字数 7544
阅读 2292
# 该脚本根据给定的metric查询TSDB,并与指定的阀值进行比较。
# 兼容Nagios的输出格式,因此可以作为nagios的命令。
# check_tsd -m mysql.slave.seconds_behind_master -t host=foo -t schema=mydb
# -d 600 -a avg -x gt -w 50 -c 100
import httplib
import operator
import socket
import sys
import time
from optparse import OptionParser
def main(argv):
parser = OptionParser(description='Simple TSDB data extractor for Nagios.')
parser.add_option('-H', '--host', default='localhost', metavar='HOST',
help='Hostname to use to connect to the TSD.')
parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type='int', default=80, metavar='PORT',
help='Port to connect to the TSD instance on.')
parser.add_option('-m', '--metric', metavar='METRIC',
help='Metric to query.')
parser.add_option('-t', '--tag', action='append', default=[],
metavar='TAG', help='Tags to filter the metric on.')
parser.add_option('-d', '--duration', type='int', default=600,
metavar='SECONDS', help='How far back to look for data.')
parser.add_option('-D', '--downsample', default='none', metavar='METHOD',
help='Downsample function, e.g. one of avg, min, sum, or max.')
parser.add_option('-W', '--downsample-window', type='int', default=60,
metavar='SECONDS', help='Window size over which to downsample.')
parser.add_option('-a', '--aggregator', default='sum', metavar='METHOD',
help='Aggregation method: avg, min, sum (default), max.')
parser.add_option('-x', '--method', dest='comparator', default='gt',
metavar='METHOD', help='Comparison method: gt, ge, lt, le, eq, ne.')
parser.add_option('-r', '--rate', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Use rate value as comparison operand.')
parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', type='float', metavar='THRESHOLD',
help='Threshold for warning. Uses the comparison method.')
parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', type='float', metavar='THRESHOLD',
help='Threshold for critical. Uses the comparison method.')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Be more verbose.')
parser.add_option('-T', '--timeout', type='int', default=10,
help='How long to wait for the response from TSD.')
parser.add_option('-E', '--no-result-ok', default=False,
help='Return OK when TSD query returns no result.')
parser.add_option('-I', '--ignore-recent', default=0, type='int',
metavar='SECONDS', help='Ignore data points that are that'
' are that recent.')
parser.add_option('-S', '--ssl', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Make queries to OpenTSDB via SSL (https)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv[1:])
# 验证参数
if options.comparator not in ('gt', 'ge', 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne'):
parser.error("Comparator '%s' not valid." % options.comparator)
elif options.downsample not in ('none', 'avg', 'min', 'sum', 'max'):
parser.error("Downsample '%s' not valid." % options.downsample)
elif options.aggregator not in ('avg', 'min', 'sum', 'max'):
parser.error("Aggregator '%s' not valid." % options.aggregator)
elif not options.metric:
parser.error('You must specify a metric (option -m).')
elif options.duration <= 0:
parser.error('Duration must be strictly positive.')
elif options.downsample_window <= 0:
parser.error('Downsample window must be strictly positive.')
elif options.critical is None and options.warning is None:
parser.error('You must specify at least a warning threshold (-w) or a'
' critical threshold (-c).')
elif options.ignore_recent < 0:
parser.error('--ignore-recent must be positive.')
if not options.critical:
options.critical = options.warning
elif not options.warning:
options.warning = options.critical
# 处理标签
tags = ','.join(options.tag)
if tags:
tags = '{' + tags + '}'
# 组装URL并获取
if options.downsample == 'none':
downsampling = ''
downsampling = '%ds-%s:' % (options.downsample_window,
if options.rate:
rate = 'rate:'
rate = ''
url = ('/q?start=%ss-ago&m=%s:%s%s%s%s&ascii&nagios'
% (options.duration, options.aggregator, downsampling, rate,
options.metric, tags))
tsd = '%s:%d' % (options.host, options.port)
if options.ssl: # Pick the class to instantiate first.
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection
if sys.version_info[0] * 10 + sys.version_info[1] >= 26: # Python >2.6
conn = conn(tsd, timeout=options.timeout)
else: # Python 2.5 or less, using the timeout kwarg will make it croak :(
conn = conn(tsd)
except socket.error, e:
print "ERROR: couldn't connect to %s: %s" % (tsd, e)
return 2
if options.verbose:
peer = conn.sock.getpeername()
print 'Connected to %s:%d' % (peer[0], peer[1])
now = int(time.time())
conn.request('GET', url)
res = conn.getresponse()
datapoints = res.read()
except socket.error, e:
print "ERROR: couldn't GET %s from %s: %s" % (url, tsd, e)
return 2
# URL请求失败时
if res.status not in (200, 202):
print ('CRITICAL: status = %d when talking to %s:%d'
% (res.status, options.host, options.port))
if options.verbose:
print 'TSD said:'
print datapoints
return 2
# URL请求成功时
if options.verbose:
print datapoints
datapoints = datapoints.splitlines()
def no_data_point():
if options.no_result_ok:
print 'OK: query did not return any data point (--no-result-ok)'
return 0
print 'CRITICAL: query did not return any data point'
return 2
if not len(datapoints):
return no_data_point()
comparator = operator.__dict__[options.comparator]
rv = 0 # 该脚本返回值,0-OK,1-WARNING,2-CRITICAL
badts = None # 超过阀值的时间戳
badval = None # 超过阀值的值
npoints = 0 # 查询到多少数据点?
nbad = 0 # 有多少数据点超过阀值?
for datapoint in datapoints:
datapoint = datapoint.split()
ts = int(datapoint[1])
delta = now - ts
if delta > options.duration or delta <= options.ignore_recent:
continue # 忽略不在options.duration或options.ignore_recent的数据点
npoints += 1
val = datapoint[2]
if '.' in val:
val = float(val)
val = int(val)
bad = False # Is the current value bad?
# 比较 warning/crit
if comparator(val, options.critical):
rv = 2
bad = True
nbad += 1
elif rv < 2 and comparator(val, options.warning):
rv = 1
bad = True
nbad += 1
if (bad and
(badval is None # First bad value we find.
or comparator(val, badval))): # Worse value.
badval = val
badts = ts
if options.verbose and len(datapoints) != npoints:
print ('ignored %d/%d data points for being more than %ds old'
% (len(datapoints) - npoints, len(datapoints), options.duration)) #忽略量/总查询量 数据点大于duration时间
if not npoints:
return no_data_point()
if badts:
if options.verbose:
print 'worse data point value=%s at ts=%s' % (badval, badts) # 糟糕数据点的值以及该点值的时间戳
badts = time.asctime(time.localtime(badts))
# 在NRPE里,字符串'|'有特殊含义,但在tag搜索时有用到。对其替换。
ttags = tags.replace("|",":")
if not rv:
print ('OK: %s%s: %d values OK, last=%r'
% (options.metric, ttags, npoints, val)) # OK: metric{tags}: 数据点数量 values OK, 最后一次的值
if rv == 1:
level = 'WARNING'
threshold = options.warning
elif rv == 2:
level = 'CRITICAL'
threshold = options.critical
print ('%s: %s%s %s %s: %d/%d bad values (%.1f%%) worst: %r @ %s'
% (level, options.metric, ttags, options.comparator, threshold,
nbad, npoints, nbad * 100.0 / npoints, badval, badts))
return rv
if __name__ == '__main__':
-h, --help 打印帮助信息
-H HOST, --host=HOST 指定TSDB服务器
-p PORT, --port=PORT 指定TSDB端口
-m METRIC, --metric=METRIC
-t TAG, --tag=TAG metric过滤的tags
-d SECONDS, --duration=SECONDS
-D METHOD, --downsample=METHOD
缩减像素采样函数有avg, min, sum, or max.
-W SECONDS, --downsample-window=SECONDS
-a METHOD, --aggregator=METHOD
聚合方法: avg, min, sum (default), max.
-x METHOD, --method=METHOD
比较法: gt, ge, lt, le, eq, ne.
-r, --rate 使用速率值作为比较的操作数
-v, --verbose 显示详细信息
-E, --no-result-ok 当TSD查询没有结果返回时,返回OK状态
-I SECONDS, --ignore-recent=SECONDS
-S, --ssl 通过SSL查询OpenTSDB (https)
define command{
command_name check_tsd
command_line $USER1$/check_tsd -H -p 4242 -t host=$HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
define service {
use MongoDB
service_description query opcounters per second
check_command check_tsd!-m rate:mongo.opcounters -t type=query -d 60 -w 300 -c 500