@fantaghiro 2015-09-02T16:57:55.000000Z 字数 4248 阅读 2397

修辞文体翻译(Rhetorical and Stylistic Translation)课堂笔记

学习笔记 英语 翻译


A typical Example in E-C Translation

A Typical Example in C-E Translation


15 Major Topics in Translation Research

一、直译与意译 Literal Translation and Free Translation


例如:to kill two birds with one stone

  1. 一石二鸟
  2. 一箭双雕
  3. 一举两得(原文形象没有,归化程度大大降低)

二、对等译法 Equivalent Method in Translation

三、各种常见译法 Various Common Translation Methods

四、鉴赏优秀译文 Appreciation of Excellent Translation

五、评论劣作 Comment on Faulty Translation

六、比较多种译本 Comparative Study of Different Versions

七、习语与翻译 Idioms and Translation

习语 ≠ 成语


原文 杨译 Hawks译
……竟渐渐的露出那下世的光景来 he began to look like a man with one foot in the grave began to betray the unmistakable symptoms of a decline
“解得切解得切” have hit the nail on the head (击中要害) A very accurate commentary!
“所见不差” Your assumption is correct. have hit the nail on the head
“骂得巧” hit the nail ...
“恰是了” hit the nail ...
“闲居无聊” finding time hang heavy on his hands bored by his enforced idleness
“即忙” lost no time in ... without delay
“固是不从” wouldn't hear of it wouldn't hear of it
“不知……” at a loss
“悄悄的” on the sly