Second Language Acquisition

7 Learner strategies

8 The Universal Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition

9 The role of formal instruction in Second Language Acquisition

10 Theories of Second Language Acquisition

