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Five Rules to Lead by
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2008
中文译名: 领导力准则
Developing Customer-focused Leaders to Drive Performance and Build Lasting Value
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2007
中文译名: 领导力品牌
Competing from the Inside Out
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 1990
中文译名: 组织能力
⛑ Drthur Yeung
时间: 2019
中文译名: 重塑组织
太新, 没找到资源
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 1996
中文译名: 领导力品牌
Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2012
中文译名: 高绩效的HR
Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2017
realizing the market value of leadership
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2015
中文译名: 领导力资本
Seven Disciplines to Achieve the Changes Great Leaders Know They Must Make
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2013
中文译名: 可持续领导力
How to Implement GE’s Revolutionary Method for Busting Bureaucracy & Attacking Organizational Problems—Fast!
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2002
How to Build Value Through People and Organization
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2003
Building Human Resources From the Outside In
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2009
中文译名: 领导力品牌
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2005
Developing Customer-focused Leaders to Drive Performance and Build Lasting Value
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 1999
中文译名: 基于结果的领导力
How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Win
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2010
Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2015, 2 edition
中文译名: 领导力品牌
Mastery at the Intersection of People and Business
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2008
Linking People, Strategy, and Performance
⛑ Dave Ulrich
时间: 2001
Wisdom from 73 Thought Leaders
⛑ Dave Ulrich,