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B2U2T1 The Drawbacks of Cultural Globalization (abridged)

文本细读 商务英语综合教程

The aggressive spread of market economies and communication technologies — often under the control of Western multinationals — brings new challenges to local cultures and values in Africa and other non-Western societies. Sometimes it seems as if a tidal wave of the worst Western culture is creeping across the globe like a giant strawberry milkshake oozing over the planet, with a flavor that is distinctly sweet, sickly and manifestly homogenous.

The aggressive spread of market economies and communication technologies — often under the control of Western multinationals — brings new challenges to local cultures and values in Africa and other non-Western societies.

Sometimes it seems as if a tidal wave of the worst Western culture is creeping across the globe like a giant strawberry milkshake oozing over the planet, with a flavor that is distinctly sweet, sickly and manifestly homogenous.

Suddenly, people all over Africa and the rest of the non-Westernized regions of the world appear to be imbibing materialistic and individualistic values previously associated with Western culture. What explains this apparently abrupt Westernization? One major reason is the structural change in the world economy: globalization and the flood of goods dumped in poor countries that are marketed by mass seductive advertising which is blatantly superficial but nonetheless successful in creating fresh desires in peoples of traditional societies.

Suddenly, people all over Africa and the rest of the non-Westernized regions of the world appear to be imbibing materialistic and individualistic values previously associated with Western culture.

What explains this apparently abrupt Westernization?

One major reason is the structural change in the world economy: globalization and the flood of goods dumped in poor countries that are marketed by mass seductive advertising which is blatantly superficial but nonetheless successful in creating fresh desires in peoples of traditional societies.

For some, especially the young, these new products and content with new ideas can be exhilarating. Change may mean escape from oppressive traditions. It may also bring new opportunities for cultures to mingle in creative ways. Obviously, it would be an excessive form of cultural fundamentalism to suggest that Africans should try to keep everything exactly as it is, rather than allowing culture to develop. However, there is genuine cause for concern about the rate at which cultures (African and non-African) are being undermined in a world that is bound together by ever-stronger economic ties.

For some, especially the young, these new products and content with new ideas can be exhilarating.

Change may mean escape from oppressive traditions.

It may also bring new opportunities for cultures to mingle in creative ways.

Obviously, it would be an excessive form of cultural fundamentalism to suggest that Africans should try to keep everything exactly as it is, rather than allowing culture to develop.

However, there is genuine cause for concern about the rate at which cultures (African and non-African) are being undermined in a world that is bound together by ever-stronger economic ties.

Starting in the sixteenth century, Western adventurers made a conscious effort to undermine the cultural heritage of various peoples around the world; this has been accomplished by imposing Western religion and cultural practices on those with a different way of life.

Starting in the sixteenth century, Western adventurers made a conscious effort to undermine the cultural heritage of various peoples around the world; this has been accomplished by imposing Western religion and cultural practices on those with a different way of life.

Justified initially as a civilizing mission and subsequently dubbed modernization, in practice it was wholesale Westernization with very little room for any viable middle ground. For instance, in the 19th century, Abeokuta (a town in West Africa), inspired by its Western educated former slaves, responded to the challenges of these pervasive foreign influences with a unique form of defensive modernization and reform which eventually crumbled under the weight of the overwhelming imperial British power. Accordingly, until the late twentieth century, it was assumed that development for the colonized peoples must involve a denial of their history, a rejection of their cultural heritage and the adoption of Western cultural practices.

Justified initially as a civilizing mission and subsequently dubbed modernization, in practice it was wholesale Westernization with very little room for any viable middle ground.

For instance, in the 19th century, Abeokuta (a town in West Africa), inspired by its Western educated former slaves, responded to the challenges of these pervasive foreign influences with a unique form of defensive modernization and reform which eventually crumbled under the weight of the overwhelming imperial British power.
- 这一句跟上一句,讲的就是西方化的进程是多么地不容商量。
- inspired by:受到……的鼓舞或启发。具有讽刺意味的是,鼓舞他们反抗的人是its Western educated former slaves 是接受了希望教育的早期的奴隶。
- Abeokuta 阿贝奥库塔(现尼日利亚的城市),曾经在1860s抵抗英国的侵入,关停贸易通道,驱逐传教士和英国商人(参考Wikipedia),但最终仍以沦为英殖民地而告终。
- pervasive:present and perceived everywhere; pervading 无处不在的; 遍布的; 充斥各处的: pervasive smell, dust, damp etc 到处都有的气味﹑ 尘埃﹑ 湿气等 * the pervasive mood of pessimism 普遍存在的悲观情绪.
- defensive: used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御性的、抵御性的。
- crumble:(fig 比喻) gradually deteriorate or come to an end 渐渐垮掉; 走向末路: The great empire began to crumble. 这个大帝国开始衰落了. * hopes that crumbled to dust 破灭的希望 * Their marriage is crumbling. 他们的婚姻开始出现裂痕.
- under the weight of:在……的重压下
- overwhelming:压倒性的;势不可挡的
- imperial British power:大英帝国。power本身也有强国、大国、强权、政权的意思。

Accordingly, until the late twentieth century, it was assumed that development for the colonized peoples must involve a denial of their history, a rejection of their cultural heritage and the adoption of Western cultural practices.
- assume:to accept something to be true without question or proof
- 相应地,直到20世纪后期,人们普遍接受了这个事实,那就是被殖民的民族要想发展,就必须否认自己的历史、抛弃自己的文化传统并接受西方文化习俗。

In short, today, African culture has been destroyed. More importantly, colonialism paved the way for today's cultural globalization by leaving the colonized in a state of cultural disorientation and consequently vulnerable to continuing cultural invasion. This disorientation manifests itself in one or two extreme forms:

1) exaggerated attachment to an often reinvented past in the name of tradition and culture; or
2) attempts at wholesale adoption of anything and everything foreign.

More importantly, colonialism paved the way for today's cultural globalization by leaving the colonized in a state of cultural disorientation and consequently vulnerable to continuing cultural invasion.
- pave the way for ... 为……铺平道路,导致
- disorientation:失去方向、迷惑
- vulnerable: exposed to danger or attack; unprotected 暴露於危险面前的; 易受攻击的; 无防御的: vulnerable to abuse, blackmail, criticism
- 更重要的是,殖民主义为现今的文化全球化铺平了道路,因为殖民主义让被殖民者在文化上失去方向,结果导致在面对后续的文化入侵时,毫无抵抗能力。

This disorientation manifests itself in one or two extreme forms
- 这种(文化上的)无所适从以一两种极端形式体现出来。
- manifest itself/themselves show itself/themselves; appear 显露; 出现: The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later. 十天後出现了症状.

1) exaggerated attachment to an often reinvented past in the name of tradition and culture
- attachment: belief in and loyalty towards a particular idea, organization etc:attachment to/for old people's attachment to traditional customs
- in the name of 以……的名义
- reinvented past:有些人说历史是被发明出来的。现在人所说的历史与当年的实施情况可能大相径庭。此处的reinvented past就是如此。
- 以传统或文化之名,过分固守过去,而真正的过去往往不是他们认为的那样

2) attempts at wholesale adoption of anything and everything foreign
- 试图全盘接受任何外来文化

While an important feature of globalization today is its de-Westernization (with the emergence of some non-Western nations — like Japan — as key actors), the reality is that in many important respects, Western culture (some would say American culture) remains the domineering force in the world today. Western culture fuels globalization today and, as it did during the age of imperialism and colonization, helps to reinforce the hegemony of the West. Information technology, as the driving force of economic globalization, has also become a veritable instrument for propagating Western culture.

While an important feature of globalization today is its de-Westernization (with the emergence of some non-Western nations — like Japan — as key actors), the reality is that in many important respects, Western culture (some would say American culture) remains the domineering force in the world today.
- de-Westernization:去西方化
- emergence:when something begins to be known or noticed:the emergence of Japan as a world leader
- domineering:someone who is domineering tries to control other people without considering their feelings or ideas - used to show disapproval:a domineering mother
- 尽管当今的全球化有个重要特征就是去西方化(尤以一些新兴的非西方国家——如日本——为中坚力量),但事实是在许多重要方面,西方文化(有些人会说美国文化)仍然是当今世界的主导力量。

Western culture fuels globalization today and, as it did during the age of imperialism and colonization, helps to reinforce the hegemony of the West.
- to make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger: His words fuelled her anger still more.
- hegemony: a situation in which one state or country controls others
- 西方文化促进了今日的全球化,并且有利于强化西方霸权,正如其在帝国主义和殖民时代所做的一样。

Information technology, as the driving force of economic globalization, has also become a veritable instrument for propagating Western culture.
- driving force:驱动力、推动力
- veritable: (fml or joc 文或谑) rightly named or called; real 名副其实的; 真正的: a veritable villain 不折不扣的坏蛋 * The rain turned our holiday into a veritable disaster. 这场雨把我们的假日完全毁了.
- 作为经济全球化之推动力的信息技术,也不折不扣地成为了宣扬西方文化的工具。

Perhaps by far the most important far-reaching effect of cultural globalization is the commercialization of culture. Production and consumption of cultural goods and services have become commodities, along with the essentials of social life (marriage and family life, religion, work and leisure), that are the crucibles of cultural creation. In a way very similar to economic globalization, most people (and especially the poor) do not experience cultural globalization on terms they have decided for themselves. Culture — whether it is music, food, clothes, art, sport, images of age or youth, masculinity or femininity — has become a product, sold in the market place. As the former chairman of Coca-Cola, Robert Goizueta said: "People around the world are today connected by brand-name consumer products as much as by anything else."

Perhaps by far the most important far-reaching effect of cultural globalization is the commercialization of culture.
- by far: up to now
- far-reaching effect: 深远影响
- commercialization of culture 文化的商品化/商业化

** Production and consumption of cultural goods and services have become commodities, along with the essentials of social life (marriage and family life, religion, work and leisure), that are the crucibles of cultural creation.**

In a way very similar to economic globalization, most people (and especially the poor) do not experience cultural globalization on terms they have decided for themselves.
- on sb's (own) terms:(=according to the conditions that someone wants): He wanted our relationship to be only on his terms.
- 与经济全球化非常类似,大多数人(尤其是穷人)并非基于自己的意愿经历文化全球化。

Culture — whether it is music, food, clothes, art, sport, images of age or youth, masculinity or femininity — has become a product, sold in the market place.
- masculinity:the features and qualities considered to be typical of men
- femininity:the features and qualities considered to be typical of women:例如现在的窈窕淑女、肤白貌美的审美标准

As the former chairman of Coca-Cola, Robert Goizueta said: "People around the world are today connected by brand-name consumer products as much as by anything else."
- brand-name consumer product:品牌消费品,名牌消费品

The commercialization of culture has a disturbing impact on people. What once was an element of their way of life becomes a product, rather than something unique they had made to suit their own specific needs and circumstances. At the same time, people are increasingly bombarded with new images, new music, new clothes and new values. The familiar and old are to be discarded. While there was cultural change long before globalization, there is a danger that much will be lost simply because it is not valued by global markets. "In Ghana [West Africa]," says Siapha Kamara, formerly of the Ecumenical Training and Consultancy Centre, "traditional values have been overtaken by Coca-Cola culture. The Michael Jackson style of music and culture is taking over and we don't have the values to cope with it."

The commercialization of culture has a disturbing impact on people.
- disturbing: 令人烦恼的

What once was an element of their way of life becomes a product, rather than something unique they had made to suit their own specific needs and circumstances.
- once: formerly
- 曾经是他们生活方式一部分的某件东西变成了商品,而不再是他们做出来满足自己特定需求和情况的某种独特的东西了。

At the same time, people are increasingly bombarded with new images, new music, new clothes and new values
- be bombarded with: 被狂轰乱炸
- values:价值观念

The familiar and old are to be discarded.
- discard:to let go or get rid of as being useless

While there was cultural change long before globalization, there is a danger that much will be lost simply because it is not valued by global markets.
- 尽管在全球化之前,文化改变久已有之,但如今的危险在于很多东西可能仅仅因为全球市场不认可/认为它没有价值而失去了。

"In Ghana [West Africa]," says Siapha Kamara, formerly of the Ecumenical Training and Consultancy Centre, "traditional values have been overtaken by Coca-Cola culture. The Michael Jackson style of music and culture is taking over and we don't have the values to cope with it."
- Ghana:加纳(非洲西部国家)
- ecumenical:seeking the unity of the various Christian churches throughout the world 促进全世界基督教会联合的
- consultancy centre 咨询中心
- overtake:to develop or increase more quickly than someone or something else and become more successful, more important, or more advanced than them:Television soon overtook the cinema as the most popular form of entertainment.
- take over: gain control of 接管、控制、接替

Consequently, it has been observed, globalized cultural industries are taking over traditional forms of creation and dissemination of culture. Local culture's role as a spontaneous and integral part of people's life is eroded and it ceases to serve as the means of constructing societal values, reproducing group identity and building social cohesion. The end result becomes global integration at the expense of local disintegration.

Consequently, it has been observed, globalized cultural industries are taking over traditional forms of creation and dissemination of culture.
- globalized culture ... 是前面的it的同位语。
- disseminate:to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible 传播: Her findings have been widely disseminated .
- 结果,我们看到,全球化的文化产业接替了传统形式的文化创新与传播。

Local culture's role as a spontaneous and integral part of people's life is eroded and it ceases to serve as the means of constructing societal values, reproducing group identity and building social cohesion.
- spontaneous:adj (a) done,happening, said, etc because of a voluntary impulse from within, not caused or suggested by sth/sb outside 自发的; 主动的; 自动的: a spontaneous offer of help 主动提供的帮助 * spontaneous applause 自发的鼓掌. (b) natural, not forced 自然的; 非勉强的: a spontaneous gaiety of manner 天真愉快的神态.
- erode:(of acids, rain, wind, etc) destroy or wear (sth) away gradually (指酸﹑ 雨﹑ 风等)侵蚀, 腐蚀(某物):(fig 比喻)The rights of the individual are being steadily eroded. 个人的权利正逐渐受到侵犯.
- 本地文化原本是人们生活中自然且不可或缺的一部分,但这一角色现在却被不断侵蚀。它已不再能起到建构社会价值、滋生集体认同感和塑造社会凝聚力的作用了。

The end result becomes global integration at the expense of local disintegration.
- 最终结果就变为以地方文化分崩离析为代价,换来全球的大一统。

As with other markets, the players of the cultural market place are unevenly matched. Global media is increasingly in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations, as is the production of music and film. For example, by 1997, the MTV television station was available to 280 million households in over 70 countries. Fearing a loss of viewers, local television stations in many African countries have filled their transmissions with cost effective Western produced shows, superficial news broadcasts, quiz shows and, of course, advertisements. Consequently, TV programs all over the world resemble each other more and more and so do the products in the field of music, film industry and publishing companies.

As with other markets, the players of the cultural market place are unevenly matched.
- uneven:not equal or equally balanced
- 与其他市场上一样,文化市场上的选手实力也不均衡。

Global media is increasingly in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations, as is the production of music and film.
- in the hands of ... 在……手中,被……掌握
- as is the production of music and film: the same is true with the production of music and film

Fearing a loss of viewers, local television stations in many African countries have filled their transmissions with cost effective Western produced shows, superficial news broadcasts, quiz shows and, of course, advertisements.
- cost-effective:有成本效益的;划算的;成本效率;性价比高的
- 担心失去观众,许多非洲国家的地方电台在其转播的节目中塞满了划算的西方制作的节目、肤浅的新闻报道、智力问答节目,当然,还有广告。

Consequently, TV programs all over the world resemble each other more and more and so do the products in the field of music, film industry and publishing companies.
- resemble:be like or similar to (another person or thing) 与(他人或他物)相似; 像

Such a radical undermining of people's existing values and cultures has a corrosive impact on their sense of who they are, what they want and what they respect. It attacks spiritual values and faith traditions. The cumulative effect in Africa is a crisis of cultural confidence, combined with the increased economic uncertainty and crime which global integration often brings. This creates real problems for social solidarity, whether it is at the level of nation, community or family. While it offers shiny new goods as compared to old faded ones, the market offers no replacement for such community solidarity.

Such a radical undermining of people's existing values and cultures has a corrosive impact on their sense of who they are, what they want and what they respect.
- corrosive:与前面学习过的erode的形容词形式erosive是近义词,侵蚀性的、腐蚀性的

The cumulative effect in Africa is a crisis of cultural confidence, combined with the increased economic uncertainty and crime which global integration often brings.
- cumulative:adj gradually increasing in amount, force, etc by one addition after another (数量﹑ 力量等)渐增的, 累积的: the cumulative effect of several illnesses 几种疾病日积月累造成的影响.
- combined with:together with
- economic uncertainty:经济的不确定性、经济不稳定
- global integration:全球一体化

This creates real problems for social solidarity, whether it is at the level of nation, community or family.
- solidarity:unity and agreement resulting from shared interests, feelings, actions, sympathies, etc 团结; 一致: national solidarity in the face of danger 危难当头举国团结一致
- at the level of ... 在……的层面上/水平上

While it offers shiny new goods as compared to old faded ones, the market offers no replacement for such community solidarity.
- 前半句中shiny对应着faded;new对应着old
- replacement:替代品

In conclusion, cultural globalization, or worldwide McDonaldization, destroys diversity and displaces the opportunity to sustain decent human life through an assortment of many different cultures. It is more a consequence of power concentration in the global media and manufacturing companies than the people's own wish to abandon their cultural identity and diversity.

In conclusion, cultural globalization, or worldwide McDonaldization, destroys diversity and displaces the opportunity to sustain decent human life through an assortment of many different cultures.
- McDonaldization:麦当劳化 McDonald:麦当劳。这里指的是西方文化习俗的商品化、商业化
- displace:to move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave 使离开,移除
- sustain: 支撑; 维持, 供养
- decent: 体面的
- an assortment of: 各种各样的

It is more a consequence of power concentration in the global media and manufacturing companies than the people's own wish to abandon their cultural identity and diversity.
- it is more ... than ... 与其说……,还不如说……
- 与其说是人们愿意放弃自己的文化和多样性,还不如说这是全球媒体和制造公司权力集中的结果。
