@ShixingWang 2016-05-02T22:40:40.000000Z 字数 4071 阅读 1268

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Exercise 10: Lorenz Model


Level 1

Construct the phase-space plots of Lorenz model in the different regimes.

Level 3

Display the results with VPython.


Lorenz Model

The Lorenz system is a system of ordinary differential equations (the Lorenz equations, note it is not Lorentz) first studied by Edward Lorenz. It is notable for having chaotic solutions for certain parameter values and initial conditions. In particular, the Lorenz attractor is a set of chaotic solutions of the Lorenz system which, when plotted, resemble a butterfly or figure eight. [1]

Second-Order Runge-Kutta Method [2]

Although Euler and Euler-Crome method resemble the Taylor expansion of a function, at the first order, variance exists. But by the "mean value theorem", we can always find a point between and such that

A more effective approxiamtion than Euler method can be constructed by estimating and . And the second-order Runge-Kutta method is such a way given by


Discussion: Main Features of the Program

Our program has the following advantages.


Firstly we repeat the process in the textbook [2] to confirm that our program is correct. The three-dimension phase plot is given below (Figure 10.1) and its projection onto three orthogonal plains are the same as Figure 3.16 in the textbook. [2]

Figure 10.1 Three-diemensional phase plot with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s

Figure 10.2 Phase plot projected onto xOy, xOz, yOz plain, with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s

To obtain the attractor we give up the points before t=30s and judge whether the x coordiante is within a small range near zero (-0.001,0.001). To get enough points we take a long time=1000s.

Figure 10.3 Attractors when x=0 (left) and y=0 (right), with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s

Thus we are confident to claim that we get the correct code to go further. According to the requirement of question 3.26 we choose several different r to give the phase plot onto xOz plain and the attractors.

Figure 10.4 Phase plot projected onto xOz plain, with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s

Figure 10.5 Attractors when x=0 with various r values, with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s

Figure 10.6 Attractors when y=0 with various r values, with r=25, , b=8/3, dt=0.0001s, time=50s


  1. Wikipedia contributors. "Lorenz system." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 Apr. 2016. Web. 2 May. 2016.

  2. Giodano, N.J., Nakanishi, H. Computational Physics. Tsinghua University Press, December 2007

  3. 陈洋遥. "计算物理第8次作业 振动:Oscillatory Motion". https://www.zybuluo.com/cyy652415049/note/347388, 2016-04-19

  4. 陈锋. "Instruction of ode.py". https://www.zybuluo.com/355073677/note/323818, 2016-03-26
