@nrailgun 2015-09-16T18:56:45.000000Z 字数 2861 阅读 1781

Finding Similar Items


Distance Metric


Find near neighbors in high dimensional space.

Jaccard similarity

This could be a good idea today. We define Jarccard distance sim(C1,C2) as:


where C1 and C2 are sets of dimensions.

Finding Similar Documents

3 Essential Steps for Similar Doc's

Step Function
Shingling Convert documents to dimension sets.
Min-Hashing Convert large sets to short signature, preserving similarity.
Locality-Sensitive Hashing Focus on pairs of signatures likely to be from similar documents.

Big Picture:

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2DocumentShinglingMin-HashingLocality-Sensitive HashingCandidate pairs


A k-shingle (or k-gram) is a sequence of k tokens that appears in a document. Tokens can be words, charaters, or whatever you need. Assuming tokens to be characters in this note. For example, let k=2, and document D1=abcab. Set of k-shingles S(D1)={ab,bc,ca}.

To compress long shingles, We can hash them to (say) 4 bytes. Another nice effect of comressing is that now it's faster to compare between shingles. For example, you can hash S(D1)={ab,bc,ca} to h(D1)={1,5,7}.

Equivalently, each document is a 0/1 vector in the space of k-shingles, where each unique k-shingle is a dimension.

Thumb rule: k=5 is good for short documents, while k=10 is better for long documents.


Suppose we need to find near duplicated documents among N documents. Naively computing Jaccard similarity pairwise needs N(N1) comparisons. This is too slow.

Let C denotes a K×N boolean matrix, where N is the number of documents, and let Ci denotes the i-th column of C. Each column Ci, a boolean vector, represents corresponding k-shingle.

We need a hashing algorithm h(Ci) which preserves similarity, such that:

Define Min-Hashing function hπ(Ci) as:


where π is a random permutation vector. I guess you might consider π(C) as boolean indexing in MATLAB. Applying hπ to C produces 1×N row vector. We apply K π to C and produce K×N matrix M.

Locality-Sensitive Hashing

The goal of LSH is to find documents with Jaccard similarity at least s (say, s=0.8). Say, the columns x and y of M are a candidate pair if M(i,x)=M(i,y) for at least s of value i.

We divide M into b bands of r rows. Candidate pairs are those columns that hash to the same bucket for at least 1 bands.

The probability C1 and C2 are identical in one band is sr, where s=sim(C1,C2). The probability C1 and C2 are not identical in all b bands is (1sr)b. Picking a larger r gives less false positive (more sound), while picking a larger b gives less false negative (more complete).
